Official Report on the Pandemic
Government Officially Admits Its Pandemic Lies
Official Report on the Pandemic - I

Phillip Mericle, TIA | February 26, 2025

On December 4, 2024, while Americans were still distracted discussing the results of the November presidential election, the U.S. House of Representatives published the Official Report After Action Review of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward, signed by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

[Image: E133_Sel.png]

Cover page for the Official Report
Full document here.

This exhaustive document of 520 pages is enriched with nearly 2,000 citations. The Subcommittee, led by Chairman Brad Wenstrup, seems a genuine attempt at government transparency. The details brought to light by  Wenstrup over U.S. Government conduct during the pandemic are damning in the extreme.

Colonel Wenstrup is a doctor of podiatric medicine, an Iraq War veteran, and a former Republican representative from Ohio. He spares no one in this scathing and in-depth review of the pandemic years that saw the world locked down, children frisked away from school, and previously normal Americans descending into crazed hysteria as they cowered behind masks at a minimum of 6 foot distance apart.

This report to Congress opens the lid on a festering pot revealing many of the policies adopted by our nation, and around the world, based on deliberate disinformation and lies. Nearly every policy foisted upon the U.S. and the world during the lockdown pandemic years is shown in these pages to have been not only unjustified, but extremely damaging.

There could hardly be a more damning outcome of the investigation.

Information from the source

The following are but a few points of interest covered in the 520 pages of the Report.
  • The virus almost certainly leaked from a U.S. funded lab in Wuhan that was pursuing gain-of-function research. Many at the top of the scientific community, under pressure from the Chinese Communist Party - CCP, did everything they could to obfuscate this origin.

  • The virus itself carries tell-tale marks of having been engineered by humans. Such indicators do not occur naturally in any other viruses of the Coronavirus family.

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci and others deliberately lied and misled the public, mislabeling as dangerous conspiracy theories even suspicions about the origins of the virus, and steering official policy towards affirming that the virus jumped from an animal to humans in an attempt to appease financial interests and the CCP.

  • The Chinese government successfully pressured international politicians, scientists, and even the World Health Organization into assenting to its party line about the origin and severity of Covid in spite of known scientific evidence to the contrary.

  • Many pandemic era policies forced on the public, such as masking and 6 foot social distancing, were not, in fact, based on science, but were essentially “made up” on the fly because they “sounded” good.

  • The economic and social consequences of lockdowns have been disastrous. Small and rural businesses were strongly hit and billions in tax-payer funded aid were funneled into the pockets of fraudsters and even overseas organized crime.

  • While supporting the overall efficacy of the vaccines, Wenstrup admits that it would be more rightly labeled a therapeutic, that the public was lied to about its protective power, and that mandatory vaccination was an egregious error.

  • Many were, in fact, harmed by the vaccine, yet few have been justly compensated for their vaccine injuries.

  • School closures did irreparable harm to an entire generation of children from which we will never fully recover.

And the list goes on.

[Image: E133_Fau.jpg]

Fauci lied to the Congress & to the world; below, the masks shown to be as foolish as they looked

[Image: E133_Mas.jpg]

Sobering implications

The repercussions of the Report are ground shaking. Our leaders openly lied to us. Our politicians, our representatives, and even our scientists wholesale abandoned their principles and caved to the pressure coming from China and vested interests to officially support bad science, fraud, waste and lies. The damage done cannot be overstated.

[Image: E133_Wes.jpg]

Col. Wenstrup has blown open the lid on the rotten Pandemic response

At a time when people looked to their leaders for guidance, their trust was utterly betrayed. There can be no undoing the damage that came in the wake of this massive orchestrated crime.

It is incumbent on us to remember this betrayal. If we imprint it into our memory we may never succumb again to the blind trust that led to such treachery as is revealed in this Report. Next time, and Wenstrup himself affirms that there “will be” a next time, we must not allow a repeat.

Conspiracy theories no longer

I do not expect most readers to read the 520 page report, as I did. My hope is that I can cover the most pertinent material and, in my own small way, thus contribute to spread the truth in a world so shrouded in deceit.

This is straight from the horse’s mouth; it is not conspiracy theory. After so many years of skeptics being professionally and personally attacked for expressing legitimate concerns over the pandemic, the vaccines, and the Orwellian measures imposed upon society we can finally speak about how terribly wrong it all was.

After all, to claim otherwise now contradicts the official position of the U.S. government’s investigation into the pandemic.

Those who opposed those measures are vindicated. All those who attacked and denigrated the Covid skeptics can and should be shown how woefully wrong they really were. I exhort my reader: It is up to us to prevent this Report from slipping quietly into the annals of History.

To be continued
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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