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  Nice [France]: Brand New Statue of Joan of Arc Must Go
Posted by: Stone - 20 minutes ago - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Nice [France]: Brand New Statue of Joan of Arc Must Go

[Image: zdxeyyqllofzm2e883s5lv4dagajiy0rie72ry1....30&webp=on]

gloria.tv | January 19, 2025

A brand new and very beautiful statue of Saint Joan of Arc was inaugurated on 23 October by the Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi.

The monumental work in bronze, gilded with fine gold, weighs 9 tonnes, is 4.50 metres high and cost 170,000 euros.

But on Wednesday, the administrative court of Nice, at the instigation of the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes, Hugues Moutouh, ordered the city to remove the statue.

The pretext for the removal: The court ruled that the contract had been awarded without advertising or competition.

The Nice city council replied that the specificity of a work of art is that it is unique, and that if you want to decorate a wall with a Piéta by Botticelli, you don't buy a Piéta by Enguerrand Quarton.

An appeal against the ruling has no suspensive effect and the statue must be removed immediately.

The same court, which heard the case under an expedited procedure, took the opposite view in a ruling on 23 February.

The masterpiece, which depicts Joan of Arc on horseback brandishing a sword, had been erected in the municipal garden above a new underground car park near the church of Sainte-Jeanne d'Arc in the centre of Nice.

Mayor Estrosi has accused the Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes, Hugues Moutouh, of 'attacking the figure of Joan of Arc'.

At a time when France is struggling to find its bearings in a period of unprecedented instability, its representative is attacking the figure of Joan of Arc, which we wanted to embody by erecting a bronze statue in front of the church dedicated to the heroine,' he said.

Gaël Nofri, chairman of the Parcs d'Azur public service, commented on Twitter: "Making a statue of Joan of Arc out of bronze probably poses more problems than making a bust of Che Guevara out of used toilet paper."

The Missor studio, which created the masterpiece, was set up in response to woke extremism and its iconoclasm. Some sectarian circles don't like Joan of Arc because she doesn't stand for decadence.

Meanwhile, Christian Estrosi has launched a fund-raising campaign to save the statue of Joan of Arc. It will be placed in front of the church of Sainte-Jeanne d'Arc.

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  The Catholic Trumpet: The Cartesian Dual and Ritual Killing of Christ’s Mystical Body
Posted by: Stone - 01-18-2025, 09:29 AM - Forum: Articles by Catholic authors - No Replies

The Cartesian Dual and Ritual Killing of Christ’s Mystical Body

The Catholic Trumpet | January 18, 2025

The Enmity at Work

From the beginning, the enmity between the Woman and the Serpent has been a battle for the Kingship of Christ and the unity of His Mystical Body, the Church. This war, foretold in Genesis, has been waged across centuries, seeking to sever what Christ established: the union of the visible and spiritual dimensions of His Church.

Today, this enmity operates in two ways:

1. Modernism, which attacks from the bottom up, undermining doctrine, sacraments, and the faithful.

2. Cartesian dualism, which attacks from the head down, severing the visible hierarchy from the spiritual essence of the Church.

The Mystical Body now suffers its Passion. Just as Christ appeared disfigured on the Cross, so too does His Church appear weak and humiliated. Yet fidelity to the Mystical Body demands unity, even in its suffering, not rejection. This article examines how Cartesian dualism leads to the ritual killing of the King and how Catholics can resist this fracture by following the example of Archbishop Lefebvre and remaining faithful to Mary, the Mother of the Church.

1. The Cartesian Divide: Body and Soul

“The Church is visible because it is a body; it is spiritual because it is animated by the Holy Spirit.” (Mystici Corporis Christi, Pius XII)

Cartesian dualism fractures reality, separating body from soul as though they were independent and disconnected. René Descartes’ famous phrase, “I think, therefore I am,” elevated the mind above the body, creating a false dichotomy that denies their natural unity.

The Church, as the Mystical Body of Christ, reflects the union of body and soul:

1. Visible and Hierarchical: The pope, bishops, clergy, and sacraments form its structured, tangible body.

2. Spiritual and Divine: Animated by the Holy Spirit, the Church is the instrument of grace and salvation.

To reject the visible hierarchy of the Church (the body) while claiming fidelity to its spiritual essence (the soul) mirrors Cartesian dualism. This mindset also echoes the Kabbalistic concept of tzimtzum, where God’s presence is said to withdraw, leaving a void between the infinite divine and finite creation. Both Cartesian and Kabbalistic frameworks distort reality by introducing divisions where unity was intended.

Can fidelity to Christ’s Mystical Body justify rejecting its visible head, or does such rejection fracture the unity Christ willed for His Church?

2. The Ritual Killing of the King

At Christ’s Passion, the crowd cried out, “We have no king but Caesar!” (John 19:15). This rejection of Christ’s Kingship led to His crucifixion, a betrayal that is mirrored today in the rejection of His Mystical Body.

This belief system reenacts the ritual killing of the King by:

1. Severing Visible Authority: Declaring the pope illegitimate fractures the Mystical Body, denying Christ’s Kingship over His Church.

2. Betraying the Mystical Body: Just as Judas betrayed Christ for thirty pieces of silver, rejecting the visible Church abandons the hierarchy Christ Himself established.

Typology: Just as Christ’s visible suffering and humiliation on the Cross did not negate His Kingship, the visible corruption of the Church today does not nullify its divine authority. Fidelity demands standing with the Mystical Body at its Cross, not abandoning it.

When the Mystical Body appears disfigured, do we remain with it in faith, like Mary at the foot of the Cross, or do we join the crowd in shouting, “Crucify Him”?

3. The Social Contract of Rejection

In the belief system commonly referred to as sedevacantism, fidelity appears to hinge on a social contract. This contract emphasizes private judgment and public rejection of the visible Church’s authority, reflecting a fragmentation that mirrors the Cartesian tendency to isolate the spiritual from the visible.

1. Private Judgment: Individuals must decide, based on personal reasoning, whether the pope is valid.

2. Public Declaration: Fidelity is demonstrated by ceasing to pray for the pope and vocally rejecting his authority.

3. Group Approval: Membership is validated by alignment with others who share this rejection, fostering division rather than unity.

This mirrors the Kabbalistic concept of sitra achra (the “Other Side”), which thrives on division and imbalance, opposing the harmony of God’s creation. The Cartesian rejection of the visible head of the Church distorts the Mystical Body, fragmenting it into isolated factions disconnected from sacramental grace.

Does rejecting the pope preserve unity in the Mystical Body, or does it deepen the fracture desired by the enmity?

4. Pope Francis and the Counterfeit Churc

• Is Pope Francis preparing the platform for the Antichrist?

• His promotion of synodality, religious indifferentism, and globalism aligns with the construction of a counterfeit church, one that mirrors the secularism and false unity of the world.

• This false church began with Judas’ betrayal, was formalized at Vatican II, and now approaches full manifestation as the synodal church.

• Antipope Concerns: It is valid to question whether Pope Francis acts as an antipope. However, entering into a Cartesian social contract to reject him publicly undermines unity and fosters division, echoing the fragmentation desired by the enmity.

5. +Archbishop Lefebvre’s Path: Resistance Without Fracture

+Archbishop Lefebvre foresaw the crisis of the Church but avoided the extremes of modernism and Cartesian dualism. He chose:

1. Resistance Without Rejection:

• Lefebvre resisted Vatican II’s errors while remaining united to the visible Church.

• He continued to pray for the pope, recognizing his authority even in error.

2. Unity Over Division:

• Lefebvre refused to declare the pope illegitimate, knowing such judgments belong to the Church alone.

• His path preserved sacramental and hierarchical unity while resisting modernist errors.

6. Fidelity Through Mary: The Answer to Enmity

At the Cross, Mary stood as the model of fidelity, trusting in Christ’s Kingship even as He appeared humiliated. Her Immaculate Heart is the refuge for Catholics during the Church’s Passion. She calls us to:

1. Resist Without Division: Reject modernism and Cartesian dualism while remaining united to the Mystical Body.

2. Cling to Tradition: Uphold the perennial teachings of the Faith without abandoning the Church.

3. Trust in Her Triumph: The Immaculate Heart will crush the head of the Serpent and restore the Church in her visible and spiritual unity.

Unity or Fragmentation?

The Mystical Body suffers its Passion, humiliated and disfigured. Fidelity demands standing with it at the Cross, trusting in its Resurrection. +Archbishop Lefebvre’s model of resistance without rejection is the only path to true unity.

Will you cling to the Mystical Body, trusting in its divine promise, or fracture it through rejection? Consecrate yourself to Mary, and remain faithful to Christ the King.

When sedevacantists tell you, “I think, therefore I am,” you must counter with, “I am because God, who is Being itself, creates, sustains, and wills me to exist.”

No compromise. No retreat.

—The ☩ Trumpet

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  Statues of Our Lady, St. Joseph miraculously survive wildfires that destroyed California home
Posted by: Stone - 01-18-2025, 09:17 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Statues of Our Lady, St. Joseph miraculously survive wildfires that destroyed California family’s home 
Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph are miraculously still standing after wildfires destroyed the Halpin’s family home in Los Angeles.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2025-01-17-at-4.31.27-PM.png]

Currents News/YouTube

Jan 17, 2025
LOS ANGELES (LifeSiteNews) — Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph are miraculously standing after wildfires destroyed a Catholic family’s home in California.

In a January 12 interview with Fox News, Los Angeles resident Peter Halpin revealed that the relentless wildfire that destroyed his family’s home was unable to destroy their Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph statues.

“It was remarkable how everything had gotten fried, but the statue of the Virgin Mary and another statue of Saint Joseph were in perfect condition,” Halpin revealed.

“Obviously, they were a little singed, but we just took that opportunity to pray,” he continued. “Our home is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and always has been, and all my family members, my extended family.”

The survival of the statues is a testament to the family’s faith, which was not broken, even by the loss of their longtime and beloved home of 37 years.

Far from being angry at their loss, Halpin’s wife Jackie revealed that she felt grateful for their years which they had spent in their home and had returned to their home to give thanks to God for the time they had spent there.

“That was my intention,” she said. “We’re going to pray. We’re going to thank God that we’re safe, and we have entertained a lot for years. We feel very strongly in the virtue of hospitality, so I just wanted to pray and say, ‘If we can do it again, that would be great.’”

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, after the family’s home was tragically burned to the ground amid the raging Los Angeles fires, the Halpin family returned to the site where the house once stood and sang a beautiful hymn of praise, Regina Caeli, O Queen of Heaven, in Latin.

In a spontaneous act of faith, members of the Halpin family, including parents Peter and Jackie and their six adult children who were raised in the family’s Altadena home, lifted their voices and sang the traditional Marian hymn.

“Our intention was not for this thing to go viral at all,” Halpin explained. “It was pretty much just a family thing, but the response from the community has been unbelievable and so heartfelt.”

“I already feel so much healing because we were able to be there together as a family, and we were able to bond over this song that means so much to our family,” son Andrew Halpin, 36, told the National Catholic Register later in the day.

“We have to give everything to God,” he continued. “And if that means our home at this time, we choose to trust that we’re in the palm of His hand.”

“Our parents bought that home over 35 years ago, and it was a center of hospitality, joy, support, and familial love for a wide and deep circle of loved ones over those three decades. As with many others, they lost absolutely everything,” wrote son Pete on a GoFundMe page set up to help his parents family recover from their devastating loss.

At the time of the fire, the home was occupied by Pete’s parents and his sister Gianna and her daughter Beatrice, all of whom escaped harm.

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  HHS invests nearly $600 million in Moderna’s bird flu vaccine development
Posted by: Stone - 01-18-2025, 09:14 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

HHS invests nearly $600 million in Moderna’s bird flu vaccine development

[Image: f_webp]

Moderna began studying a "pandemic influenza vaccine" for H5 and H7 flu strains in 2023. Aleksander Kalka/NurPhoto/AP

CNN | January 17, 2025

The US Department of Health and Human Services will award $590 million to Moderna to continue developing a vaccine to protect against bird flu, the pharmaceutical company announced Friday.

In 2023, Moderna initiated a study on a “pandemic influenza vaccine” to protect against H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses. In July, the company received $176 million from HHS toward its vaccine efforts. Moderna plans to advance research on the mRNA vaccine into a phase 3 trial after receiving positive results in earlier phases, which it plans to present at a scientific conference in the near future.

“Avian flu variants have proven to be particularly unpredictable and dangerous to humans in the past. That is why this response has been a top priority for the Biden-Harris Administration and HHS,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement Friday. “Accelerating the development of new vaccines will allow us to stay ahead and ensure that Americans have the tools they need to stay safe.”

Avian influenza, or bird flu, is a broad term that refers to several types of influenza that normally infect birds. The H5N1 virus has raised concern among health officials because it has sickened dozens of people in the United States over the past several months; the first human death from a severe case of the virus was reported in Louisiana this month.

“The project will provide additional support for late-stage development and licensure of pre-pandemic mRNA-based vaccines. The agreement will also support the expansion of clinical studies for up to five additional subtypes of pandemic influenza,” Moderna said in a statement Friday.

The US does have vaccines against H5 viruses in its Strategic National Stockpile, but they are made with older technology.

Separately, the Biden administration announced this month that it would invest more than $300 million to help monitor bird flu and prepare for potential spread. That money would be put toward programs focused on hospital preparedness, increased testing and surveillance, and awareness around emerging pathogens.

Most of the recent H5N1 transmission has been among animals, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still considers the risk from bird flu to the general public to be low, with no evidence of human-to-human spread. But the Biden administration has emphasized the importance of continued collaboration among stakeholders to “protect human health, animal health, and food safety.”

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  Oratory Conference, Fr Hewko: "Transitional Changes Towards the New Mass" 1/16/25
Posted by: Deus Vult - 01-17-2025, 09:42 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

"Transitional Changes Towards the New Mass"
1/16/25  (NH)

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Second Sunday after Epiphany - January 19, 2025
Posted by: Stone - 01-17-2025, 03:53 PM - Forum: January 2025 - No Replies

Second Sunday after Epiphany - January 19, 2025
“The Mother of Jesus Was There” (NH)

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Feast of St. Peter's Chair in Rome - January 18, 2025
Posted by: Stone - 01-17-2025, 03:51 PM - Forum: January 2025 - No Replies

Feast of St. Peter's Chair in Rome - January 18, 2025
“Upon This Rock” (NH)


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  Francis’s Autobiography of Faithless Hope
Posted by: Stone - 01-17-2025, 02:48 PM - Forum: Articles by Catholic authors - No Replies

Francis’s Autobiography of Faithless Hope

[Image: f0bed76020ad9eed1eeaffe8b2afff2f_L.jpg]

By:  Robert Morrison, Remnant Columnist [Red font emphasis mine, italics as in the original] | January 15, 2025

The new autobiography of Pope Francis is ultimately an oppressively annoying apologia for anti-Catholic globalism. That said, it is worth exploring the ways in which the new book highlights Francis’s vision of hope without faith.

“The theological virtue of hope can exist without charity, not however, without faith.” (Dr. Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma)

Rorate Caeli’s brief commentary on Francis’s recently released book, Hope: The Autobiography, concluded with what may turn out to be the wisest reaction to it:

“How would anyone pay one penny for the endless self-righteous bile spoken by the man?…”

As interesting as the book may be in places — such as the description of the 2013 conclave — it is ultimately an oppressively annoying apologia for anti-Catholic globalism. That said, it is worth exploring the ways in which the new book highlights Francis’s vision of hope without faith.

LGBTQ Outreach

Francis’s defense of his promotion of the LGBTQ agenda paints the picture of a man who is receptive to essentially any approach to practicing Christianity, no matter how contrary to Biblical morality it is:
Quote:“Receptiveness, and certainly not relativism, nor any change of doctrine, is the spirit and heart of Fiducia supplicans, the declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on the blessing of couples who live in irregular situations, which I signed in December 2023. It is the people who are blessed, not the relationships. It arises from the wish not to ascribe one situation or one condition to the entire life of those who seek to be illuminated and accompanied with a blessing. Everyone in the Church is invited, including people who are divorced, including people who are homosexual, including people who are transgender. The first time that a group of transgender people came to the Vatican, they left in tears, moved because I had taken their hands, had kissed them . . . As if I had done something exceptional for them. But they are daughters of God! They can receive baptism on the same conditions as other believers and can perform the responsibilities of godparents on the same conditions as others, and likewise be witnesses to a marriage. No provision of canonical law forbids it.”

Although serious Catholics reject this vile nonsense, we can view Francis’s embrace of blessings for same-sex unions, and endorsement of transgender godparents, as an indication of how open he should be to those who sincerely try to practice Catholicism. In other words, if he is willing to bless “couples who live in irregular situations,” surely he should be willing to bless those who ardently seek to practice the Catholic Faith as it had been taught for many centuries leading up to Vatican II.

Evils of Traditional Catholicism

However, as we have known from long experience, Francis is willing to tolerate almost everything other than actual Catholicism. Other than his sympathies for those who are marginalized, perhaps the most dominant theme in his autobiography is his marginalization of those who believe what the Church had always taught prior to Vatican II. We can see this in three passages:

Quote:“From a sociological point of view, it is interesting to consider the phenomenon of traditionalism, this ‘backwardism’ that regularly returns each century, this reference to a supposed perfect age that each time is another age. With the liturgy, for example. It has now been ruled that the possibility of celebrating Mass in Latin, following the missal prior to the Second Vatican Council, must be expressly authorized by the Dicastery for Divine Worship, who will allow it only in special cases. For the reason that it is unhealthy for the liturgy to become ideology. It is curious to see this fascination for what is not understood, for what appears somewhat hidden, and seems also at times to interest the younger generations. This rigidity is often accompanied by elegant and costly tailoring, lace, fancy trimmings, rochets. Not a taste for tradition but clerical ostentation, which then is none other than an ecclesiastic version of individualism. Not a return to the sacred but to quite the opposite, to sectarian worldliness. These ways of dressing up sometimes conceal mental imbalance, emotional deviation, behavioral difficulties, a personal problem that may be exploited.”

“The Spirit is the paraclete, the one that supports and gives company, that is a breath of life, not an anesthetizing gas. One day, as I was teaching two hundred young children at San Miguel, one of them confused it with paralytic and made me smile… but that is precisely the Church that we mustn’t be, a Church that is fixed, frozen. Our task certainly is to discern, to understand what today is asking of us, but in the knowledge that rigidity is not Christian, because it denies this movement of the Spirit. Rigidity is sectarian. Rigidity is self-referential. Rigidity is a daily heresy. It mistakes the Church for a fortress, for a castle standing high up, which looks down distantly and self-importantly on the world and on life, rather than living inside it.”

“Christians are not those who go backward. The flow of history and grace go up and down like the sap of a tree that bears fruit. Without this flow there is fossilization, and going backward is not conducive to life, ever. There is no progress, there is no movement. Life, whether vegetal or animal or human, dies. Progress means change, dealing with new situations, accepting new challenges. Vincent of Lérins, the fifth-century saint venerated by Catholics as well as members of the Orthodox Church, wrote in his Commonitórium primum that the dogma of the Christian religion follows these laws: It progresses, solidifying with years, growing with time, deepening with age. Human understanding changes over time, and the way that people perceive and express themselves changes—it is one thing for a man who expresses himself by carving the Winged Victory of Samothrace, another thing for Caravaggio, yet another for Chagall and then Dalí. And so too does human conscience deepen. . . Our responsibility is to journey in our own time, to continue growing in the art of meeting needs and providing for them with creativity of Spirit, which is always discernment in action. The Church is certainly not an orchestra in which everyone plays the same note but one in which each person follows their own score, and it is precisely this that must create harmony. It is wonderful that brothers and sisters have the courage to form their own ideas, to discuss them, to say what they think: Aspiring to unity does not mean uniformity. But then, we must still sit around the same table. In many respects, it can be said that the last ecumenical council has not yet been fully understood, lived, and applied. We are on the way and need to make up for lost time. When anyone asks me whether the time is right for a new council, for a Vatican III, I reply not just that the answer is no but that we still need to fully implement Vatican II. And need to sweep away even more the culture of courtliness, in the papal court and everywhere else. The Church is not a court, it is not a place for coteries, favoritism, machination, nor is it the last European court of an absolute monarchy. With Vatican II, the Church became a sign and instrument for the unity of the whole human race.”

Much of this is blasphemously offensive, but the final passage is especially evil because he misrepresents St. Vincent of Lérins. As discussed in a previous article, Francis has repeatedly cited St. Vincent of Lérins without including the passage from the saint that actually contradicts the argument he is attempting to support. We can see this by considering the following passage from Vatican I, which cites St. Vincent, to defend the exact opposite position of the one that Francis endorses:
Quote:“For, the doctrine of faith which God revealed has not been handed down as a philosophic invention to the human mind to be perfected, but has been entrusted as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be faithfully guarded and infallibly interpreted. Hence, also, that understanding of its sacred dogmas must be perpetually retained, which Holy Mother Church has once declared; and there must never be recession from that meaning under the specious name of a deeper understanding ‘Therefore […] let the understanding, the knowledge, and wisdom of individuals as of all, of one man as of the whole Church, grow and progress strongly with the passage of the ages and the centuries; but let it be solely in its own genus, namely in the same dogma, with the same sense and the same understanding.’ (Vincent of Lérins, Commonitorium, 23, 3).”

Whether Francis is making his mistake through ignorance or malice, it is quite telling that his vitriol for those who follow what the Church has always taught involves a gross misrepresentation of St. Vincent of Lérins. It is arguably the most profound sign of diabolical disorientation possible that the reputed pope endorses essentially every religious belief in the world other than Catholicism.

Need for Emasculation

Although both men and women who love the Church appreciate the reasoning of St. Vincent of Lérins and other defenders of Tradition, it is men who typically have the greatest passion, and responsibility, for expounding and defending the logical foundations of the Catholic Faith. As such, it should come as little surprise that Francis’s attacks on Traditional Catholicism are accompanied by attacks on masculinity:
Quote:“If we clerics don’t understand what a woman is and what a woman’s theology is, we will never understand what the Church is. One of the great sins we have committed has been to ‘masculinize’ it. The Church therefore needs to be ‘demasculinized’—while knowing, at the same time, that to ‘masculinize’ women would be neither human nor Christian, since the other great sin is certainly clericalism. It is therefore not a question of co-opting all women into the clergy, of making everyone become deacons in holy order, but of enhancing the Marian principle, so that it is even more important in the Church than the Petrine principle: Mary is more important than Peter, and the mystical nature of the woman is greater than the ministry. As has been stated in the concluding document of the Synod on Synodality in October 2024, at which I chose for the first time not to make my apostolic exhortation, considering it to be immediately operative, there are no reasons to prevent women from assuming guiding roles in the Church: That which comes from the Holy Spirit cannot be stopped. The question of access by women to diaconal ministry, with regard to which it is necessary to act with discernment, remains open to study. Whereas it is necessary to favor in every way the presence of women in the training of new priests: Seminarians will certainly obtain great benefit from it. It is true that women already provide a brilliant contribution to theological research and are present in positions of responsibility in ecclesiastical institutions or as community leaders, but it is necessary to give immediate and full concreteness to all opportunities provided, particularly where they remain unimplemented.”

One cannot criticize Francis for neglecting to practice what he preaches in this regard: by his words and deeds, we can see that he has gone to great lengths to demasculinize himself in the way that he advocates for the Church. The actual Catholic Church can never be “demasculinized,” but Francis’s Synodal Church has completed the process of demasculinization that Vatican II promoted in numerous ways. This process goes hand-in-hand with Francis’s attacks on Traditional Catholicism and promotion of the LGBTQ agenda.

Hope Without Faith

Francis’s discussion of the theological virtue of hope helps us synthesize his support of the LGBTQ agenda, distaste for Traditional Catholicism, and desire to demasculinize the Church. Throughout his autobiography, he displays a genuine desire to help those in need. He wants them to have peace and hope, but he apparently believes that the “rigid” faith of Traditional Catholics presents an insurmountable obstacle for these people in need. He is, of course, mistaken in this belief, but he appears to hold firmly to this misconception.

With this mindset, he would naturally see Traditional Catholicism (which is simply “Catholicism”) as a roadblock that he must remove. He seeks to remove it through a process of demasculinization, and Vatican II provided him with the tools to do that.

When we consider the following statement related to those who have “answers to all the questions,” we can sense Francis’s deep antipathy for those who adhere to the immutable teachings of the Church:
Quote:“It is no good a person saying with total certainty that they have met God. If someone has answers to all the questions, this is proof that God is not with them. It means that they are a false prophet, someone who exploits religion, who uses it for themselves. The great guides of God’s people, like Moses, always left space for doubt.”

He does not use the word “faith” in this passage, but it is the true object of his contempt. While it is certainly true that we cannot know everything about our religion with perfect understanding, Francis’s viewpoint suggests that we should all have doubts about what the Church teaches.

As we read in Bishop Morrow’s My Catholic Faith, though, our faith must be firm and complete:

“Our faith must be firm and complete; that is, both certain and all-encompassing. If we are doubtful on any matters of faith, considering opposite viewpoints as possibly true, then we deny God’s authority. If we accept some truths, and deny others, then that is denying God altogether.”

So, by all indications, Francis and his collaborators lack the theological virtue of faith. However, we cannot have the theological virtue of hope without faith:

“The theological virtue of hope can exist without charity, not however, without faith.” (Dr. Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma)

And yet Francis suggests that “Christian hope is invincible” and cannot be lost:
Quote:“But Christian hope is infinitely more than this: It is the certainty that we are born no longer to die, that we are born for the pinnacles, to enjoy happiness. It is the awareness that God has always loved us, and will always love us, and never leaves us alone. The apostle Paul says: ‘What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? […] No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us’ (Romans 8: 35–37). Christian hope is invincible because it is not a desire. It is the certainty that we are all traveling, not toward something that we want to be there, but something that is already there. . . . Hope never disappoints. Optimism is a valuable asset, an attitude of the mind, a quality of character that makes us lean toward a more positive view of things. But all the same, it is something that can be betrayed. Hope cannot. God cannot deprive us of hope, because He cannot deny Himself.”

All of this sounds close enough to being true that it can deceive the unwary. Thus, whether he really believes this or not, the threat that Francis and his collaborators pose is that they will convince others that they should have invincible Christian hope even though they do not have the true Catholic Faith.

Interestingly, one of the few worthwhile passages in Francis’s autobiography is a condemnation of the way in which he seeks to deceive others into having this unfounded hope:
Quote:“Lanza del Vasto, a polymath writer, philosopher, Christian thinker, and nonviolent campaigner against war and nuclear armament, an artisan of peace, noted that the worst lie, the greatest and most dangerous lie, is ‘truth minus one.’ Not truth, but its contrived appearance, its comic or dramatic distortion: an attitude that makes falsity credible, error acceptable, that makes the inept arrogant, the ignorant wise, the incompetent powerful. Judas is the master of the plausible, the master of gossip. And gossip and plausibility are the most treacherous opponents of the truth of things. There is always something devilish in gossip and in false accusation.”

Like all of the most dangerous liars in history, Francis is a master of making error plausible and acceptable for the unwary. We can pray for Francis’s conversion, but our Catholic Faith does not permit us to follow him or lead others to do so.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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  Holy Mass in New Hampshire - January 19, 2025
Posted by: Stone - 01-16-2025, 06:38 PM - Forum: January 2025 - No Replies

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Second Sunday after Epiphany

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...ipo=images]

Date: Sunday, January 19, 2025

Time: Confessions - 10:00 AM
              Holy Mass - 10:30 AM

Location: The Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary
                      66 Gove's Lane
                      Wentworth, NH 03282

Contact: 315-391-7575                   

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  Vatican cracks down on illegal entry into its territory
Posted by: Stone - 01-16-2025, 11:51 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Vatican cracks down on illegal entry into its territory

[Image: vaticancitystatebuilding011425.jpg?w=670&h=447]

The Vatican City’s Governor’s Palace (Palazzo del Governatorato in Vaticano), the building that is the seat of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State in the Vatican Gardens. | Credit: Some pictures here/Shutterstock

CNA | Jan 15, 2025

The Vatican City State has toughened sanctions for those who try to illegally enter its territory in areas where free access is not allowed.

In a decree issued last month by the Holy See, the monetary sanctions and prison sentences for those who violate the strict security regulations of Vatican City have been considerably increased.

The document, signed by Cardinal Fernando Vérguez Alzaga, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, provides for monetary fines ranging from 10,000 to 25,000 euros (about $10,200 to $25,700) and prison sentences ranging from one to four years.

These fines will apply especially to those who enter by means of violence, threats, or deception, bypassing border controls or security systems. In addition, those who enter with expired permits or do not meet the established requirements will receive administrative sanctions ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 euros (about $2,060 to $5,145).

The decree emphasizes that the penalties can be increased if the crime is committed with firearms, corrosive substances, by a person in disguise, or by several people together. Likewise, if illegal access is made in a vehicle, the penalty can increase by up to two-thirds.

The document also stipulates that unauthorized overflight of Vatican airspace, including through the use of drones, may be punished with prison sentences from six months to three years in addition to a fine that could reach 25,000 euros (about $26,000).

Anyone convicted of illegal entry will be banned from entering Vatican territory for a period of up to 15 years. If this sanction is breached, the offender may be punished with a prison sentence of one to five years.

In addition, the Vatican’s promoter of justice may summon any person who has committed an offense to appear before the court the day after receiving the complaint or immediately after questioning him.

Vatican City is the smallest state in the world and currently has a population of just over 800 inhabitants. The city-state covers 0.17 square miles. If it were perfectly square, the Vatican would be less than a half mile by a half mile.

The Vatican City State includes areas with free access, such as St. Peter’s Basilica or the Vatican Museums, which require prior security checks.

However, there are other entrances flanked by high walls, such as Porta Santa Ana, Piazza del Sant’Uffizio, or Porta Perugino, reserved for authorized personnel or visitors with special permits.

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  Fr. Ruiz Sermons: Feast of the Holy Family, 1/12/25 - "What the Catholic Family is and is Not"
Posted by: Deus Vult - 01-14-2025, 11:55 PM - Forum: Fr. Ruiz's Sermons January 2025 - No Replies

 Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia - Jan. 12, 2025  

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  Fr Ruiz Sermons: 1/3/25 "THE INFANT JESUS' TEACHING OF HUMILITY" [English]
Posted by: Deus Vult - 01-13-2025, 08:28 PM - Forum: Fr. Ruiz's Sermons January 2025 - No Replies

 1/3/25   (Houston)

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  Fr. Ruiz Sermons: 1/5/25 2025 "HOW TO INVOKE THE NAME OF JESUS" [English]
Posted by: Deus Vult - 01-13-2025, 08:21 PM - Forum: Fr. Ruiz's Sermons January 2025 - No Replies

1/5/25 2025  [b][English]  (GA)[/b]

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  The Catholic Trumpet: The Fight for God’s Cosmos
Posted by: Stone - 01-13-2025, 08:31 AM - Forum: Articles by Catholic authors - No Replies

Geocentrism, Masonry, and the Fight for God’s Cosmos

The Catholic Trumpet [slightly adapted] | January 9, 2025

The Catholic Cosmos: A Call to Rediscover Truth

For centuries, the Catholic Church upheld a God-ordained vision of the cosmos, rooted in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the unanimous teaching of the Fathers. This geocentric understanding reflected the divine order, with the earth at the center of creation and humanity as its steward under God. It was not merely a scientific position but a theological truth, safeguarded by the Magisterium as part of the deposit of faith.

Yet, modernity rejected this truth, embracing heliocentrism, the Big Bang, and Darwinian evolution—philosophies rooted not in empirical evidence but in rebellion against God. These errors, shaped by Kabbalistic mysticism and Judeo-Masonic subversion, sought to dethrone God and obscure His providence.

This article uncovers the spiritual battle for the cosmos, exposing the roots of modern cosmology in anti-Catholic ideology. By rediscovering the Catholic vision of creation, we prepare to defend the immutable truths that modernity has abandoned.

The Spiritual Battle for the Cosmos

The Kabbalistic Foundation

Jewish mystical texts like the Zohar reinterpret creation as emanations—divine sparks scattered in an infinite void—rejecting the ordered cosmos revealed in Genesis. This Kabbalistic cosmology denies the finite, hierarchical creation that places man at its center under God. Instead, it promotes an infinite, purposeless universe, aligning with modern cosmological theories like the Big Bang and evolution.

In the beginning God created heaven and earth” (Genesis 1:1) affirms creation’s order and God’s sovereignty, directly contradicting the chaotic, impersonal cosmos envisioned by Kabbalistic mysticism.

Isaac Newton’s Mechanistic Cosmos

Isaac Newton, celebrated for his "scientific contributions", was deeply influenced by alchemy and esotericism. His theory of gravity—introduced in 1666—proposed hidden forces governing the universe, replacing God’s direct governance with mechanistic laws.

Newton’s mechanistic worldview reflects Gnostic principles, reducing creation to a self-operating machine. His documented engagement with alchemy underscores his departure from Catholic cosmology, which holds that:

“In Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

Freemasonry’s Role in Spreading Error

Freemasonry, condemned repeatedly by the Church, served as a vehicle for the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9, 3:9), promoting cosmologies hostile to the Catholic Faith. Pope Leo XIII warned in Humanum Genus:

“Their ultimate aim is to drive God out of society, replacing His authority with human autonomy.”

By advancing heliocentrism and infinite space, Freemasons undermined Scripture and Tradition, enthroning human pride over divine revelation. This subversion culminated in the cultural and spiritual errors of modernity.

The Church’s Response: Geocentrism as De Fide

The Testimony of Scripture and the Fathers

The immovability of the earth is affirmed throughout Sacred Scripture:

• “The earth standeth forever” (Ecclesiastes 1:4).

• “The sun riseth, and goeth down, and returneth to his place” (Ecclesiastes 1:5).

• “Thou hast founded the earth upon its own bases: it shall not be moved forever and ever” (Psalm 103:5).

The Church Fathers unanimously interpreted these passages literally. St. Basil the Great taught:

“Scripture describes the universe in a way that places the earth as the center of God’s creation.”

Papal Condemnations of Heliocentrism

The Magisterium explicitly condemned heliocentrism as contrary to faith:

• In 1616, Pope Paul V approved the Congregation of the Index’s decree declaring the proposition that “the sun is the center of the world and entirely immovable” as “philosophically false and at least erroneous in faith.”

• In 1633, Pope Urban VIII reaffirmed this condemnation during Galileo’s trial, stating:

“The doctrine that the earth is not the center of the universe… is heretical, because it contradicts Sacred Scripture.”

• In 1664, Pope Alexander VII codified these decrees in the Index of Forbidden Books, emphasizing their binding authority.

St. Robert Bellarmine: Defender of Scripture and Tradition

St. Robert Bellarmine, a Doctor of the Church, provided one of the most authoritative defenses of geocentrism in his 1615 letter to Paolo Antonio Foscarini. He argued that the literal interpretation of Scripture regarding the immobility of the earth and the motion of the sun is unanimously supported by the Church Fathers, modern commentators, and Sacred Tradition. Bellarmine writes:

“The Council [of Trent] prohibits interpreting Scripture contrary to the common consensus of the Holy Fathers; and if Your Paternity wants to read not only the Holy Fathers, but also the modern commentaries on Genesis, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Joshua, you will find all agreeing in the literal interpretation that the sun is in heaven and turns around the earth with great speed, and that the earth… sits motionless at the center of the world.”

Bellarmine emphasized the profound importance of adhering to the Fathers’ consensus, writing:

“Consider now, with your sense of prudence, whether the Church can tolerate giving Scripture a meaning contrary to the Holy Fathers and to all the Greek and Latin commentators. Nor can one answer that this is not a matter of faith, since… it is a matter of faith ‘as regards the speaker.’ And so it would be heretical to say that Abraham did not have two children and Jacob twelve, as well as to say that Christ was not born of a virgin, because both are said by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of the prophets and the apostles.”

Bellarmine also warned against abandoning Scripture even in the face of supposed scientific “proofs.” He stated:

“If there were a true demonstration that the sun is at the center of the world and the earth in the third heaven, and that the sun does not circle the earth but the earth circles the sun, then one would have to proceed with great care in explaining the Scriptures that appear contrary, and say rather that we do not understand them than that what is demonstrated is false.”

Yet he remained firm in his conviction:

“I will not believe that there is such a demonstration, until it is shown me. And in case of doubt one must not abandon the Holy Scripture as interpreted by the Holy Fathers.”

Bellarmine’s letter reflects the Church’s unshakable commitment to fidelity to Scripture and Tradition. It stands as a timeless testament to the theological, not merely scientific, truth of geocentrism.

Why This Matters Today

The acceptance of heliocentrism marked the beginning of a philosophical and theological rebellion against God’s order, paving the way for modern errors like Darwinism and the Big Bang. These theories deny divine providence, reduce humanity to an accident of nature, and enthrone atheistic materialism.

Pope St. Pius X warned:

“Modernism leads men to destroy the very foundations of faith under the guise of scientific progress.”

The spiritual consequences of heliocentrism are evident in the errors of Vatican II, which embraced religious liberty, ecumenism, and collegiality—principles condemned by prior popes. +Archbishop Lefebvre recognized this trajectory of compromise, proclaiming:

“We want to remain faithful to Our Lord King, Prince, and Ruler of the world.”

Rediscovering Geocentrism

The Catholic vision of the cosmos is not a relic of the past but a cornerstone of faith. By reclaiming geocentrism, we honor God’s design and resist the errors of modernity. The abandonment of geocentrism marked the beginning of the trajectory that culminated in the errors and heresies of Vatican II, which enshrined principles of religious liberty, ecumenism, and collegiality—compromises condemned by the preconciliar Magisterium. Worse still, the subsequent compromises of the new SSPX and the false resistance have perpetuated these errors under the guise of fidelity to Tradition.

Next week, we will explore geocentrism in greater depth, demonstrating how Scripture, Tradition, and the saints affirm this doctrine as a reflection of God’s perfect order. Trusting in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us prepare for the restoration of all things in Christ by standing firm against the ongoing eclipse of the Church.

No Compromise. No Retreat.


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  Pope Francis appoints first woman to lead a Vatican dicastery
Posted by: Stone - 01-13-2025, 08:18 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - Replies (1)

Pope Francis appoints first woman to lead a Vatican dicastery
In a historic move, Pope Francis has appointed a nun, Sister Simona Brambilla, as prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life, highlighting his ongoing push to increase female leadership in the Vatican.

[Image: brambilla.jpg]

Sr. Simona Brambilla
Vatican News/ file photo

Jan 6, 2025
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews - slightly adapted, not all hyperlinks included from the original) –– In a groundbreaking move, Pope Francis appointed a nun as head of a Vatican dicastery today, making Sister Simona Brambilla the first woman to lead an office in the Roman Curia.

Announced via the Holy See press bulletin on the feast of the Epiphany, the Pope’s leadership choice for the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life was made public.

Sr. Brambilla of the Consolata Missionaries will now become prefect of the Dicastery, thus taking over from the notoriously anti-traditional Cardinal João Braz de Aviz. With the new position, she will be able to continue her outspoken push for increasing leadership positions held by women in the Church.

Brambilla, 59, has served as secretary of the dicastery since October 2023, being the first woman to hold the role. Indeed, she was one of seven women appointed to the dicastery as consulters – which was itself a groundbreaking move.

Brambilla served two terms as superior general of the Consolata Missionaries between 2011 and 2023, having been a general councillor for six years prior to that.

Also announced today was the appointment of Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime as pro-prefect of the same dicastery. Artime, 64, was created a cardinal in September 2023 and was former head of the the Salesians between 2014 and 2024. The Spaniard had been without a notable position since leaving his role as head of the Salesians last year, prompting much speculation as to where he might be moved, with many assuming Artime would be named as prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life.

With a cardinal now subordinate to a religious woman, Francis’ pick is one which will be noted as a key event by those eager to see the achievement of goals such as female ordination.

Brambilla is the first woman to lead a dicastery in the Roman Curia, although women – such as Barbara Jatta, director of the Vatican Museums, and Sister Raffaella Petrini, secretary general of the Governorate of the Vatican City State – already serve in notably high-ranking positions in the Vatican, thanks to Francis.

Since the 2022 publication of Francis’ much-anticipated reforms of the Roman Curia in his apostolic constitution Praedicate Evangelium, the placement of women in positions of power has continued to grow. So also has the structure and operation of the Curia been changed to be more in line with Francis’ style of “synodal” governance, which crucially relies on curial figures who will work in accordance with his wishes.

READ: Pope Francis reforms Roman Curia, says any layperson can hold ‘governance’ positions in Vatican

The Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (DICLSAL) has competency over religious and secular institutes, orders, congregations, and societies of men and women in the Catholic Church, and as such Brambilla’s role carries significant power.

The office of pro-prefect is a new one to the dicastery as of today, although it is not new to the Roman Curia. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has served as pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization since June 2022.

In recent years, under the leadership of Braz de Aviz, DICLSAL has become infamous for its implementation of Francis’ Cor Orans document, which has issued in tighter Vatican control over religious life and been widely – though often quietly – used against convents and religious orders noted for being too traditional for the liking of Roman officials.

In addition to restricting already existing groups, a 2022 Rescript via the dicastery prevented diocesan bishops from autonomously establishing any groups of the faithful looking to become religious institutes or societies, in a move which was described as an attempt to prevent any new traditional communities from being formed.

Traditional and contemplative religious communities have been under increasing pressure from the Vatican, particularly since the publication of Cor Orans and the 2016 document Vultum Dei quaerere. Father Maximilian Mary Dean, a former Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate and the chaplain to the discalced Carmelite nuns of Fairfield, Pennsylvania, warned that under Braz de Aviz the dicastery was “just going to destroy the vocations and the way of life.”

Since the 2021 promulgation of Traditionis Custodes, traditional Mass groups like the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, and the Institute of the Good Shepherd have now fallen under the purview of DICLSAL.

With the past summer awash with rumors about a new document set to restrict the traditional Mass, Brambilla’s new role could see her liaise much more closely with Francis in the future of the traditional orders. In early 2023, reports suggested that it was Brambilla’s own dicastery – at that time led by Braz de Aviz – which would publish new restrictions on the traditional Mass, but such rumors never came to fruition.

As Francis forges ahead with a “new-look” curia, involving female governance positions, while still allowing the open discussion on the topic of female deacons, Brambilla is unlikely to remain the only woman appointed to such a leading role while Francis is alive.

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