12-23-2021, 08:37 AM
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Infant King of my soul
by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Eternal Word takes flesh and becomes man: And the Word was made flesh? Let us thank this Son, and let us also thank His Mother, who, in consenting to be the mother of such a Son, consented also to be the Mother of our salvation, and Mother also of sorrows, accepting at that time the deep abyss of sorrows that it would cost her to be the Mother of a Son who was to come into the world to suffer and die for man.
Affections and Prayers
O divine Word, become man for me, though I behold Thee thus humbled and become a little infant in the womb of Mary, yet I confess and acknowledge Thee for my Lord and King, but a king of love. My dearest Savior, since Thou hast come down upon earth and clothed Thyself with our miserable flesh, in order to reign over our hearts, I beseech Thee come and establish Thy reign in my heart also, which was once, alas, ruled over by Thine enemies, but is now, I hope, Thine, as I desire that it may be always Thine, and that from this day forth Thou mayest be its only Lord: Rule Thou in the midst of Thy enemies?
Other kings reign by the strength of arms, but Thou comest to reign by the power of love ; and therefore Thou dost not come with regal pomp, nor clothed in purple and gold, nor adorned with scepter and crown, nor surrounded by armies of soldiers. Thou comest into the world to be born in a stable, poor, forsaken, placed in a manger on a little straw, because thus Thou wouldst begin to reign in our hearts. Ah, my infant King, how could I so often rebel against Thee, and live so long Thy enemy, deprived of Thy grace, when, to oblige me to love Thee, Thou hast put off Thy divine majesty, and hast humbled Thyself even to appearing, first, as a babe in a cave; then as a servant in a shop; then as a criminal on a cross?
Oh, happy me, if, now that I have been freed (as I hope) from the slavery of Satan, I allow myself forever to be governed by Thee and by Thy love! O Jesus, my King, who art so amiable and so loving to our souls, take possession, I pray Thee, of mine; I give it entirely to Thee; accept it, that it may serve Thee forever, but serve Thee only for love. Thy majesty deserves to be feared, but Thy goodness still more deserves to be loved. Thou art my King, and shalt be always the only object of my love; and the only fear I shall have will be the fear of displeasing Thee. This is what I hope. Do Thou help me with Thy grace. O Mary, our dear Lady! it is for thee to obtain for me that I may be faithful to this beloved King of my soul.
Prayer to Obtain the Love of the Infant Jesus
by St. Alphonsus Liguori
by St. Alphonsus Liguori
O adorable Infant, I should not dare to present myself before Thee, did I not know that Thou Thyself invitest me to approach Thee. It is I, by my sins, who made Thee shed so many tears in the stable of Bethlehem, but since Thou art come upon earth to pardon penitent sinners, vouchsafe to pardon me. I sincerely repent of having despised Thee, my Lord and my God, who art so good and hast loved me so much. The grace that I ask is that I may love Thee henceforth with all my heart; inflame my soul entirely with Thy holy love. I love Thee, O my God, who hast become an Infant for me. Grant that I may never cease to love Thee.
O Mary, my Mother! Thou art all-powerful by thy prayers; I ask but one favor of thee, namely, that thou wilt pray to Jesus for me. Amen
Prayer to the Divine Infant
O divine Infant, who, after the wonders of Thy birth in Bethlehem, wishing to extend to the whole world Thine infinite mercy, didst call the Wise Men by heavenly inspiration to Thy crib, which was thus converted into a throne of royal grandeur, and didst graciously receive those holy men, who were obedient to the divine call and hastened to Thy feet, acknowledging Thee and worshiping Thee as the Prince of Peace, the Redeemer of mankind, and the very Son of God; ah, renew in us the proofs of Thy goodness and almighty power; enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, and inflame our hearts to know Thee, to serve Thee, and to love Thee in this life, meriting thus to enjoy Thee eternally in the life to come.
(Indulgence of 500 days)
Prayer to the Infant Jesus
Most dear Lord Jesus Christ, who, being made a Child for us, didst will to be born in a cave to free us from the darkness of sin, to draw us unto Thee, and to set us on fire with Thy holy love; we adore Thee as our creator and redeemer, we acknowledge Thee and choose Thee for our king and Lord, and for tribute we offer Thee all the affection of our poor hearts. Dear Jesus, our Lord and God, graciously accept this offering, and that it may be worthy of Thine acceptance, forgive us our sins, enlighten us, and inflame us with that sacred fire which Thou camest to bring upon the earth and to enkindle in our hearts. May our souls thus become an altar, on which we may offer Thee the sacrifice of our mortifications; grant that we may ever seek Thy greater glory here on earth, so that one day we may come to enjoy Thine infinite beauty in heaven. Amen.
(Indulgence of 3 years)
Daily Prayers to the Infant Jesus
O almighty God, in the form of a little child! Make me worthy to meditate upon Thy greatness and power, Thy goodness and mercy, and Thy majesty as God and Man.
O divine Infant! With the most profound reverence, I contemplate Thy divine countenance, shedding its gentle and forgiving light, like the sun, on good and bad. Deign, O friendly eyes of my Jesus, to cast one look of grace upon me, and to give to my eyes sincere tears of repentance, that on my judgment day they need not fear Thy look of righteous anger.
O sweetest Jesus! Fervent with admiration, I praise Thy holy lips, filled with heavenly wisdom and uttering words of grace for the remission of sin. Lest, however, Thy divine Lips might one day be forced to pronounce the sentence of condemnation on me on account of my own words, I beseech Thee, O Lord, place a seal upon my lips, so that they may never be opened to utter an uncharitable opinion or a sinful word; may I ever preserve Thy truth and Thy love in my heart and upon my tongue. Amen.
Devout Exercise to the Infant Jesus
V. Incline unto my aid, O God.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Our Father.
1. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who, coming down from the bosom of the Father for our salvation, did not disdain the womb of a Virgin, where, conceived by the Holy Ghost, You, the Word incarnate, took upon Yourself the form of a servant, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
2. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who in Your Virgin Mother's womb, visited St. Elizabeth, and filled Your precursor, John the Baptist, with the Holy Ghost, sanctifying him from his Mother's womb, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
3. Jesus, sweetest Child, during nine months hidden in Your Mother's womb, and awaited with eager expectation by the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, and by them offered to God the Father, for the salvation of the world, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
4. Jesus, sweetest Child, born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger, heralded by angels, visited by shepherds, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
O Jesus, born of Virgin bright, Infinite glory be to You! Praise to the Father infinite, And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.
V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come, let us adore Him.
Our Father.
5. Jesus, sweetest Child, wounded in the circumcision on the eighth day, called by the glorious name of Jesus, and, by Your name and by Your blood, foreshown as the Savior of the world, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
6. Jesus, sweetest Child, made known to the holy Magi by a star, adored by them on Mary's bosom, honored with the mystical gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
7.Jesus, sweetest Child, presented in the temple by Your Virgin Mother, taken by Simeon into his arms, and embraced, and made known to Israel by Anna the prophetess, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
8. Jesus, sweetest Child, Whom Herod sought to slay, Whom St. Joseph carried with Mary into Egypt, Who was saved by flight from a cruel death, and glorified by the praises of the Holy Innocents, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
O Jesus, born of Virgin bright, Infinite glory be to You! Praise to the Father infinite, And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.
V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come, let us adore Him.
Our Father.
9. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who, with Mary most holy and the Patriarch St. Joseph, dwelt in Egypt until the death of Herod, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
10. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who returned with Your parents from Egypt into the land of Israel, Who suffered many toils by the way, and entered the city of Nazareth, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
11. Jesus, sweetest Child, Who lived most holily in the blessed house of Nazareth, subject to Your parents, spending Your life in poverty and toil, and growing in wisdom, in age, and in grace, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
12.Jesus, sweetest Child, brought to Jerusalem when twelve years old, sought by Your parents with much sorrow and after three days found, to their great joy, among the doctors, have mercy on us!
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us!
Hail Mary.
O Jesus, born of Virgin bright, Infinite glory be to You! Praise to the Father infinite, And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.
V. Christ is at hand.
R. Come, let us adore Him.
For the Nativity, during its Octave, and throughout the year.
V. The Word was made flesh. Alleluia.
R. And dwelt among us. Alleluia.
(Throughout the year the Alleluia is omitted.)
For the Epiphany and during its Octave.
V. Christ manifested Himself to us. Alleluia.
R. Come, let us adore Him. Alleluia.
Let us Pray
Almighty and everlasting God, Lord of heaven and earth, Who reveal Yourself to little ones, grant us, we beseech You, to honor worthily the holy mysteries of Your Son, the Child Jesus, and to follow Him humbly in our life, so that we may come to the eternal kingdom promised by You to little ones. Through the same Jesus Christ, etc. Amen.
(To all who perform this exercise with a contrite heart, an indulgence of 5 years)
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre