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(Sunday after the Octave of the Nativity or January 2)
Who instituted this festival?
Pope Innocent XIII in the year 1721 commanded that the most Holy Name of Jesus should be solemnly honored throughout the Catholic world. St. Bernard, with the sanction of the Apostolic See, had established the solemn veneration of this most Holy Name in his order a few centuries before.
In the Introit of this day's Mass, the Church proclaims the glory of this name:
INTROIT In the name of Jesus let every knee bow of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and let every tongue confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:10-11). O Lord our Lord, how wonderful is thy name in the whole earth! (Ps. 8:2). Glory be to the Father.
COLLECT O God, Who didst ordain Thine only-begotten Son to be the Savior of mankind, and didst command that he should be called Jesus: mercifully grant that we may enjoy in heaven the blessed vision of him whose holy name we venerate upon earth. Through our Lord.
EPISTLE (Acts 4:8-12). In those days, Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said: Ye princes of the people and ancients, hear: If we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he hath been made whole, be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him this man standeth here before you whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders; which is become the head of the corner: neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.
EXPLANATION This Epistle speaks of the omnipotent power of the name of Jesus, through which miracles are not only performed, but also on which our salvation depends. Jesus alone can give us redemption and happiness; He alone under heaven has been given to man by God, that through Him happiness could be reached; He alone can break the fetters of error and sin in which all mankind lies captured. He alone is the truth, He alone, as the Son of God, has power to render perfect satisfaction for sin, and to make us truly good; and the good alone can be saved. Cling, therefore, ever faithfully and firmly to Jesus, and depart not from Him; without Him you can accomplish nothing; with Him, through Him, you can accomplish all things.
GOSPEL (Lk. 2:21). At that time, after eight days were accomplished that the child should be circumcised, his name was called Jesus, which was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
The sweet name of Jesus produces in us holy thoughts, fills the soul with noble sentiments, strengthens virtue, begets good works, and nourishes pure affections. All spiritual food leaves the soul dry, if it contain not that penetrating oil, the name Jesus. When you take your pen, write the name Jesus: if you write books, let the name of Jesus be contained in them, else they will possess no charm or attraction for me; you may speak, or you may reply, but if the name of Jesus sounds not from your lips, you are without unction and without charm. Jesus is honey in our mouth, light in our eyes, a flame in our heart. This name is the cure for all diseases of the soul. Are you troubled? think but of Jesus, speak but the name of Jesus, the clouds disperse, and peace descends anew from heaven. Have you fallen into sin? so that you fear death? invoke the name of Jesus, and you will soon feel life returning. No obduracy of the soul, no weakness, no coldness of heart can resist this holy name; there is no heart which will not soften and open in tears at this holy name. Are you surrounded by sorrow and danger? invoke the name of Jesus, and your fears will vanish. Never yet was human being in urgent need, and on the point of perishing, who invoked this help-giving name, and was not powerfully sustained. It was given us for the cure of all our ills; to soften the impetuosity of anger, to quench the fire of concupiscence, to conquer pride, to mitigate the pain of our wounds, to overcome the thirst of avarice, to quiet sensual passions, and the desires of low pleasures. If we call to our minds the name of Jesus, it brings before us His most meek and humble heart, and gives us a new knowledge of His most loving and tender compassion. The name of Jesus is the purest, and holiest, the noblest and most indulgent of names, the name of all blessings and of all virtues; it is the name of the God-Man, of sanctity itself. To think of Jesus is to think of the great, infinite God Who, having given us His life as an example, has also bestowed the necessary understanding, energy and assistance to enable us to follow and imitate Him, in our thoughts, inclinations, words and actions. If the name of Jesus reaches the depths of our heart, it leaves heavenly virtue there. We say, therefore, with our great master, St. Paul the Apostle: If any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema (I Cor. 16:22).
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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(When the first Sunday occurring in the year falls on January 1 or 6, or 7, the feast of the Holy Name is kept on January 2.)
The second Sunday after the Epiphany, which recalls the Marriage feast of Cana, was at first chosen as the day on which to honour the most holy Name of Jesus. It is on the Wedding Day that the Bridegroom gives his Name to the Bride, and it is the sign that, from that day forward, she belongs to him alone. The Church, therefore, wishing to honour a name so precious to her with a special feast, could find no day more appropriate for it than that of the Marriage at Cana. But now she has chosen for the celebration of this august Name, a day closer to the Anniversary on which it was given, ‘after eight days were accomplished, his name was called Jesus’; she leaves, however, the commemoration of the Sacred Nuptials to the Sunday of which it has ever been the glory.
In the Old Covenant, the Name of God inspired fear and awe: nor was the honour of pronouncing it granted to all the children of Israel. We can understand this. God had not yet come down from heaven to live on earth, and converse with men; he had not yet taken upon himself our poor nature, and become Man like ourselves; the sweet Name expressive of love and tenderness, could not be applied to him.
But, when the fulness of time had come – when the mystery of love was about to be revealed – then did heaven send down the Name of ‘Jesus’ to our earth, as a pledge of the speedy coming of him who was to bear it. The archangel Gabriel said to Mary: Thou shalt call his Name JESUS. ‘Jesus’ means Saviour. How sweet will this Name not be to poor lost man! It seems to link earth to heaven! No name is so amiable, none is so powerful. Every knee in heaven, on earth, and in hell, bows in adoration at hearing this Name! and yet, who can pronounce it, and not feel love spring up within his heart? But we need such a saint as Bernard, to tell us of the power and sweetness of this blessed Name. He thus speaks of it in one of his Sermons.
‘The Name of Jesus is Light, and Food, and Medicine. It is Light, when it is preached to us; it is Food, when we think upon it; it is the Medicine that soothes our pains when we invoke it. Let us say a word on each of these. Tell me, whence came there, into the whole world, so bright and sudden a light, if not from the preaching of the Name of Jesus? Was it not by the light of this Name that God called us unto his admirable Light? Wherewith being enlightened, and in this light, seeing the Light, we take these words of Paul as truly addressed to ourselves: Heretofore, you were darkness; but now, light in the Lord [Eph. v. 8].
‘Nor is the Name of Jesus Light only; it is also Food. Art thou not strengthened, as often as thou thinkest of this Name? What is there that so feeds the mind of him that meditates upon this Name? What is there that so restores the wearied faculties, strengthens virtue, gives vigour to good and holy habits, and fosters chastity? Every food of the soul is dry, that is not steeped in this unction; it is insipid, if it be not seasoned with this salt. If thou write, I relish not thy writing, unless I read there the Name of Jesus. If thou teach me, or converse with me, I relish not thy words, unless I hear thee say the Name of Jesus. JESUS is honey to the mouth, and music to the ear, and gladness to the heart.
‘It is also Medicine. Is any one among you sad? Let but Jesus come into his heart, and the mouth echo him, saying Jesus! and lo! the light of that Name disperses every cloud, and brings sunshine back again. Have any of you committed sin? and is despair driving you into the snare of death? Invoke the Name of life, and life will come back to the soul. Was there ever a man, that, hearing this saving Name, could keep up that common fault of hardness of heart, or drowsiness of sluggishness, or rancour of soul, or languor of sloth? If any one, perchance, felt that the fountain of his tears was dry, did it not gush forth more plentifully than ever, and flow more sweetly than ever, as soon as he invoked the Name of Jesus? If any of us were ever in danger, and our heart beat with fear, did not this Name of power bring us confidence and courage the moment we pronounced it? When we were tossed to and fro by perplexing doubts, did not the evidence of what was right burst on us as we called upon the Name of light? When we were discouraged, and well nigh crushed, by adversity, did not our heart take courage, when our tongue uttered the Name of help ? All this is most true; for all these miseries are the sicknesses and faintings of our soul, and the Name of Jesus is our Medicine.
‘But, let us see how all this comes to pass. Call upon me in the day of trouble, says the Lord; I will deliver thee, and thou shall glorify me [Ps. xlix 15]. There is nothing which so restrains the impulse of anger, calms the swelling of pride, heals the wound of envy, represses the insatiability of luxury, smothers the flame of lust, quenches the thirst of avarice, and dispels the fever of uncleanliness – as the Name of Jesus. For when I pronounce this Name, I bring before my mind the Man, who, by excellence, is meek and humble of heart, benign, sober, chaste, merciful, and filled with everything that is good and holy, nay, who is the very God Almighty – whose example heals me, and whose assistance strengthens me. I say all this, when I say Jesus. Here have I my model, for he is Man; and my help, for he is God; the one provides me with precious drugs, the other gives them efficacy; and from the two I make a potion such as no physician knows how to make.null
‘Here is the electuary, my soul, hid in the casket of this Name Jesus; believe me, it is wholesome, and good for every ailment thou canst possibly have. Ever have it with thee, in thy bosom and in thy hand; so that all thy affections and actions may be directed to JESUS.’ [Fifteenth Sermon on the canticle of Canticles.]
The feast of the Holy Name is of comparatively recent origin, its first promoter was St Bernardine of Siena, who lived in the fifteenth century. This holy man established the practice of representing the Holy Name of Jesus surrounded with rays, and formed into a monogram of its three first letters, IHS [The Name was, anciently, often written Ihesus; hence, in its contracted form alluded to, the letter H would be given: the E following was virtually included in the aspirate. Translator.]
The custom spread rapidly through Italy, and was zealously propagated by the great St John of Capestrano, who, like St Bernardine of Siena, was of the Order of Friars Minor. The Holy See gave its formal approbation to this manner of honouring the Name of our Saviour, and, in the early part of the sixteenth century, Pope Clement VI, after long entreaties, granted to the whole Franciscan Order the privilege of keeping a special Feast in honour of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
Rome extended the same favour to various Churches; and, at length, the Feast was inserted in the universal Calendar. It was in the year 1721, at the request of Charles VI, Emperor of Germany, that Pope Innocent XII decreed that the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus should be kept throughout the whole Church; he also chose the Second Sunday after the Epiphany as the day, but as we have already explained, the feast is now fixed for the Sunday following the Circumcision.
The Church begins her chants by proclaiming the glory of the Name of her Spouse. Heaven, earth, and hell! Bow ye down at the sound of this adorable Name, for the Son of Man, who bears this Name, is also the Son of God.
In Nomine Jesu omne genu flectatur, cœlestium, terrestrium et infernorum; et omnis lingua confiteatur, quia Dominus Jesus Christus in gloria est Dei Patris.
Ps. Domine, Dominus noster, quam admirabile est Nomen tuum in universa terra! ℣. Gloria Patri. In Nomine Jesu.
At the Name of Jesus, let eery knee bend in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and every tongue confess, that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.
Ps. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is thy name over the whole earth. ℣. Glory. At the Name.
In the Collect, the Church, which, during her exile, finds consolation in the Name of her divine Spouse, prays that she may see his blessed face in heaven.
Deus, qui unigenitum Filium tuum ocnstituisti humani generis Salvatorem, et Jesum vocari jussisti: concede propitius, ut cujus sanctum Nomen veneramur in terris, ejus quoque aspectu perfruamur in cœlis. Per eumdem.
O God, who didst appoint thy Only-Begotten Son the Savior of mankind, and commandedst that his name should be called Jesus: mercifully grant, that we who venerate this holy Name on earth, may also enjoy his sight in heaven. Through the same, &c.
Lesson from the Acts of the Apostles. Ch. iv.
In those days: Peter, being filled with the Holy Ghost, said to them: Ye princes of the people, and ancients, hear: If we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he hath been made whole: Be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him this man standeth here before you whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.
Quote:Oh! how true is this, dear Jesus! no other Name but thine could give us salvation, and thy Name means Savior. Be thou praised for having taken such a Name! Be thou praised for having saved us! Thou art of heaven heavenly, and yet thou takest a Name on earth, and one which our mortal lips can say.
The holy Church then commences a second canticle in praise of this divine Name, which is blessed by all nations, for it is the name of him who redeemed them all.
Salvos fac nos, Domine Deus noster; et congrega nos de nationibus: ut confiteamur Nomini sancto tuo, et gloriemur in laude tua.
℣. Tu, Domine, Pater noster, et Redemptor noster; a sæculo nomen tuum.
Save us, O Lord, our God! and gather us from amidst the nations: that we may give thanks to thy holy Name, and may glory in thy praise.
℣. Thou, Lord, art our Father and Redeemer; thy Name is from eternity.
Alleluia, alleluia.
℣. Laudem Domini loquetur os meum, et benedicat omnis caro Nomen sanctum ejus. Alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia.
℣. My mouth shall publish the praises of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy Name. Alleluia.
Sequel of the holy Gospel according to St. Luke. Ch. ii.
At that time: After eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised, his name was called Jesus, which was called by the angel, before he was conceived in the womb.
Quote:It is during the first shedding of thy Blood, by the Circumcision, that thou didst receive this Name of Jesus, dear Lord! and it was fitting that it should be so, for this Name signifies Saviour, and we could not be saved but by thy Blood. Our immortal life is to be purchased at the price of thy Death! This truth is expressed to us by thy Name, O Jesus! Saviour! Thou art the Vine, and thou invitest us to drink of thy delicious Wine; but the heavenly Fruit must be first unsparingly pressed in the wine-press of thy Eternal Father’s justice; we cannot drink of its juice, until it shall have been torn from the branch and bruised for our sakes. May thy sacred Name ever remind us of this sublime Mystery, and may the remembrance keep us from sin, and make us always faithful.
During the Offertory, the holy Church resumes her chants in honour of the Holy Name; she celebrates the mercies, which are reserved for all them that call on this Name.
Confitebor tibi, Domine Deus meus, in toto corde meo; et glorificabo Nomen tuum in æternum. Quoniam tu, Domine, suavis et mitis es, multæ misericordiæ omnibus invocantibus te. Alleluia.
I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify thy name for ever; because, O Lord, thou art good and gracious, and full of mercy towards all that call upon thee. Alleluia.
Benedictio tua, clementissime Deus, qua omnis viget creatura, sanctificet, quæsumus, hoc sacrificium nostrum, quod ad gloriam Nominis Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi offerimus tibi: ut majestati tuæ placere possit ad laudem, et nobis proficere ad salutem. Per eumdem.
May thy blessing, O most merciful God, by which every creature is enlivened and subsists, sanctify this our sacrifice, which we offer thee in honor of the name of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: that it may be acceptable to the praise of thy majesty, and available to our salvation. Through the same, &c.
The Faithful having received the heavenly food—the Body and Blood of their Savior, Jesus—the Church, filled with gratitude towards her Lord, invites all nations to glorify the Name of him who made and redeemed them.
Omnes gentes quascumque fecisti venient, et adorabunt coram te, Domine, et glorificabunt Nomen tuum: quoniam magnus es tu, et faciens mirabilia: tu es Deus solus. Alleluia.
All the nations thou hast made shall come and adore before thee, O Lord, and they shall glorify thy name, for thou art great and dost wonderful things: thou art God alone. Alleluia.
The holy Church has now but one more prayer to make: it is, that the names of her children may be written, under the glorious Name of “Jesus,” in the book of eternal predestination, which is, as it were, the deed of the contract made with us by our Savior. This happiness will assuredly be ours, if we are but wise enough to profit by all that this sweet Name offers us, and to make our life conformable to the lessons it teaches us.
Omnipotens, æterne Deus, qui creasti et redemisti nos: respice propitius vota nostra, et sacrificium salutaris hostiæ, quod in honorem Nominis Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi, majestati tuæ obtulimus, placido et benigno vultu suscipere digneris; ut gratia tua nobis infusa, sub glorioso Nomine Jesu, æternæ prædestinationis titulo, gaudeamus nomina nostra scripta esse in cœlis. Per eumdem.
O Almighty and Eternal God, who didst both create and redeem us, mercifully hear our prayers, and vouchsafe, with a pleasing and kind countenance, to receive the sacrifice of this victim of our salvation, which we have offered to thy divine Majesty, in honor of the Name of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; that thy grace being poured upon us, through the glorious Name of Jesus as a pledge of our eternal predestination, we may rejoice that our names are written in heaven. Through the same, &c.
Last Gospel
Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Joannem. Cap.ii.
In illo tempore: nuptiae factæ sunt in Cana Galilææ, et erat mater Jesu ibi. Vocatus est autem et Jesus, et discipuli ejus, ad nuptias. Et deficiente vino, dicit mater Jesu ad eum : Vinum non habent. Et dicit ei Jesus: Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier? nondum venit hora mea. Dicit mater ejus ministris : Quodcumque dixerit vobis, facite. Erant autem ibi lapideæ hydriæ sex positæ secundum purificationem Judæorum, capientes singulæ metretas binas vel ternas. Dicit eis Jesus: Implete hydrias aqua. Et impleverunt eas usque ad summum. Et dicit eis Jesus: Haurite nunc, et ferte architriclinio. Et tulerunt. Ut autem gustavit architriclinius aquam vinum factam, et non sciebat unde esset, ministri autem sciebant, qui hauserant aquam: vocat sponsum architriclinius, et dicit ei: Omnis homo primum bonum vinum ponit et cum inebriati fuerint, tunc id, quod deterius est. Tu autem servasti bonum vinum usque adhuc. Hoc fecit initium signorum Jesus in Cana Galilææ; et manifestavit gloriam suam, et crediderunt in eum discipuli ejus. ℣. Deo gratias.
Sequel of the holy Gospel according to St. John. Ch. ii.
At that time: there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come. His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye. Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. Jesus saith to them: Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And Jesus saith to them: Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of the feast. And they carried it. And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water; the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, And saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee; and manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him. ℣. Deo gratias.
The two Hymns which follow, and which are used by the Church for the Matins and Lauds of the Feast, are by the same writer as the Hymn of Vespers, Jesu dulcis memoria. They were for a long time attributed to St Bernard; but Manuscripts have been found, which prove beyond a doubt, that they were composed by a holy Abbess of the Order of St Benedict, who lived in the fourteenth century.
Jesu, Rex admirabilis,
Et triumphator nobilis,
Dulcedo ineffabilis,
Totus desiderabilis,Quando cor nostrum visitas,
Tunc lucet ei veritas,
Mundi vilescit vanitas,
Et intus fervet charitas.Jesu, dulcedo cordium,
Fons vivus, lumen mentium,
Excedens omne gaudium,
Et omne desiderium.
Jesum omnes agnoscite;
Amorem ejus poscite;
Jesum ardenter quaerite,
Quaerendo inardescite.
Te nostra, Jesu, vox sonnet,
Nostri te mores exprimant,
Te corda nostra diligant,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Amen.
O Jesus! admirable King! noble Conqueror! ineffable Sweetness! most lovely Jesus!
When thou visitest the heart, then does truth shine upon her, the vanity of the world grows contemptible, and charity burns within.
O Jesus! Sweetness of the heart! Fount of life! Light of the soul! Thou surpassest every joy, and every desire.
Acknowledge this Jesus, all ye people! Pray for his love, seek him with all eagerness, and, as ye seek him, burn with love of him.
May our tongue proclaim thee, O Jesu! may our lives reflect thy virtues! may our hearts love thee, both now and for eternity.
Jesu decus Angelicum,
In aure dulce canticum,
In ore mel mirificum,
In corde nectar coelicum.Qui te gustant esuriunt;
Qui bibunt adhuc sitiunt;
Desiderare nesciunt
Nisi Jesum, quem diligunt.O Jesu, mi dulcissime,
Spes suspirantis animae!
Te quaerunt piae lacrymae,
Te clamor mentis intimae.
Mane nobiscum, Domine,
Et nos illustra lumine;
Pulsa mentis caligine,
Mundum reple dulcedine.
Jesu, flos Matris virginis,
Amor nostrae dulcedinis,
Tibi laus, honor Nominis,
Regnum beatitudinis. Amen.
My Jesus, thou glory of the Angels! Thou art sweet music to the ear, sweetest honey to the mouth, heavenly nectar to the heart!
They that taste thee, still hunger after thee; they that drink, still thirst to drink; they know not what to desire save the Jesus whom they love.
O Jesus! my sweetest Jesus I hope of this panting heart! these tears of love, this cry of my innermost soul, both ask thee to be mine.
Abide with us, O Lord! and illumine us with light; drive darkness from our souls, and fill the world with thy sweetness.
To thee, O Jesus! thou Flower of thy Virgin-Mother, thou love of our delighted nature! be praise, and the honour of thy Name, and the kingdom of eternal bliss. Amen.
The following Sequence is the composition of the devout Bernardine de Bustis, a Franciscan,
who also composed, during the pontificate of Sixtus IV, an Office and a Mass of the Holy Name of Jesus.
Sweet Jesus of Nazareth! dear King of the Jews! the good, the beautiful, the flower like Jesus!
He suffers death and torments for the salvation of his people: he is pale and livid with his wounds.
Sweet Name and epithet! It is the Name surpassing all names.
It softens the sinner’s heart, and heals him: it warms up the just, and strengthens them, and defends them from temptation.
Under this King’s standard, thou livest in peace, for thine enemies fly before thee.
Think upon the Name of Jesus, and it will break up thine enemies’ plans, conquer them, and put them to flight.
This is the Name deserving of all honour, at which the wicked spirits ever tremble.
This is the Name of salvation, and the wonderful consolation which comforts the sorrowful.
It behoves us to honour this Name, put it in the treasury of our heart, think on it, love it, but love it bravely.
Ignatius taught men this Name; when he suffered martyrdom he had it on his lips, and when his heart was opened, there was found written on it this heavenly word Jesus.
What could we wish for better than this, to have Jesus as a bosom-friend? He is lovely above all measure, and desires to love us.
He loves most ardently, he loves most constantly, he loves most faithfully, and seeks how to assist his friends.
He made his own Name, and he made it such as that all should love it above all names, and before all names, and more intimately than all other names.
This is nature’s law: that we study our best to love him who loves us, and cordially do all we can to please him.
The Name of Jesus includes all good things; its sound is sweet; it merits for us a throne in the kingdom; it gladdens our hearing.
The brightness of the Father shines in it; the beauty of the Mother beams through it; the honour of the Father is reflected in it; the glory of the Brethren comes from it.
Would any one, therefore, know, how it is that the Name of Jesus so wonderfully causes the good to desire him whose Name it is?
It is that Jesus is beautiful in comeliness, infinitely good in worth, meek, gentle, and sweetly prone to mercy.
Jesus is the King of glory; Jesus is beautiful in appearance; Jesus is graceful in speech, and admirable in his works.
Jesus is strong, and valiant; Jesus is a vigorous combatant; Jesus is generous in his gifts, and loves to give.
Jesus is tenderly compassionate; Jesus is the enlightened guide; Jesus is the de light of all who know him, and most sweet is his company.
Jesus is glorified throughout the world; Jesus brings the fruit of blessings to all; Jesus is the source of every virtue, and takes the tenderest care of those that are his.
There is none equal to him in honour, there is none like him in affection, and all the earth praises him.
He knows all things, and holds all things in his omnipresent providence; his love wins him the hearts of his creatures and keeps them fastened to himself.
All hail, then, to this Name so loved – Sweet Jesus! May it be so fixed within our hearts, that no power may take it from us!
May it bring us the forgiveness of our sins; may it inspire us to hymn God’s praise; may it lead us to the possession of our blissful throne in heaven. Amen.
We cannot refuse to our readers the following Hymn from the ancient Missals of Germany, notwithstanding its being,
in several of the ideas and expressions, a repetition of the one just given.
Jesus, Name so justly honoured, adored in heaven, and expressive of infinite glory! It was revealed to Gabriel, and announced on earth to the Mother of divine grace.
She, on the eighth day, when her Son had been circumcised according to the Jewish ceremony, she called him Jesus. The blessed Name was preached to the whole world, and saves them that believe.
The glory of the divine Trinity and Unity blazes forth in this Name; it gladdens heaven; the brightness of the Father shines in it; the beauty of the Mother beams through it; the glory of the Brethren comes from it.
This is the Name of salvation, and the wonderful consolation which comforts the sorrowful. It behoves us ever to honour, and bless, and praise, with joyful hearts, this dear Name.
It is music when preached to us; it is sweet honey when invoked by us; it defends us from temptation. It is joy to us when we think on it, and the wicked spirits are seized with strange fear when they hear us say it.
This is the Name that is full of grace, and fruit, and virtue, above all names. It makes known to men the gracious, the beautiful, the loving face of God.
It is fair in beauty, it is surpassingly good in worth, its inner relish is most sweet; it is most powerful in energy, most high in honour, and gives a happy delight.
Do thou, therefore, good Jesus! Shepherd and Light un failing of our souls! defend us, and, for thy dear Name’s sake, let not the dismal chaos of darkness engulf us.
O thou the Reformer of all nations, that destroyest death by thy Life! O Restorer of the loss sustained by the An gels, give thyself unto us. Amen.
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Discourse on the Name of Jesus
by St. Alphonsus di Liguori
Vocatum est nomen ejus Jesus.
"His Name was called Jesus."----St. Luke, 2:21.
This great name of Jesus was not given by man, but by God himself; "The name of Jesus," says St. Bernard, "was first preordained by God." [1] It was a new name: A new Name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. [2] A new name, which God alone could give to Him Whom He destined for the Saviour of the world. A new and an eternal name; because, as our salvation was decreed from all eternity, so from all eternity was this name given to the Redeemer. Nevertheless this name was only bestowed on Jesus Christ in this world on the day of His circumcision: And after eight days were accomplished that the Child should be circumcised, His name was called Jesus. The Eternal Father wished at that time to reward the humility of His Son by giving Him so honorable a name. Yes, while Jesus humbles Himself, submitting in His circumcision to be branded with the mark of a sinner, it is just that His Father should honor Him by giving Him a name that exceeds the dignity and sublimity of any other name: God hath given Him a Name which is above all names. [3] And He commands that this name should be adored by the Angels, by men, and by devils: That in the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of those that are in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth. [4] If, then, all creatures are to adore this great name, still more ought we sinners to adore it, since it was in our behalf that this name of Jesus; which signifies Saviour, was given to Him; and for this end also He came down from Heaven, namely, to save sinners: "For us men and for our salvation He came down from Heaven, and was made Man." [5] We ought to adore Him, and at the same time to thank God Who has given Him this name for our good; for it is this name that consoles us, defends us, and makes us burn with love. This will form the three points of our discourse. Let us consider them; but first let us beg for light from Jesus and Mary.
In the first place, the name of Jesus consoles us; for when we invoke Jesus, we find relief in all our afflictions. When we have recourse to Jesus, He wishes to console us, because He loves us; and He can do so, because He is not only man, but He is also the Omnipotent God; otherwise He could not properly have this great name of Saviour. The name of Jesus signifies that the bearer of it is of an infinite power, infinite wisdom, and infinite love; so that if Jesus Christ had not united in Himself all these perfections, He could not have saved us: "If anyone of these," says St. Bernard, "had been wanting, Thou couldst not call Thyself Saviour." [6] Thus, when speaking of the circumcision, the Saint says: "He was circumcised as being the Son of Abraham, He was called Jesus as being the Son of God." [7] He is branded as man with the mark of sin, having taken upon Himself the burden of atoning for sinners; and from His very infancy He began, to satisfy for their crimes, by suffering and shedding His Blood; but He is called Jesus, He is called the Saviour, inasmuch as He is the Son of God, because to God alone does the office of salvation belong.
The name of Jesus is said by the Holy Spirit to be like oil poured out: Thy name is as oil poured out. [8] And so indeed it is, says St. Bernard; for as oil serves for light, for food, and for medicine, so especially the name of Jesus is light: "it is a light when preached." And how was it, says the Saint, that the light of faith shone forth so suddenly in the world so that in a short time so many Gentile nations knew the true God, and became His followers, if it was not through hearing the name of Jesus preached? "Whence, think you, shone forth in the whole world, so bright and so sudden, the light of faith, except from the preaching of the name of Jesus?"
Through this name we have been happily made sons of the true light, that is, sons of the Holy Church; since we were so fortunate as to be born in the bosom of the Roman Church, in Christian and Catholic kingdoms,---a grace which has not been granted to the greater part of men, who are born amongst idolaters, Mahometans, or heretics. Further, the name of Jesus is a food that nourishes our souls. "The thought of it is nourishment." This name gives strength to find peace and consolation even in the midst of the miseries and persecutions of this world. The holy Apostles rejoiced when they were ill treated and reviled, being comforted by the name of Jesus: They went from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus. [9] It is light, it is food, and it is also medicine to those who invoke it: "When pronounced, it soothes and anoints." The holy Abbot says: "At the rising of the light of this name, the clouds disperse, the calm returns." If the soul of anyone is afflicted and in trouble, let him pronounce the name of Jesus, and immediately the tempest will cease and peace will return. Does anyone fall into sin? Does he run in despair into the snares of death? Let him invoke the name of Life, and will he not at once return to life? [10] If anyone has been so wretched as to fall into sin, and feels diffident of pardon, let him invoke this name of Life, and he shall immediately be encouraged to hope for pardon, by calling on Jesus, Who for this end was destined by the Father to be our Saviour,---namely, to obtain pardon for sinners. Euthymius says that if when Judas was tempted to despair, he had invoked the name of Jesus, he would not have given way to the temptation: "If he had invoked that name, he would not have perished." Therefore, he adds, no sinner can perish through desperation, however lost he may be, who invokes his Holy Name, which is one of hope and salvation: "Despair is far off where this name is invoked."
But sinners leave off invoking this saving name, because they do not wish to be cured of their infirmities. Jesus Christ is ready to heal all our wounds; but if people cherish their wounds, and will not be healed, how can Jesus Christ heal them? The Venerable [now Blessed, pictured at the left] Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified, a Sicilian nun, once saw the Saviour, as it seemed, in a hospital, going round with medicines in His hand, to cure the sick people who were there; but these miserable people, instead of thanking Him and begging Him to come to them, drove Him away. In like manner do many sinners, after they have of their own free-will poisoned their souls with sins, refuse the gifts of health, that is, the grace offered them by Jesus Christ, and thus remain lost through their infirmities.
But, on the other hand, what fear can that sinner have who has recourse to Jesus Christ, since Jesus offers Himself to obtain our pardon from His Father, having paid the penalty due from us by His death? St. Laurence Justinian says: "He Who had been offended, appointed Himself as intercessor, and Himself paid what was owing to Him." [11] Therefore, adds the Saint, "if thou art bound down by sickness, if sorrows weary thee, if thou art trembling with fear, invoke the name of Jesus." [12] poor man, whoever thou art, if thou art weighed down by infirmity or by grief and fear, call on Jesus, and He will console thee. It is enough that we pray to the Father in His name, and all we ask will be granted to us. This is the promise of Jesus Himself, which He repeated many times, and which cannot fail: If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give to you: [13], ... that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you. [14]
In the second place, we said that the name of Jesus defends us. Yes, it defends us against all the deceits and assaults of our enemies. For this reason the Messias was called the Mighty God; [15] and His name was called by the wise man a strong tower: The name of the Lord is a strong tower; [16] that we may know that he who avails himself of this powerful name will not fear all the assaults of Hell. St. Paul writes thus: Christ humbled Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the Cross. [17] Jesus Christ during His life humbled Himself in obeying His Father, even to die on the Cross; which is as much as to say, as St. Anselm remarks, He humbled Himself so much that He could humble Himself no more; and therefore His Divine Father, as a reward for this humility and obedience of His Son, raised Him to such a sublime dignity that He could have no higher: For which cause God hath given Him a name which is above all names ... that every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth. He has given Him a name which is so great and powerful that it iS venerated in Heaven, on earth, and in Hell. A name powerful in Heaven, because it can obtain all graces for us; powerful on earth, because it can save all who invoke it with devotion; powerful in Hell, because this name makes all the devils tremble. These rebel Angels tremble at the sound of that most sacred name, because they remember that Jesus Christ was the Mighty One Who destroyed the dominion and power they had before over man. They tremble, says St. Peter Chrysologus, because at that name they have to adore the whole majesty of God: "In this name the whole majesty of God is adored." [18]
Our Saviour Himself said, that through this powerful name His disciples should cast out devils: In My name they shall cast out devils. [19] And, in fact, the Church in her exorcisms always makes use of this name in driving out the infernal spirits from those who are possessed. And priests who are assisting dying persons call to their aid the name of Jesus, to deliver them from the assaults of Hell, which at that last moment are so terrible. If we read the life of St. Bernardine of Siena, we shall see how many sinners the Saint converted, how many abuses he put an end to, and how many cities he sanctified, by trying when he preached to induce the people to invoke the name of Jesus. St. Peter says that there is no other name given to us by which we can find salvation but this ever-blessed name of Jesus: For there is no other name under Heaven given to men whereby we must be saved. [20] Jesus is He Who has not only saved us once for all, but He continually preserves us from the danger of sin, by His merits, each time we invoke Him with confidence: Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in My name, that will I do. [21]
In temptations, then, I repeat with St. Laurence Justinian, "whether you are tempted by the devil, or are attacked by men, invoke the name of Jesus." [22] If the devils and men torment you and urge you to sin, call on Jesus, and you will be delivered; and if temptations do not cease to persecute you, continue to invoke Jesus, and you will never fall. Those who practice this devotion have experienced that they keep themselves safe, and that they always come off victorious.
Let us always add also the name of Mary, which is likewise terrible to Hell, and we shall always be secure. "This short prayer---Jesus and Mary---is easy to remember," says Thomas à Kempis, "and powerful to protect; is strong enough to deliver us from all the assaults of our enemies." [23]
In the third place, the name of Jesus not only consoles us and preserves us from all evil, but it also inflames with holy love all those who pronounce it with devotion. The name of Jesus, that is, of Saviour, is a name which expresses in itself love, for it recalls to us how much Jesus Christ has done and suffered to save us. "The name of Jesus," says St. Bernard, "places before thee all that God has done for the salvation of the human race." [24] So that a pious author said, with all the affection of his heart "O my Jesus, how much did it cost Thee to be Jesus, that is, my Saviour!"
St. Matthew writes, when speaking of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, And they put over His head His cause written: This is Jesus the King of the Jews. The eternal Father then so ordained that on the Cross on which our Redeemer died should be written, This is Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Pilate wrote this, not that he had judged Him guilty because Jesus Christ took to Himself the title of King; for Pilate made no account of this accusation: and at the same time that he condemned Him he declared Him innocent, and protested that he had no part in his death: I am innocent of the blood of this just man. [25] Why, then, did he give Him the title of king? He wrote it by the will of God, Who thereby wished to say to us men, Do you know why My innocent Son is dying? He is dying because He is your Saviour; this Divine pastor dies on this infamous tree in order to save you, His sheep. Therefore it was said in the sacred Canticles, His name is as oil poured out. St. Bernard explains this, saying, "that is, the effusion of the Divinity." In the redemption God Himself, out of the love which He bore us, gave Himself and communicated Himself entirely to us: He hath loved us, and hath delivered Himself for us. [26] And, that He might be able to communicate Himself to us, He took upon Himself the burden of suffering the pains due by us. He hath borne our infirmities, and carried our sorrows. [27] By this title, says St. Cyril of Alexandria, He desired to cancel the original decree of condemnation which had already been passed against us poor sinners: "By this title affixed to His Cross He blotted out the decree issued against the human race." [28] According to the word of the Apostle, Blotting out the handwriting of the decree that was against us. [29] Our loving Redeemer wished to deliver us from the malediction we, had deserved, by making Himself the object of the Divine curse in taking all our sins upon Him: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. [30]
Therefore it is not possible for a soul that is faithful to pronounce the name of Jesus, and to remember all that He has done to save us, and not to be inflamed with love towards one Who has loved us so much. "When I utter the name of Jesus," says St. Bernard, "I see before me a man of meekness, humility, kindness, and mercy, Who at the same time is the Almighty God, Who heals and strengthens me." [31] When we say Jesus, we should imagine to ourselves that we see a man, meek, benignant, kind, and full of all virtues; and then we must think that He is our God, Who, to cure our wounds, chose to be despised, wounded, and even to die of pure grief on a Cross. St. Anselm, therefore, exhorts all who call themselves Christians to cherish the beautiful name of Jesus, to have it always in their hearts, that it may be their only food, their only consolation. "Let Jesus be ever in thy heart. Let Him be thy food, thy delight, thy consolation." Ah, says St. Bernard, it is He alone Who experiences it, that can know what sweetness, what a paradise even in this valley of tears, it is truly to love Jesus. [32]
"The love of Jesus, what it is, None but His lov'd ones know."
Well did St. Rose of Lima know this happiness, from whose mouth came out such a burning flame of love, after she had received Holy Communion, that it burned the hands of those that gave her water (as was the custom) to drink after Communion. As also did St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, who, with a crucifix in her hand, cried out, burning with love, "O God of love! O God of love! even mad with love." And St. Philip Neri, whose ribs were forced out to give room for his heart, which was burning with Divine love, to beat more freely. St. Stanislaus Kostka, who was obliged to have his breast bathed with cold water to mitigate the great ardor with which he was burning for the love of Jesus. St. Francis Xavier, who for the same cause unclosed his bosom, saying, "Lord, it is enough; no more," in this way declaring himself unable to bear the great flame that was burning in his heart.
Let us also try as much as we can to keep Jesus in our hearts by loving Him, and to keep Him on our lips by often calling on Him. St. Paul says that the name of Jesus cannot be pronounced (that is, with devotion) except by the operation of the Holy Spirit: And no man can say the Lord Jesus but by the Holy Ghost. [33] So that the Holy Spirit communicates Himself to all those who devoutly pronounce the name of Jesus.
The name of Jesus is strange to some, and why is it? Because they love not Jesus. The Saints have always on their lips this name of salvation and love. There is not a page in all the epistles of St. Paul in which he does not name Jesus many times. St. John also names Him often. The blessed Henry Suso, the more to increase his love for this holy name, one day, with a sharp iron, engraved the name of Jesus on his bosom over his heart; and being all bathed in his blood, he said, Lord, I desire to write Thy name on my heart itself, but I cannot; Thou Who canst do everything, imprint, I pray Thee, Thy sweet name on my heart, so that neither Thy name nor Thy love may ever be effaced from it. St. Jane of Chantal imprinted the name of Jesus on her heart with a hot iron.
Jesus Christ does not expect so much from us; He is satisfied if we keep Him in our hearts by love, and if we often invoke Him with affection. And as whatever He did and said during His life, He did it all for us, so it is but just that whatever we do, we should do it in the name of Jesus Christ, and for His love, as St. Paul exhorts us: All whatsoever you do, in word or in work, all things do ye in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. [34] And if Jesus has died for us, we ought to be ready willingly to give our lives for the name of Jesus Christ, as the same Apostle declared he was ready to do: For I am ready, not only to be bound, but to die also in Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus. [35]
Let us now come to the conclusion. If we are in affliction, let us invoke Jesus, and He will console us. If we are tempted, let us invoke Jesus, and He will give us strength to withstand all our enemies. If, lastly, we are in aridity, and are cold in Divine love, let us invoke Jesus, and He will inflame our hearts. Happy are they who have this most tender and holy name always on their lips! A name of peace, a name of hope, a name of salvation, and a name of love. And oh! happy shall we be if we are fortunate enough to die pronouncing the name of Jesus! But if we desire to breathe out our last sigh with this sweet name on our tongue, we must accustom ourselves to repeat it often during our life.
Let us also always add the beautiful name of Mary, which is also a name given from Heaven, and is a powerful name which makes Hell tremble; and is besides a sweet name, in that it reminds us of that Queen who, being the Mother of God, is also our Mother, the Mother of mercy, the Mother of love.
Affections and Prayers
Since, then, O my Jesus! Thou art the Saviour Who hast given Thy Blood and Thy life for me, I pray Thee to write Thine adorable name on my poor heart; so that having it always imprinted in my heart by love, I may also have it ever on my lips, by invoking it in all my necessities. If the devil tempts me, Thy name will give me strength to resist him; if I lose confidence, Thy name will animate me to hope; if I am in affliction, Thy name will comfort me, by reminding me of all Thou hast endured for me. If I find myself cold in Thy love, Thy name will inflame me by reminding me of the love Thou hast shown me. Hitherto I have fallen into so many sins, because I did not call on Thee; from henceforth Thy name shall be my defense, my refuge, my hope, my only consolation, my only love. Thus do I hope to live, and so do I hope to die, having Thy name always on my lips.
Most holy Virgin, obtain for me the grace of invoking the name of thy Son Jesus in all my necessities, together with thine own, my Mother Mary; but let me invoke them always with confidence and love, so that I may be able also to say to thee as did the devout Alphonsus Rodriguez: "Jesus and Mary, may I suffer for You; may I die for You; may I be wholly Yours, and in nothing my own!" O my beloved Jesus! O Mary, my beloved Lady! give me the grace to suffer and to die for Thy love, I will be no longer mine own, but altogether Thine; Thine in life, and Thine in death, when I hope by Thy help to expire saying, Jesus and Mary, help me!
Jesus and Mary, I recommend myself to Thee; Jesus and Mary, I love Thee, and I give and deliver up to Thee my whole soul.
TAKEN FROM THE BOOK, The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ
1. T. ii. s. 49.
2. Isa. 62:2
3. Phil. 2:9.
4. Phil. 2:10.
5. Symb. Nic.
6. In Circ. s. 2.
7. In Circ. s. 1.
8. Cant. 1:2.
9. Acts 5:41.
10. In Cant. s. 15.
11. Serm. in Nat, D.
12. Serm. in Circ. D.
13. John 16:23.
14. John 14:13.
15. Isa. 9:6.
16. Prov. 18:10.
17. Phil. 2:8.
18. Serm. 144.
19. Mark, 16:17.
20. Acts. 4:12.
21. John 14:13.
22. Serm. in Circ. D.
23. Vall. lil. c. 13.
24. T. ii. s. 49.
25. Matt. 27:24
26. Eph. 5:2.
27. Isa. 53:4.
28. In Jo. l. 12. c. 29.
29. Col. 2:14.
30. Gal. 3:13.
31. In Cant. s. 15.
32. Jub. de nom. Jesu.
33. 1 Cor. 13:3.
34. Col. 3:17.
35. Acts, 26:13.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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Jesu dulcis memoria
(Inno gregoriano, Bernardo di Clairvaux, 1090/1153)
Quote:From the 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia:
Jesu Dulcis Memoria
A poem ranging from forty two to fifty three stanzas (in various manuscripts), to form the three hymns of the Office of the Holy Name: "Jesu dulcis memoria" (Vespers), "Jesu rex admirabilis" (Matins), "Jesu decus angelicum" (Lauds). A feature of the long poem is the single rhymic scheme for a stanza, e.g.:
Jesu dulcis memoria,
Dans vera cordis gaudia,
Sed super mel et omnia
Ejus dulcis præsentia.
The ascription of authorship to St. Bernard is general ...
Jesu, dulcis memoria, dans vera cordis gaudia:
sed super mel et omnia ejus dulcis praesentia.
Nil canitur suavius, nil auditur jucundius,
nil cogitatur dulcius, quam Jesus Dei Filius.
Jesu, spes paenitentibus, quam pius es petentibus!
quam bonus te quaerentibus! sed quid invenientibus?
Nec lingua valet dicere, nec littera exprimere:
expertus potest credere, quid sit Jesum diligere.
Sis, Jesu, nostrum gaudium, qui es futurum praemium:
sit nostra in te gloria, per cuncta semper saecula. Amen.
The sweet memory of Jesus
Giving true joy to the heart:
But more than honey and all things
His sweet presence.
Nothing more delightful is sung,
Nothing more pleasing heard,
Nothing sweeter thought,
Than Jesus, the Son of God.
O Jesus, hope of the penitent,
How gracious you are to those who ask
How good to those who seek you;
But what [are you] to those who find?
No tongue may tell,
No letter express;
He who has experience of it can believe
What it is to love Jesus.
O Jesus, may you be our joy,
You who are our future reward.
May our glory be in you
Throughout all eternity. Amen
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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From the 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia
Holy Name of Jesus
We give honour to the Name of Jesus, not because we believe that there is any intrinsic power hidden in the letters composing it, but because the Name of Jesus reminds us of all the blessings we receive through our Holy Redeemer. To give thanks for these blessings we revere the Holy Name, as we honour the Passion of Christ by honouring His Cross (Colvenerius, " De festo SS. Nominis", ix). At the Holy Name of Jesus we uncover our heads, and we bend our knees; it is at the head of all our undertakings, as the Emperor Justinian says in his law-book: "In the Name of Our Lord Jesus we begin all our consultations". The Name of Jesus invoked with confidence
- It brings help in bodily needs, according to the promise of Christ: "In my name They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover". (Mark 16:17-18) In the Name of Jesus the Apostles gave strength to the lame (Acts 3:6; 9:34) and life to the dead (Acts 9:40).
- It gives consolation in spiritual trials. The Name of Jesus reminds the sinner of the prodigal son's father and of the Good Samaritan; it recalls to the just the suffering and death of the innocent Lamb of God.
- It protects us against Satan and his wiles, for the Devil fears the Name of Jesus, who has conquered him on the Cross.
- In the Name of Jesus we obtain every blessing and grace for time and eternity, for Christ has said: "If you ask the Father anything in my name he will give it you." (John 16:23) Therefore the Church concludes all her prayers by the words: "Through Our Lord Jesus Christ", etc.
So the word of St. Paul is fulfilled: "That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" (Philippians 2:10).
A special lover of the Holy Name was St. Bernard, who speaks of it in most glowing terms in many of his sermons. But the greatest promoters of this devotion were St. Bernardine of Siena and St. John Capistran. They carried with them on their missions in the turbulent cities of Italy a copy of the monogram of the Holy Name, surrounded by rays, painted on a wooden tablet, wherewith they blessed the sick and wrought great miracles. At the close of their sermons they exhibited this emblem to the faithful and asked them to prostrate themselves, to adore the Redeemer of mankind. They recommended their hearers to have the monogram of Jesus placed over the gates of their cities and above the doors of their dwelling (cf. Seeberger, " Key to the Spiritual Treasures", 1897, 102). Because the manner in which St. Bernardine preached this devotion was new, he was accused by his enemies, and brought before the tribunal of Pope Martin V. But St. John Capistran defended his master so successfully that the pope not only permitted the worship of the Holy Name, but also assisted at a procession in which the holy monogram was carried. The tablet used by St. Bernardine is venerated at Santa Maria in Ara Coeli at Rome.
The emblem or monogram representing the Holy Name of Jesus consists of the three letters: IHS. In the Middle Ages the Name of Jesus was written: IHESUS; the monogram contains the first and last letter of the Holy Name. It is first found on a gold coin of the eight century: DN IHS CHS REX REGNANTIUM (The Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings). Some erroneously say that the three letters are the initials of: " Jesus Hominum Salvator" (Jesus Saviour of Men). The Jesuits made this monogram the emblem of their Society, adding a cross over the H and three nails under it. Consequently a new explanation of the emblem was invented, pretending that the nails originally were a "V", and that the monogram stands for " In Hoc Signo Vinces" (In This Sign you shall Conquer), the words which, according to a legendary account, Constantine saw in the heavens under the Sign of the Cross before the battle at the Milvian bridge (312).
Urban IV and John XXII are said to have granted an indulgence of thirty days to those who would add the name of Jesus to the Hail Mary or would bend their knees, or at least bow their heads when hearing the Name of Jesus (Alanus, " Psal. Christi et Mariae", i, 13, and iv, 25, 33; Michael ab Insulis, " Quodlibet", v; Colvenerius, " De festo SS. Nominis", x). This statement may be true; yet it was only by the efforts of St. Bernardine that the custom of adding the Name of Jesus to the Ave Maria was spread in Italy, and from there to the Universal Church. But up to the sixteenth century it was still unknown in Belgium (Colven., op. Cit., x), whilst in Bavaria and Austria the faithful still affix to the Ave Maria the words: "Jesus Christus" ( ventris tui, Jesus Christus). Sixtus V (2 July, 1587) granted an indulgence of fifty days to the ejaculation: "Praise be to Jesus Christ!" with the answer: "For evermore", or "Amen". In the South of Germany the peasants salute each other with this pious formula. Sixtus V and Benedict XIII granted an indulgence of fifty days to all as often as they pronounce the Name of Jesus reverently, and a plenary indulgence in the hour of death. These two indulgences were confirmed by Clement XIII, 5 Sept., 1759. As often as we invoke the Name of Jesus and Mary ("Jesu!", "Maria!") we may gain an indulgence of 300 days, by decree of Pius X, 10 Oct., 1904. It is also necessary, to gain the papal indulgence in the hour of death, to pronounce at least in mind the Name of Jesus.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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The Power of the Name of Jesus
St. Bernadine of Sienna
Bernardine of Siena was born on September 8, 1380, feast of the Nativity of Mary. He was a member of the Albizeschi family, one of the most renowned in the Republic of Siena. No one had any idea of the future glory of the child who, according to Saint Antoninus, was destined to become "a new star in the midst of the murky darkness of the earth; to shine with the brightness of Divine gifts; to beam far and wide the bright rays of his glorious life and teachings; to lead in the fear of God, by the holiness of his example, a people whose blindness had removed it from the straight path of the heavenly Homeland." He was Baptized on the very day of his birth.
When it came time to choose a vocation, Bernardine directed his thoughts toward the religious life. But toward what Order was he to direct his feet? He went into retreat in a solitary house, redoubled his fervor and prayed without ceasing until Divine grace dissolved his incertitude. One day while he was kneeling at the foot of his crucifix as usual and beseeching God, he suddenly heard Jesus say to him:
"My son Bernardine, you see Me hanging on the Cross, in a state of total denudation. If you love Me and want to walk in My footsteps, fasten yourself also to the cross, divested of everything."
These words made such an impression on him that he decided to follow them to the letter. On September 8, 1402, at the age of twenty-two, he was clothed in the habit of Saint Francis and entered the novitiate in the convent of Colombaio, not far from Siena. The new novice distinguished himself above all by his spirit of obedience. Understanding that this virtue was the pivotal point of the religious life, Bernardine became the model of the community. He had the joy of making his vows on the evening of another September 8, and to celebrate his first Mass one year later on the same date.
Bernardine's superiors commanded him to devote himself in the preaching ministry. His voice had a natural defect that prevented him from being heard by anything more than a very limited group: the intercession of the Blessed Virgin delivered him from this difficulty in doing good.
The new apostle was thirty-eight years old when he began to be famous in the major cities of Italy. Until then he had divided his days into periods of prayer, study, and several brief meditations. Diligent in the reading of Holy Scripture, he had penetrated its various meanings and knew how to apply them on every occasion, according to the needs of his listeners.
The Name of Jesus was the usual theme of the holy apostle's addresses. As a child he had been taught to venerate it in a special manner. Later, on reading the epistles of Saint Paul, he had found the Divine Name on almost every line. He had seen Saint Peter answer the leaders of the Synagogue that only in this Name could man be saved. So his decision was made, to adopt the Name of Jesus as his standard and his sole
Milan, Genoa, Tortona, Castel Nuovo, Florence, Volterra . . . all of them, one after another, heard Bernardine preach. At the end of his sermons, he would take a tablet with the Divine Name painted on it and show it to his listeners; then, having them kneel, he would invite them to beg the Savior of the world for mercy, promise to live in peace with God and men, implore the Heavenly Father, in virtue of that same Name which He had given to His only-begotten Son to have compassion on all Christians for eternity. Then, raising the tablet, he would bless just men and sinners alike, sending them off with their souls filled with generous resolutions for the future. Ordinarily, no one could resist this imposing ceremony.
Bernardine left the people of Volterra the little tablet on which he had personally painted the glorious Name of his beloved Savior, and which he had used during his sermons until then. It became a pledge of protection; in times of calamity it was carried in procession. If drought withered the earth, if rain threatened the harvest, if plague or war wreaked havoc, it was exposed for public veneration. And on many occasions, God was pleased to glorify the memory of His faithful servant. One year before his death, a church was erected in Volterra in honor of the Holy Name of Jesus and a pious association was established to guard the precious relic, which can still be venerated today.
On learning that there was a man possessed by the devil in the city of Alessandria in the Piedmont, where he was passing through, the holy preacher gave a child a piece of paper on which the glorious Name of the Savior was written, with orders to put it on the possessed person. The child had hardly done so when the unclean spirit took flight.
It was also Saint Bernardine who set up a hospital, known since then by the name of Old Lazaret, on the Isle of Santa Maria de Nazaret. He had the Name of Jesus engraved in various places; even today, the Divine Name engraved on the facade of the church reminds posterity of the Saint's touching preoccupation during the exercise of his apostolic preaching.
He had truly wondrous success in Bellune, a city in the Republic of Venice. The pulpit was set up in the city's largest square. There, after having won the sympathy of the townsfolk, our Saint drew a striking sketch of the woes of Bellune. Reminding them of what he had said elsewhere about the cruelties of various factions, the excess of ferocity with which they defiled themselves and the atrocious crimes of which they were guilty, he pointed out the painted signs of rival factions set above the doors of peoples' homes. Then, raising a tablet upon which he had written the Name of Jesus, he presented that adorable Name as the only one worthy of being engraved in hearts, on the doors and walls of homes, and on the facades of churches, citadels and public monuments: the Saint won a total victory. Never had a more striking triumph crowned his words.
The throng spread through the streets; paintings representing the insignia of rival factions vanished everywhere at once; even their slightest vestige was blotted out. The Name of Jesus was engraved on walls. Some people had it painted on their doors and inside their homes, surrounded with rays of light, whereas others used sculpture to immortalize the remembrance of that great day.
In Bologna, Bernardine put a halt to games of chance. One worker's exclusive occupation was painting playing cards. He had found this work sufficient to provide for his family needs, but now he was threatened with falling into need as a result of the reforms introduced by the Saint in his city. He came to speak of his worries to the very one who was causing them. Bernardine welcomed him with kindness and asked him if he really did not know any other trade.
"None, Father," answered the worker.
"Well then, will you try one that I will suggest to you? You will make enough for yourself and your family, I promise you."
"Gladly," said he, "I will do it at once."
Taking a compass, the Saint drew a circle on a board, then sketched the adorable Name of Jesus in the middle of it, drawing bright rays of light all around it. He showed the sketch to the worker and said to him:
"There, my friend, make similar paintings based on this model, and you will make an income great enough to meet your needs." The painter followed his advice, and soon people were thronging to his workshop; within a few short days, he had been largely compensated for abandoning his former industry.
One of our Saint's diligent listeners in Siena was Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, who later became pope under the name of Pius II. In his notes, the latter tells of the impulsion produced by Bernardine's addresses: "One day, as he was preaching in the square in Siena, a thick cloud formed and threatened rain. Everyone wanted to run off. 'Friends, remain in peace,' exclaimed the orator. He knelt down and prayed, ordering the cloud, by virtue of the Name of Jesus, to go away. Scarcely had he spoken when the cloud scattered without a drop of rain, and the weather turned as fair as it had been before."
To conclude his mission in that city, the Saint went to the pulpit holding the tablet with the Name of Jesus painted on it. Presenting the Divine Name to the crowd as the hope of nations and the joy of the elect, he delivered a warm address on the subject and then invited his listeners to kneel and make honorable amends and ask forgiveness for past sins. The moving voice of the preacher and the sight of that adorable Name, without which there is no salvation for the world, brought on tears and sobs. And this was no passing emotion, it was a public act that engaged them for the future, a new consecration in the Lord's service; it was the cry of the Prophet, repeated by thousands of voices: "I have sworn, and I do resolve to keep Your just ordinances." [Psalm 118: 106] Before dismissing the crowd, the missionary announced a procession on the following day in honor of the glorious Name he had just exalted.
At the hour he had set, an immense multitude pressed into Siena's great public square. Bernardine offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the procession unfurled through the city streets. Amid the lines of people was carried the sacred tablet representing the Name of Jesus, followed by one of the nails that had fastened the Savior to the cross, a relic religiously kept in the La Scala treasury. Never had a more majestic sight been offered to the citizens of Siena: fervor was at its height. Thus, as in Florence, the blessed preacher was able to crown his work by having the people publicly burn objects of vanity and games which men and women hastened to present.
Wanting to immortalize the remembrance of the Heavenly graces received on this occasion, the municipality had the glorious Name of Jesus painted on the facade of the palace of the republic and surrounded by rays of gold. The tablet carried in procession was given to the Franciscans in the city; the pulpit that had been set up in the square was brought back to the cathedral, where it has remained to this day.
The Name of Jesus in the hands of the holy apostle became the rainbow of peace; every knee bent, appeased, every sinner hastened to the wellsprings of pardon, wherever Bernardine set up that mighty symbol. The three letters [JHS] which represented that Name forever blessed became familiar to all the faithful; they were sculpted, engraved and painted everywhere; thus did the Catholic people acquire a new expression of their religion and their love toward the Savior of men.
We have seen Saint Bernardine of Siena at work, now let us listen to him speaking on the adorable Name of Jesus . . .
The Name of Jesus is the refuge of the penitent sinner, a refuge full of meekness in which majesty effaces itself, tenderness becomes sweeter, Divine mercy appears in Its grandeur. The Name of God is awesome; in it is found the ardor of the flame which consumes, the wrath which chastises, the weight which crushes; but all these things have been tempered in the wellspring of mercy by Jesus Christ Who was smitten with love for us in the womb of the Virgin Mary. There, that ardor has lost its violence, that wrath has become forbearance, that overwhelming weight has become light . . . "O my God," exclaims the Prophet, "say to my soul: I am thy salvation." [Psalm 34: 3] May Thy Name be heard by my ears; Thy voice is full of sweetness and Thy face full of beauty.
The Name of Jesus is the banner of combatants . . . We have three kinds of enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil. If the devil rises up against you, do not be afraid, but lift the banner of salvation against him by invoking Jesus. "In My Name," He says, "cast out devils." [Mark 16: 17] The Prophet says, "Holy and awesome is His Name." [Psalm 110: 9] Holy for the Angels, awesome for the devils and the godless. The flesh makes you feel its attacks? Well, in sorrow, may the Name of Jesus find place in your heart, may it rise from there to your lips, and by the light of that Name, every cloud shall scatter, serenity shall reappear. You have fallen into crime? Despair gets hold of you? Who, then, shall invoke that Name of life without breathing at once? Who, then, in the presence of that saving Name has not felt hardness of heart, dullness and laziness of soul disappear? Who, then, seeing his tears dry up, has not shed more abundant ones, wept sweeter ones, after invoking that Name? Nothing can halt the transport of wrath, nothing can contain the puffing up of pride, nothing can heal the wound of envy, nothing can resist the surge of sensuality, nothing can extinguish the flame of pleasure, nothing can temper the thirst of avarice, nothing can consume the rust of every dishonor like the Name of Jesus . . . The world declares itself against you; by a secret judgment of God, you are shipwrecked in the middle of the sea; you are exposed to its dangers; upon your path you find overflowing rivers, threatening enemies, ably hatched betrayals, thunder and lightning, ruination, accidents, unexpected fires? Invoke the Name of salvation, and may your heart and your mouth both call upon Jesus, hope in the help of the Most High. He Himself has said, "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress." [Psalm 90: 15] "I will deliver him; I will set him on high because he acknowledges My Name." [Psalm 90: 14] Indeed, "the Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the just man runs to it and is safe."
[Proverbs 18: 10]
The Name of Jesus is a remedy for our infirmities; it gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, nimbleness to the lame, speech to the mute, life to the dead . . . When you feel some suffering, you or yours, without neglecting natural remedies, have recourse to the Name of Jesus . . . I have learned from witnesses worthy of faith that in our days, many have laid their hands on the sick, according to the divine precept, and have invoked the Name of Jesus, and those illnesses were healed. As the Prophet says, "He saved them for His Name's sake, to make known His power." [Psalm 105: 7-8]
The Name of Jesus is the comfort of those who suffer. God does not let His servants fall in temptation, yet He exposes them to the pains of life. But then, far be it from us to despair! Let us not forget the sweet Name of Jesus, let us invoke it especially then. Saint Augustine says, "The Name of Jesus, written in the heart of the just, gives them an astonishing boldness to counter the blows of every woe." Before her judge Saint Agatha exclaimed, "If you threaten me with ferocious beasts, they will become tame at the Name of Jesus; if you use fire against me, at that Name the Angels will surround me with life-giving dew." By virtue of that Name, the Martyrs overcame every torment: "Through Your Name we trampled down Your adversaries; our help is in the Name of the Lord." [Psalm 143: 6; 123:8]
The Name of Jesus is the glory of those who believe. The main base of the Faith is the Name of Jesus; that Name upholds the edifice; upon it the pillars rise; upon it the summit of the monument rests, and that summit is Heavenly beatitude. The Catholic Faith resides in the knowledge of Jesus Christ; He is the light of the soul, the gateway to life, the foundation of eternal salvation.
The Name of Jesus is the torch of the word of God. Saint Bernard says, "How can you believe that a light so great, so sudden, so bright, would have shone in the whole world, if not by the preaching of the Name of Jesus ?" When wheat is taken from a field and the fire is lit, dry grass, useless brambles and thorns are soon consumed; when the sun casts its bright rays upon rising and the darkness has disappeared, thieves and nighttime prowlers go and hide. Thus when the tongue of Paul, like a thunderclap, like the sun at its brightest, made itself heard by the nations, infidelity was consumed, falsehood vanished, the truth cast forth its splendor, the world was like wax exposed to the heat of a violent fire. Then the Apostle, by his writings, words, miracles and examples, made the Name of Jesus penetrate everywhere; he bore it in the presence of kings, of nations and of the children of Israel as a torch, and with it he lit up all the lands of the world . . .
The Name of Jesus is the help of the weary soul. Saint Bernard says, "Each time you remember the Name of Jesus, do you not feel your strength reborn?" Who restores our mind like this remembrance? Who repairs our weary senses, reconfirms our virtues, vitalizes our good and honest actions, gives warmth back to our pure affections as much as He?. . . May the Name of Jesus be always placed in your soul, always borne in your hands: in Him you will find a remedy for your indolence, a remedy to correct your evil acts and lift up those that are imperfect, a remedy to keep your senses from corruption and heal them if they become corrupted . . .
The Name of Jesus is the glory of the blessed in Heaven. Those who have loved that Name will enjoy in their mind, as the reward of their faith, the perfect vision of the truth manifested in all its splendor; in their memory, as a fruit of their hope, they will have the eternal possession of the Supreme Majesty, and in their will as a reward for their love, the enjoyment of the most ineffable good. "Thou art the joy of those who love Thy Name." [Psalm 5: 12] Because of that Name of Jesus, the soul entirely shall live, entirely shall be endowed, entirely happy, entirely in its three powers made like unto God, Trinity and Unity, entirely united to Him, entirely enlightened, entirely plunged in peace. . .
O Name of Jesus lifted up above every name, triumphal Name, joy of the Angels, joy of the just, dread of Hell, in Thee lies all hope of forgiveness, all hope of grace, all hope of glory.
O most meek Name, from Thee we received forgiveness of sin, renewal of life; Thou fillest our souls with Divine delights, Thou takest away their vain imaginings.
O Name full of grace, by Thee the depths of miracles are disclosed to our sight; our hearts burn with Heavenly love, become strong in combat, escape every danger.
O glorious Name, delectable Name, admirable Name, Name worthy of our veneration, Name full of sweetness of Jesus our King, Thou doth transports above this earth by the abundance of grace, Thou ravisheth, in a way, the souls of Thy faithful even to Divine heights; may all who are devoted to Thee find salvation and glory in Thy virtue . . .
Whenever you hear His Holy Name pronounced, bow your head; do so likewise every time you say His Sacred Name.
† † †
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus is one of the three main litanies in honor of our Lord, the other two being, the Litany of the Sacred Heart and the Litany of the Precious Blood.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Splendor of the Father, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Brightness of eternal Light, have mercy on us.
Jesus, King of Glory, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Sun of Justice, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most amiable, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most admirable, have mercy on us.
Jesus, the mighty God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Father of the world to come, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Angel of great counsel, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most powerful, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most patient, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most obedient, have mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Lover of Chastity, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Lover, have mercy on us.
Jesus, God of Peace, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Author of Life, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Model of Virtues, have mercy on us.
Jesus, zealous for souls, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Refuge, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Father of the Poor, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Treasure of the Faithful, have mercy on us.
Jesus, good Shepherd, have mercy on us.
Jesus, true Light, have mercy on us.
Jesus, eternal Wisdom, have mercy on us.
Jesus, infinite Goodness, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Way and our Life, have mercy on us.
Jesus, joy of the Angels, have mercy on us.
Jesus, King of the Patriarchs, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Master of the Apostles, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Teacher of the Evangelists, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Strength of Martyrs, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Light of Confessors, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Purity of Virgins, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Crown of all Saints, have mercy on us.
Be merciful, spare us, O Jesus!
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Jesus!
From all evil, deliver us, O Jesus.
From all sin, etc.
From Thy wrath,
From the snares of the devil,
From the spirit of fornication,
From everlasting death,
From the neglect of Thine inspirations,
Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, deliver us, O Jesus.
Through Thine Nativity, etc.
Through Thy Infancy,
Through Thy most Divine Life,
Through your Labors,
Through Thine Agony and Passion,
Through Thine Cross and Dereliction,
Through Thine Sufferings,
Through Thy Death and Burial,
Through Thine Resurrection,
Through Thine Ascension,
Through Thine Institution of the Most Holy Eucharist,
Through Thy Joys,
Through Thy Glory,
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus!
Lamb of God, Who takeest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Jesus!
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Jesus!
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.
Let Us Pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou has said, "Ask and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" mercifully attend to our supplications, and grant us the grace of Thy divine charity, that we may ever love Thee with our whole heart, and with all our words and deeds, and may never cease from praising Thee.
Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy Holy Name, for Thou doth never fails to govern those whom Thou solidly establishest in Thy love. Thou, Who livest and reignest forever and ever. R. Amen.
† † †
Chaplet of the Holy Name
Make an Act of Contrition
On the large bead:
Incline unto my aid, O God,
O Lord, make haste to help me.
First Decade:
Lord, Thou hast said:
"Ask and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you,"
I seek, I knock, I ask this favor [Name it].
Repeat 10 times:
Incline unto my aid, O God,
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Second Decade:
"Amen, I say unto you, if ye ask the Father anything
in My Name it shall be given unto you." It is of the
Father and in Thy Name, Lord, I ask this favor.
Repeat 10 times:
Incline unto my aid, O God,
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Third Decade:
Lord, Thou hast said:
"Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but My Word shall not pass away,"
Thou wilt grant me this favor because
Thou hast said it and Thy word is true.
Repeat 10 times:
Incline unto my aid, O God,
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Quid ad te? Tu Me sequere.
What is it to thee? Do thou follow me.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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Fr. Hewko's Sermons for the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
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Posts: 10,423
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"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre