Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
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PRAYER is the conversation of a child with its Father;
of a subject with his King; of a servant with his
Lord; of a friend with the Friend to whom he confides
all his troubles and difficulties.
- On the Practice of Devotion (E.)
ALL soldiers are good in garrison.  On the field of battle,
we see the difference between the brave and the cowardly.
- Lenten Sermon (Sp.)
WHEN we do something we dislike, let us say to God:
"My God, I offer you this in honor of the moment when
You died for me."
- On the Sanctification of Daily Life (E.)
THOSE who have pure souls are like eagles and
swallows which fly in the air.
- Catechism on Purity (Sp.)
TRIALS show clearly how pleasing a work is to God.
- Counsel (M.)
PEOPLE talk about Lazarus who had the joy of entertaining
the Divine Saviour in his home; but Lazarus only had Him
by his side, while we, if we will, may have Him in our heart
just as often as we wish.
- On Communion (C.)
MY GOD, Thou has given me all; behold the little I give
Thee.  Give me the strength to give more.
- A prayer of the Cure d'Ars
  Conversion of a Village (S.)

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DO you prefer the pleasure of a moment to Thy God?
- Sermon on Good Friday.
LET us go to Jesus with great confidence every time we sin.
- Sermon on the Incarnation.
MY children, the three acts of faith, hope and charity contain
all the happiness of man upon the earth.
- Catechism on the Love of God (Sp.)
I LOVE St. Joseph so much because he had the care of the
Blessed Virgin.
- Notre-Dame d'Ars, Meditation 6.
PEOPLE will go there or four leagues to earn thirty pence,
while they will not take thirty steps to hear Mass on a weekday.
- Sermon on the Enemies of the Soul.
BY washing the Disciples' feet, Jesus Christ would teach us
humility, and also with what purity we ought to drew near to Him.
- Sermon on Maundy Thursday.
MY friend, dwell on the patience of Our Lord!
- Counsel (T.)
TO approach God one should go straight to Him, like a ball from a cannon.
- Advice (M.)

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RE: Thought of the St. Cure of Ars (St. John Mary Vianney) - by Hildegard of Bingen - 01-21-2021, 12:03 PM

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