God Wishes to Reveal & Honor Mary in These Latter Times
God Wishes to Reveal & Honor Mary in These Latter Times
Taken from True Devotion to Mary, trans. by Fr. William Faber,
London: 1863, Part One, No. 49

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St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, the Prophet of the Latter Times, stresses the essential role of Mary in the crisis we are facing today. This coincides with the doctrine always held in the Holy Church that she, as Co-Redemptrix, has received an almost infinite power for dispensing the fruits of Redemption. She is the mighty helper of the Catholic people, the restorer of the world, the impregnable rampart of the Church, the solid foundation of the Faith.

May Her glorious past in destroying heresies and toppling the evil give us confidence for the future.

St. Louis Grignion de Montfort

It is by Mary that the salvation of the world has begun, and it is by Mary that is must be consummated. Mary has hardly appeared at all in the first coming of Jesus Christ, in order that men, as yet but little instructed and enlightened on the Person of her Son, should not remove themselves from Him, in attaching themselves too strongly and too grossly to her.

This would have apparently taken place, if she had been known, because of the admirable charms which the Most High had bestowed even upon her exterior. This is so true that St. Denys the Areopagite has informed us in his writings that when he saw our Blessed Lady, he should have taken her for a Divinity in consequence of her secret charms and incomparable beauty, had not the Faith in which he was well established taught him the contrary.

But in the second coming of Jesus Christ, Mary has to be made known and revealed by the Holy Ghost, in order that by her Jesus Christ may be known, loved and served. The reasons which moved the Holy Ghost to hide His Spouse during her life and to reveal her but a very little since the preaching of the Gospel, subsist no longer.

God, then, wishes to reveal and recognize Mary, the masterpiece of His hands, in these Latter Times. ...

Being the way by which Jesus Christ came to us the first time, Our Lady will also be the way by which He will come the second time, though not in the same manner. Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, in might and in grace in these Latter Times to come:

In mercy, to bring back and lovingly receive the poor strayed sinners who shall be converted and shall return to the Catholic Church;

In might, against the enemies of God, idolaters, schismatics, Mohammedans, Jews, and souls hardened in impiety who shall rise in terrible revolt against God to seduce all those who shall be contrary to them, and make them fall by promises and threats;

And finally, she must shine forth in grace, in order to animate and sustain the valiant soldiers and faithful servants of Jesus Christ, who shall do battle for His interests. Holy Mary must be terrible as an army ranged in battle, principally in these Latter Times.

It is principally of these last and cruel persecutions of the Devil, which shall go on increasing daily till the reign of Antichrist, that we ought to understand and celebrated the prediction and curse of God, pronounced in the terrestrial Paradise against the Serpent: I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
A reminder ...

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