A Call to Catholic Resistance Against the Infanticide Genocide
A Call to Catholic Resistance Against the Infanticide Genocide

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THE ☩ TRUMPET | October 21, 2024

In the face of the greatest atrocity of our time—abortion, or as we must rightly call it, infanticide genocide—faithful Catholics are confronted with a grave moral crisis. Is it really Catholic to think we can vote this atrocity away? The examples set by the great saints and martyrs of the Church, such as St. Thomas More, St. John Fisher, the valiant Cristeros, and the brave Vendeans, compel us to take a stand that transcends the ineffective and hollow promises of "democracy." These holy warriors did not sit idly by while the innocent were slaughtered. They fought back with unyielding conviction, and we must ask ourselves: how are we responding to the grave injustice before us?

St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher faced death rather than betray the truth of their faith in a tyrannical regime that sought to impose its will over the sanctity of life. They refused to accept the heretical dictates of King Henry VIII, willingly embracing martyrdom rather than compromise their convictions. The Cristeros rose in armed resistance against a government hell-bent on eradicating the Catholic faith. These valiant souls did not flinch in the face of tyranny; they took up arms, willing to lay down their lives for the sacredness of life and the integrity of their faith. The brave Vendeans stood against the violent tide of the French Revolution, which sought to obliterate the Catholic Church and its teachings. They knew that their fight was not just for their lives but for the very soul of their society. Their unwavering conviction and radical action teach us that mere participation in the frameworks of "democracy" will not bring an end to this genocide; passive acceptance of tyranny is not an option.

Our Lady has provided us with the Scapular and the Rosary for our times—not a ballot box. In a world so engulfed in moral decay, we must confront the agents of infanticide genocide with the same fervor and determination that our saints displayed. We cannot be passive observers in this crisis; we must become active participants in the fight for life. This means embracing our convictions with a fervor that leaves no room for compromise. Let us not rest until we have confronted the agents of this infanticide and demanded justice for the unborn. This is not a time for polite petitions or lobbying; this is a time for decisive action.

Should we vote for candidates who promise incremental changes, hoping they will appoint pro-life advocates if elected? Should we wait for another "term" in the election, placing our hopes in gradualism? Should we continue to participate in a democracy that permits the slaughter of the innocent? Or will we refuse to engage with a system that fails to protect life and instead advocate for the social kingship of Christ? We must remain resolute until the killings stop or until the Church once again becomes the guiding authority of the state. We cannot afford to yield; we must stand firm in our convictions and fight until the culture of death is vanquished.

-The ☩ Trumpet
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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A Call to Catholic Resistance Against the Infanticide Genocide - by Stone - 10 hours ago

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