02-22-2021, 11:36 PM
D. Specific Vices: a) RATHER IN THE INDIVIDUAL: Men will be uncharitable, unkind, inhospitable, hard-
hearted and stingy (33, 70, 149); proud. selfish. conceited, arrogant, ungrateful. and treacherous
(27, 31, 33. 38, 47d. 58, 60d, 69): envious, avaritious, covetous, thieving, and paracitical (5, 9, 15
27, 31, 38, 60d. 70); liars, slanderers, perjurers, deceivers, and betrayers (5, 8d, f, 9, 19e, 24,
38, 44b, 48b. 69, 70); lazy, intemporate, degenerate. drunken (31, 36. 58. 60d, 149): murderers,
pleasure mad materialists, bribers (5. 15. 38, 58, 63. 89), Most people will possess something
stolen (38).
b) AS AFFECTING THE FAMILY: People will be shamelessly immoral. even the women. Concubinage
will flourish publicly and marriage be defiled (5, 19b, 38. 69, 70). Natural affections shall grow cold
with innumerable family quarrels, betrayals, and even murders (19, 20d, 33, 41e, 53, 69, 70, 89).
Apart from the notes on murders already given, abortion and birth control may be intended in (5,
c) IN MATTERS RELIGIOUS: People will be impious. blasphemous, murmurers against God. Godless,
and many even Anti-God (8d, 20, 27, 31, 36, 37, 38, 44, 47, 60d, 70, 89, 119, l47b, 188). Christians
will be hypocrites. disrespectful to relics, adverse to feast days and Sunday observance (4c, 27, 60d,
70, 183). Children will be scandalized and grow up ignorant of religion (15 b, 47, 58, 147, 173).
Many Catholics will doubt some of the Church's teachings (84, 105). People will mock and ridicule
honesty, humility, and other virtues (28, 70). The pious will be few, churches empty, neglected and
even defiled. Priests and religion will not be respected The defection from the church will be general
(37, 60d, 73, 105, 132,147, 149). Priests and religious will quarrel among themselves. lack zeal and
be worldly. unjust. covetous, immoral.1 They will err from their reading and some will be tyrannical
(9, 37, 38, 60d, 69. 70, 93b, 132, 147).
1. Governments will be evil and Godless: they will scheme against other governments and opress
their own subjects (38, 47e. 84c, 171, 189). Rulers, becoming all powerful. commit murders, outrage
justice themselves. and permit underlings to do like-wise. They persecute, rob. and seek to
overthrow the Church. They blaspheme. lie, have no respect for treaties, and provoke their subjects
to hate and war against their neighbors (8e, 15,41c , d, 70, 78, 89, 95, 104, 106c, 147b, 159, 200).2
2. Society is confused. There will be no standard to judge morals by. so laws are evil. changed by
whim, and despised. as is also order and discipline. People will do and say what they please3 (5, 8e.
27, 28, 31, 38, 41c, 58, 60d, 63, 68, 70, 78, 106c, 110, 112, 189). The common people will envy
their betters; kings. nobles. and the wealthy will be overthrown; there will be many poor. much
revolt and class hatred. Rulers will be befuddled (8b, 41, 47e, 60b, 70, 74, 89, 98, 116, 129, 147,
149, 159). Lies make the just mourn and strengthen the wicked, while the violent possess all things
and the good smart under the lash (5, 8f, 11 b, 19a, c, 20e, 21. 27b, 32, 38, 44, 63, 70, 147b). And
worst of all, the people will call these evils and ignorances, peace (5, 8d. 9, 11b, 16,23).
1 It may be that this wide-spread evil among priests and religious describes conditions immediately before Anti Christ, that is after the Great Monarch (g. v.)
2 Anti-God symbols (4c); Secret Societies (147. 153)
3 This refers, also, to the attempts of religious sects to legislate.
hearted and stingy (33, 70, 149); proud. selfish. conceited, arrogant, ungrateful. and treacherous
(27, 31, 33. 38, 47d. 58, 60d, 69): envious, avaritious, covetous, thieving, and paracitical (5, 9, 15
27, 31, 38, 60d. 70); liars, slanderers, perjurers, deceivers, and betrayers (5, 8d, f, 9, 19e, 24,
38, 44b, 48b. 69, 70); lazy, intemporate, degenerate. drunken (31, 36. 58. 60d, 149): murderers,
pleasure mad materialists, bribers (5. 15. 38, 58, 63. 89), Most people will possess something
stolen (38).
b) AS AFFECTING THE FAMILY: People will be shamelessly immoral. even the women. Concubinage
will flourish publicly and marriage be defiled (5, 19b, 38. 69, 70). Natural affections shall grow cold
with innumerable family quarrels, betrayals, and even murders (19, 20d, 33, 41e, 53, 69, 70, 89).
Apart from the notes on murders already given, abortion and birth control may be intended in (5,
c) IN MATTERS RELIGIOUS: People will be impious. blasphemous, murmurers against God. Godless,
and many even Anti-God (8d, 20, 27, 31, 36, 37, 38, 44, 47, 60d, 70, 89, 119, l47b, 188). Christians
will be hypocrites. disrespectful to relics, adverse to feast days and Sunday observance (4c, 27, 60d,
70, 183). Children will be scandalized and grow up ignorant of religion (15 b, 47, 58, 147, 173).
Many Catholics will doubt some of the Church's teachings (84, 105). People will mock and ridicule
honesty, humility, and other virtues (28, 70). The pious will be few, churches empty, neglected and
even defiled. Priests and religion will not be respected The defection from the church will be general
(37, 60d, 73, 105, 132,147, 149). Priests and religious will quarrel among themselves. lack zeal and
be worldly. unjust. covetous, immoral.1 They will err from their reading and some will be tyrannical
(9, 37, 38, 60d, 69. 70, 93b, 132, 147).
1. Governments will be evil and Godless: they will scheme against other governments and opress
their own subjects (38, 47e. 84c, 171, 189). Rulers, becoming all powerful. commit murders, outrage
justice themselves. and permit underlings to do like-wise. They persecute, rob. and seek to
overthrow the Church. They blaspheme. lie, have no respect for treaties, and provoke their subjects
to hate and war against their neighbors (8e, 15,41c , d, 70, 78, 89, 95, 104, 106c, 147b, 159, 200).2
2. Society is confused. There will be no standard to judge morals by. so laws are evil. changed by
whim, and despised. as is also order and discipline. People will do and say what they please3 (5, 8e.
27, 28, 31, 38, 41c, 58, 60d, 63, 68, 70, 78, 106c, 110, 112, 189). The common people will envy
their betters; kings. nobles. and the wealthy will be overthrown; there will be many poor. much
revolt and class hatred. Rulers will be befuddled (8b, 41, 47e, 60b, 70, 74, 89, 98, 116, 129, 147,
149, 159). Lies make the just mourn and strengthen the wicked, while the violent possess all things
and the good smart under the lash (5, 8f, 11 b, 19a, c, 20e, 21. 27b, 32, 38, 44, 63, 70, 147b). And
worst of all, the people will call these evils and ignorances, peace (5, 8d. 9, 11b, 16,23).
1 It may be that this wide-spread evil among priests and religious describes conditions immediately before Anti Christ, that is after the Great Monarch (g. v.)
2 Anti-God symbols (4c); Secret Societies (147. 153)
3 This refers, also, to the attempts of religious sects to legislate.