‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ movie is now available for free viewing [until October 28]
Such hooey!  Look at this character but don't go to the root of the problem!
This is a Kennedy problem from the get go.    Notice, no one will go after the Kennedy's.  They have created an aristocracy in this country.  If Robert Kennedy Jr. was serious he would not be doing the distraction trick by bringing all the fuss and and attention on Fauci.  The root of the problem is big pharma is not held responsible for killing and injuring people with their vaccines.

RFK says he wants vaccine safety.  He wants to create a vaccine safety agency.  ANOTHER national agency within the government, another wolf in the hen house so to speak.  No! 
What we need is the opposite.  What we want and need is local control at the most basic level and that is people deciding for themselves what goes into their bodies. 

In 1962  John F. Kennedy signed the national vaccination Act. It created the center for communicable diseases for immunization.  This was done by JFK.  Since 1962 to 1986  there were lots of vaccine injuries.  Instead of getting rid of the Nat. Vaccine Act, another Kennedy- Ted Kennedy in 1986 created the National Vaccine Injury program.  This program took away the powers of the court because it created the vaccine court which shields citizens from suing pharmaceutical companies for vaccine deaths and injuries. This created a vaccine wall to protect big pharma.  Robert Kennedy knows this.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  is a puppet of the establishment, same as all the other puppets: Pelosi, Ted Cruz, so very many more it's sickening, and yes, Fauci too is a puppet.  The problem didn't begin with Fauci, it began when the U.S. government gave big pharma freedom from liability for their product.  The only product made that has this freedom - freedom to kill and injure citizens.  Freedom to experiment on citizens using vaccines.  How many commercials do you hear, (I hear them in the waiting rooms from the TV) telling people about the prescription drug law suits that big pharma has to pay out on.  The vaccines are treated differently from prescription drugs.  Only vaccines have protection from penalty.  That's why the big push for vaccines.  Consider how many vaccines they give to new born babies now!  It's criminal!

These are the words from Robert Kennedy Jr.:
"I want to say it emphatically, I AM PRO VACCINE.  I have been FIERCELY Pro-Vaccine  I believe that we ought to  have policies that Encourage Full Vaccination FOR ALL AMERICANS."

See and hear for yourself him saying so:       

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RE: ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ movie is now available for free viewing [until October 28] - by Juan Diego - 10-24-2022, 07:14 PM

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