Female Anglican vicar ‘concelebrates’ Mass with new Brazilian archbishop
Yet another invalid New Mass...

Female Anglican vicar ‘concelebrates’ Mass with new Brazilian archbishop
The recently created Archdiocese of Chapecó in Brazil admitted to an ‘inadvertent violation of liturgical norms’ by having a female Anglican cleric attempt to concelebrate Holy Mass during the installation of its new archbishop.

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Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, seen wearing the blue stole, on February 9, 2025
YouTube screenshot

Feb 17, 2025
CHAPECÓ, Brazil (LifeSiteNews) — An Anglican female cleric “concelebrated” Catholic Mass in Brazil recently for the installation of the new Archbishop of Chapecó.

On February 9, Archbishop Odelir José Magri was installed as new ordinary of the recently created Archbishopric of Chapecó in Brazil. Magri, appointed to the see by Pope Francis in November, was joined at the ceremony by a number of Catholic bishops and priests, but also by Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira – a female cleric of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB)’s Diocese Sul Ocidental.

De Oliveira can be seen prominently throughout the ceremony, and was mentioned by name by Magri during the ceremony as the new archbishop praised the ecumenical nature of the event. She was not the only non-Catholic presence in the sanctuary, appearing to “concelebrate,” but was joined also by another female minister, identified by ACI Prensa as from the Evangelical denomination named the Reborn in Christ Church.

Magri’s welcoming of the ecumenical style of his installation was met with applause from the congregation, as were many introductions made during his homily.

Later during the Mass, De Oliveira queued up with the Catholic clergy to take Holy Communion from the ciboria around the altar, while the congregation were receiving Holy Communion from a number of the concelebrating priests.

The live-stream of the video cuts away just as De Oliveira and the other female minister appear to be about to consume the consecrated host.

The participation of non-Catholic ministers in the Mass in such manner appears to be a clear violation of Catholic Canon Law. Canons 907 and 908 expressly forbid a lay person from offering the prayers of the Eucharist, as well as prohibiting Catholic priests from concelebrating with non-Catholic ministers:

Quote:In the eucharistic celebration deacons and lay persons are not permitted to offer prayers, especially the eucharistic prayer, or to perform actions which are proper to the celebrating priest.

Catholic priests are forbidden to concelebrate the Eucharist with priests or ministers of Churches or ecclesial communities which do not have full communion with the Catholic Church.

De Oliveira’s apparent reception of Holy Communion, an act which would likely have emboldened by the archbishop’s warm welcome of her during the homily, would additionally violate the Church’s Canon Law. Canon 844 states that “Catholic ministers administer the sacraments licitly to Catholic members of the Christian faithful alone, who likewise receive them licitly from Catholic ministers alone.”

That canon admits of certain rare occasions when Catholics can receive certain sacraments from non-Catholic ministers whose sacraments – and thus orders – are valid. However, none of these are met by De Oliveira’s circumstances.

When questioned about De Oliveira’s participation, the Archdiocese of Chapecó issued a response, stating that they had already informed the papal nuncio to Brazil about the event, and described it as an “isolated incident of inadvertent violation of liturgical norms.” The letter read:

Quote:In reference to what happened during the Solemn Mass of Installation of the Archdiocese of Chapecó and my inauguration as Metropolitan Archbishop, we inform you that we have already communicated to the Apostolic Nunciature in Brazil about the circumstances of this isolated incident of inadvertent violation of liturgical norms.

We renew our commitment to doctrinal orthodoxy and liturgical orthopraxia, and will make efforts to avoid future errors.

We implore divine blessings upon our Particular Church as we continue united in the evangelizing mission.

In recent decades, a heavy focus has been placed upon ecumenism by the Catholic Church and notably so by Pope Francis, who has made it a prominent feature of his nearly 12-year pontificate.

On a number of occasions he has joined ecumenical leaders at religious ceremonies, sometimes giving joint blessings with them at the end of such events, including this past January.

In contrast to the current prevailing style of ecumenism, Vatican’s 1949 decree from the Holy Office instructed bishops charged with promoting true ecumenism to draw souls to the Church, and that they must always teach the fullness of the Church’s priority.

It stated: “By no means is it permitted to pass over in silence or to veil in ambiguous terms the Catholic truth regarding the nature and way of justification, the constitution of the Church, the primacy of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, and the only true union by the return of the dissidents to the one true Church of Christ.”

The Catholic Church notes that it is possible for those remaining outside the Church “through no grave fault of their own” and who are somehow unaware that the Church is the true Church to still be saved “by making use of the graces which God gives them.” However, salvation in these cases of “invincible ignorance” is not found through other churches but is through the Catholic Church as the channel of grace, as taught by St. Thomas Aquinas.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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