Bishop Schneider: “We Are Returning To Catacomb Masses"
Bishop Schneider is still very much a part of the Conciliar Church, albeit one of the more 'conservative' members. But it is so painfully obvious where all this is heading even those in the Novus Ordo can see it...

Bishop Schneider: “We Are Returning To Catacomb Masses" | October 20, 2021

The deepest reason of the Church crisis since Vatican II especially in the liturgy is that “we banished God from the centre - put God in the corner - and put man in the centre,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider told (October 14).

This is self-evident in the Novus Ordo Eucharist, especially through Eucharists facing the people which turn the priest into a "showman," Schneider explained. He told about a Kazakh lady, a Protestant from Muslim background who attended a Mass in Schneider’s chapel. Afterwards, she said that the atmosphere was “centred to God”. Later, she attended a Eucharist and said innocently and without irony that it was “a performance of bad quality.”

Anthropocentrism is visible already in Vatican II, Schneider says, but it culminates in Francis' pontificate as can be seen from climate change, Pachamama etc.

Regarding Vatican visitations at contemplative monasteries, Schneider noticed that “the Holy See is destroying the contemplative life,” asking the sisters "to resist.” He diagnoses a “practical destruction of the cloistered life” but this is against the Church's common good, “The sisters cannot obey such orders even if they come from Rome.”

Francis' prohibiting the Mass is for Schneider an "abuse of power" and is harming the spiritual good of the Church. “When a pope or a bishop is forbidding the Roman Mass, they are acting against the good of the Church but the Church is larger than a single pope,” he said. Therefore priests must not obey these orders. Schneider suggests celebrating in private homes, “We are returning to a kind of catacomb Masses.”

He predicts that the restrictions on the Mass are short living and will collapse.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Bishop Schneider: “We Are Returning To Catacomb Masses" - by Stone - 10-21-2021, 08:24 AM

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