Thursday Night Holy Hour w/ the Intention of Appealing for Holy Bishops, Priests, and Religious
These Holy Hours started recently in the UK but is open to whomever wishes to participate - the following message is from one of the organizer regarding this appeal:

Thursday Night Holy Hour w/ the Intention of Appealing for Holy Bishops, Priests, and Religious

[Image: shhh-41.jpg]

Since the seminary has started now and we really need a good holy bishop to help us out of our problems, we started in the UK doing Thursday night Holy Hours to the Sacred Heart with the intentions for:

Holy bishops
Holy priests
Holy religious vocations.

We are aware that we won’t be having Masses as often and feel we need to strengthen ourselves by more prayers.
There is a beautiful website with numerous meditations by Fr Mateo on the Sacred Heart. We use them to guide us through the adoration:

Maybe something similar could be arranged, encouraged amongst the American faithful (if it is not already done)...

Night adoration in honour of the Sacred Heart was strongly promoted by Fr Mateo in America in the 1930s.

The inspiration is the request by the Sacred Heart to St Mary Margaret Alacoque to keep Him company during Thursday night and make reparation for all those souls who abandon Him. This happened first during Holy Thursday when the three Apostles slept and didn’t keep watch with him and is now happening again all over the Catholic Church.

According to Fr Mateo who promoted this practice, great graces are attached to this devotion and our Lord is very moved by it.

Would you want to join several of us in that practice? The night begins at 9pm and lasts until 6am. Any of these hours can be selected to spend time with our Lord.

The situation in the Church is so desperate and unless we have religious and priestly vocations and unless we have good holy bishops nothing can be restored…. So we have to pray for it…!

- To be formally included in these Holy Hours, one may reach the organizers at: or one may simply keep a Holy Hour privately with these intentions.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
The following abbreviated version of Apostolate of Prayers for Priests was sent to The Catacombs. I was reminded that this little booklet was available in SSPX chapels for many years and includes an approval letter by Archbishop Lefebvre, dated July of 1989. Only the prayers are included in this version, for the purposes of supporting the intentions of this Holy Hour for bishops, priests, and religious.


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