Transcription: Fr. Hewko's Sermon for Quinquagesima Sunday - March 2, 2025
Many thanks to The Catholic Trumpet for providing this transcription!
[Slightly adapted and reformatted]

Fr. Hewko: He Shall Be Mocked & Scourged
Quinquagesima Sunday - March 2, 2025

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Today is Quinquagesima Sunday.

The Epistle is taken from St. Paul, his letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13:
Quote:“Brethren, if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not Charity, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol. And if I should have prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I should have all Faith so that I could remove mountains and have not Charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned and have not Charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity is patient, is kind. Charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never falleth away, where the prophecy shall be made void, our tongues shall cease, our knowledge shall be destroyed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when that part which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away the things of a child. We see now through a glass in a dark manner, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know even as I am known. And now there remain Faith, Hope, and Charity, these three, but the greatest of these is Charity.

The Holy Gospel from St. Luke chapter 18:
Quote:“At that time Jesus took unto Him the twelve and said to them, Behold we go up to Jerusalem and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man. For He shall be delivered to the Gentiles and shall be mocked and scourged and spit upon. And after they have scourged Him, they will put him to death, and the third day He shall rise again. And they understood none of these things, and this word was hid from them, and they understood not the things that were said. Now it came to pass, when He drew nigh to Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging. And when he heard the multitude passing by, he asked what this meant. And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, and he cried out saying, Jesus son of David have mercy on me. And they that went before rebuked him that he should hold his peace. But he cried out much more, Son of David have mercy on me. And Jesus standing commanded him to be brought unto him. And when he was come near, He asked him saying, what wilt thou that I do to thee? But he said, Lord that I may see. And Jesus said to him, receive thy sight, thy Faith has made thee whole. And immediately he saw and followed Him, glorifying God. And all the people when they saw, gave praise to God.” 

Thus are the words of the Holy Gospel.

So it's a joy to come back to St. Catharines for Mass here in the middle of winter. And we left New Hampshire on Friday and had Mass in Erie, Pennsylvania. And then up here in St. Catharines. And then tonight Barry’s Bay. And then tomorrow North Bay. And then Ottawa on Wednesday for an Extreme Unction for Mr. Damien Oyet. So pray for him. And of course we have the Oratory in New Hampshire. And the two first candidates are right here. And pray for them. They are here to discern God's will. Perhaps they will be priests. Perhaps they will just be here to test their vocation to see. But pray for them. They're the first two to come. And there certainly is a growing interest. So pray for all the young men who will still come.

And also pray that if God wills, we can find a house close by to begin the sisters. We need prayers. We need the prayers of nuns, of women consecrated to God, married to Jesus Christ. And by their prayers and penances draw down much grace on the whole world. And does this world ever need an army of priests, an army of monks and nuns consecrated to God? To draw down God's mercy on this world that continues to mock Him, blaspheme Him, and draw down the anger of God. As you know by the Catechism there are four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. They are willful murder, abortion, sodomy, the rainbow agenda, which is being heavily promoted on the children and the youth. Thirdly, a willful oppression of the poor. And fourthly, with defrauding workers of their lawful wages. So these four sins [have] really become daily life almost in modern society. And God is heavily provoked. So let's pray. Pray for these two candidates and pray for the Oratory.

Pray also for the soul of Bishop Richard Williamson, who died on January 29th. His funeral and Requiem Mass were just a couple days ago. Pray for his soul. Pray for Bishop Tissier de Mallerais. They were sons of Archbishop Lefebvre. And they should have continued the work of Archbishop Lefebvre. They should have just continued the seminary training, the fight for Tradition, the opposition to modernist Rome. They should never have compromised and gone with the compromise of the new SSPX. They should never [have] gone with compromise trying to justify the New Mass as “giving you grace” and promoting New Mass miracles. This should never have been done. They knew better. They have now gone to their judgments.

And I am sure that all of our judgments of the Society of St. Pius X priests, of which I am one, traditional SSPX, not the conciliar SSPX, I am sure that Archbishop Lefebvre is at the judgment as well. And he told those bishops, all four of them, two have now gone into eternity and the other two are now still alive and betraying Archbishop Lefebvre, betraying what they were consecrated for. And they need prayers. So the two bishops that are alive, Bishop Fellay and Bishop de Galarreta, they knew well what the warnings of Archbishop Lefebvre [were]: “Do not make compromise with modernist Rome until Rome comes back to Catholic Tradition.”

It is not that difficult in order. It's very clear. It's very clear. No compromise with modernist Rome. Don't accept any New Mass, no Vatican II juggling. Just persevere in the Faith and oppose modernist Rome until Rome comes back to Tradition. Rome is not back to Tradition and they tried to argue that it was because Pope Benedict allowed the Latin Mass here and there. But that was just all games, all games. So Archbishop Lefebvre was right and his sons did betray him. The fact has to be said. They did betray him. They did not keep what he commanded them to keep. They did not uphold what he commanded them to uphold.

Now maybe none of us would do any better, but we have to just pray for those bishops. However, to Bishop Williamson's credit, to his credit at least, he did consecrate six bishops and these bishops are Bishops Zendejas, who you never hear about, and then Bishop Faure, Bishop Ballini in Ireland, who is the most favorable, it seems, to help Catholic Tradition and to help the cause of the work of Archbishop Lefebvre. So pray for him especially, Bishop Ballini. Also Bishop Thomas Aquinas, who is down in Brazil. He's at the prior of the Monastery of the Benedictines. And then there's Polish Bishop Sobieski, or I can't pronounce it, and then Bishop Paul Morgan. And so pray for those six bishops and Bishop Williamson admitted he did two of them, two or three clandestinely at their request. We know that Archbishop Lefebvre would never do clandestine Consecrations. He would never do that. He would never step into that. But Bishop Williamson did, but to his credit at least he consecrated six bishops.

And let's pray that these bishops, you know, start acting like bishops and preaching the Faith and upholding the light of Catholic Tradition and imitate Archbishop Lefebvre. A consecrated bishop that you don't hear, what good is that? What good is a bishop that doesn't do his duty? He's supposed to preach the Faith publicly. He's supposed to be heard. He's supposed to preach the Faith for all to hear. He's supposed to condemn error. He's supposed to condemn all that is opposed to Catholic teaching and he's supposed to stand against all compromise of the Holy Faith. That means all compromise with Vatican II, with the New Mass, with the New Code [of Canon Law]. The bishops are supposed to hold that light. The bishops are the ones to be in the front of the army leading the charge.

And it's not I who say that, it's Pope Pius VI, Pius VII, Gregory XVI, Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, Pius X, Pope Pius XI, Pope Pius XII, Benedict XV, all these popes commanded the bishops, “You must preach and be preached publicly and oppose error, condemn error and never compromise with error.”

So, so far some people don't even know that Bishop Williamson even consecrated six bishops. Because why? Because you never hear them. Why are they so silent? I don't know. And pray for them, now that Bishop Williamson is buried, pray for his soul. Maybe these bishops will start realizing their duties before God and really help the Church. It really is the survival of the Faith. It really is the survival of the Catholic Tradition. And God Has allowed this punishment on the Church: Rome wrapped in darkness. Rome allowing pagan idols into St. Peter's Square, into St. Peter's Church, like Pope Francis did. And Rome blinded these bad popes. We've had six bad popes. What a scourge for the church. And this one, Pope Francis is on the verge of his judgment. And even on his deathbed, he's still giving orders to smash Catholic Tradition. Poor man. What a judgment he's gonna face. Pray for his conversion because his hell will be very terrible. His hell will be very terrible. Unspeakable.

In Quebec, there was that holy nun, Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine. And she saw hell, like many saints have. She went down into hell. The angels showed her hell. And she saw bishops, cardinals, and popes in hell, in the lowest part, and priests. And she noticed some priests that she knew on earth. And she probably saw some popes that she had known about. And that was in the 1600s. So, we would say the good old days.

And, you know, any bishops and popes that were silent with the Protestant heresy, they probably went to hell for it. Any bishops who were silent against the Arian heresy, they probably went to hell for it. So, bishops who don't oppose publicly Vatican II, the New Mass, and the total destruction of Vatican II on the Faith, if they're silent, they probably can expect to go to hell. And I'm not condemning any bishops to hell. I'm just saying, you know, that's their first duty, is to preach the Catholic faith. If they fail in this, they betray the whole Catholic city. It is so serious a responsibility that none of us would want it, believe me. None of us would want to be Pope, Cardinal, Bishops. That's for sure. It's scary enough being a priest. But if we fail in our duty to preach the faith and sanctify souls, we will have hell to pay. That's the way it is.

You've heard of these recent airplane crashes and near crashes. There's hell to pay for those in charge who allow these plane crashes or near crashes. Someone's going to get fired and lose their job. And they should, because they're failing in their duty. Why? Because it could kill whole groups of people, even hundreds of people. Some of these planes will hold over 200 people. And those engineers and those air traffic controllers, someone's going to get fired when these things happen. And I'm sure there's been a lot of firings going on in the past few months. And if that's the case for engineers, because of the danger to life, how much more serious is the air traffic controllers of the Catholic Church, which are the Catholic bishops? How serious is their job before God to tell souls, “Don't go there because you will go to hell.” “Don't go in that path. It is dangerous to the Faith.” That's their duty. And if they fail in their duty and souls crash and burn and burn in hell forever because of their lack of doing their duty, many bishops go to hell. Even traditional bishops, if they fail in their duty and they compromise.

That's why we got to really pray for Bishop Fellay. He has betrayed in a serious way Archbishop Lefebvre and his mission. And he's still alive and I appeal to him, Bishop Fellay, come back to what you were consecrated for. And he has destroyed the SSPX, basically destroyed it. Turned it in from an army of soldiers fighting for the Faith, for the reign of Christ the King. Opposing modernism and modernist Rome to a bunch of bunny rabbits who will not oppose error publicly. And now they're even afraid to tell the girls at Mass, “Put a dress on and dress modestly for Mass! And modestly at home as well.” Now they won't even do this. They're too afraid for backlash. Well if you get backlash and empty pews, big deal. As long as you're doing your duty.

And that's a scary thing when bishops do not do their duty. And one of their biggest duties is to make sure there are priests for tomorrow. Catholic priests trained against modernism, like Navy Seals, like Marine Corps, who are in the front line to oppose error and preach the Faith and sanctify souls. That's the duty of every bishop is to make priests. Make sure seminaries are there. St. Pius X, he tells the bishops this under his reign: “Watch over your seminaries. Watch over what's being taught. Make sure there's no modernism, no compromise on the Faith. And he really hammers the bishops and encourages them, “Do your duty and make sure you have seminarians and priests.” Because the Church depends on, the Catholic Church depends on the priesthood and the bishops. And good popes, obviously.

So when the bishops do not do their duty and start closing down seminaries instead of building up more, that's a bad sign. It's a bad sign for a marriage if they can have children and they don't have children. That's a bad sign. Because they refuse the children God sends by contraception and other means. So God is pleased when there's fruitfulness in marriage. Children and many children. That's what marriage is about. Marriage is about many children, large families. “Oh, it's hard work. I can't have another one. It's too much.” Well, if you got married, you take another one and you take another one after that. As many as God sends. It's he that determines the size of the family. Not us calculating Protestant people. Protestant Catholics who want to calculate with God. “Well, we'll have two or three but no more.” Well, what if God wants number ten to be a saint to restore the Catholic Faith? What if he wants one to be a holy nun that by her prayers will save many souls from hell? Maybe number 11, 12 or 13, 14 or 15. So God wants fruitfulness. We see that in the Gospel.

Our Lord walks to a tree. It's winter and the fig tree doesn't give fruit in winter. So it's very mysterious that Our Lord is walking to this tree. He looks for fruit on it and curses the fig tree. And it instantly, says St. John Chrysostom, instantly it withered instantly right before the Apostles' eyes. They just looked at each other. And this tree suddenly with green leaves and thick branches withered into sticks and dry leaves at the curse of Christ. So Our Lord, He wants to see good fruits. He wants to see fruits in marriages. He wants to see fruits in our souls by virtues, living in the state of grace. And with this Lent coming we have a great opportunity to really put the axe to the roots of our sins. Root out our sins. Root out the occasions of sin. See where I fall the most. That's where we have to go to war. And Lent is firstly about cutting out our sins. And then secondly the good works of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. So let's beg the Virgin Mary for this grace to make a good Lent for this holy Lent.

And then our Lord looks for fruitfulness in priests. Priests whose duty is to take care of souls and preach the Catholic Faith, give confessions, baptisms, marriages, and Requiem Mass, Extreme Unction. So priests usually are, today especially, priests are very busy because many people ask for help from the priests, traditional priests. And sometimes the priests will go give Extreme Unction in a hospital. Someone else will say, “Hey father can you come to my grandmother or to my wife? She's dying.” And the priest will come and save a soul, kind of by accident. It was designed by God, not by the priest's schedule, but by God's schedule. He'll save other souls. So that's the nature of the priesthood today. It's very busy, it's very demanding, and the seminarians are certainly under no illusion what they're getting into with the traditional Catholic priesthood. It's hard work and that's the way it is.

So and then the bishops, God wants to see fruitfulness in bishops. How? By seminaries. By seminaries training priests and nuns, formation of nuns, good nuns formed to love our Lord. And if they're teaching nuns to teach well. Hospital nuns, we need that again. And to be trained well and not trained to kill and sicken people like modern medicine, but to help people get better and die holy deaths. That's the purpose of medicine. And then the fruitfulness of bishops of course is in being heard. What good is a shepherd who can't be seen or heard? That's why a lot of people say about the Fake Resistance, where are they? We don't ever hear of these bishops. We don't hear them. You don't see them. Where's their letters? Where's their catechisms? Where's their sermons?

Now I understand some bishops can be found on the website that Father Chazal has called Pre-Vatican II Talks. And there you can find about two or three sermons of Bishop Ballini and one of Bishop Zendejas. But why so few? That's my question. Why so few? Why are we afraid to preach what Christ commanded us to preach? Preach from the housetops, he said. Preach to all nations, not just to our little chapels. All people need to hear the Catholic truth. It's not just for our little chapels and missions. So that's the fruitfulness of bishops, is to preach the Faith.

They must hate me a lot because I do get on the bishops, especially the six of Archbishop Lefebvre and the two that are still alive. I'm sure they can't stand me nor my name, but better they hear a little barking dog that's annoying and a pain in the neck from a priest that tries to remind them, Please preach the Faith. Please condemn Vatican II and the New Mass like you're supposed to. Please be heard by letters. Use the internet. And if you don't want to use internet, okay, understandable. Put out letters. Archbishop Lefebvre put out letters and used the video and used the radio. He used everything, like Bishop Sheen did, to reach souls. And that fruitfulness is being heard, preaching the Catholic faith. That's the command by Christ himself to the Catholic bishops. So serious is this command that if Trudeau or President Trump were to shut down a bishop and say “You're not allowed to preach the Faith anymore,” they have to disobey the political leaders and say “You have no right over the mouth and the voice of the Catholic bishop or a Catholic priest.” They have no right, no political power can shut up a priest or bishop. If they're preaching the true Catholic faith, they have no right to shut them up. No political power has that right, nor power.

And we have the examples of great saints who stood up to kings, emperors. Look at the first bishops and priests of the Catholic Church for 300 years, martyred and beheaded one after the other for preaching the Faith. Look at St. Thomas of Canterbury opposing the King. Look at the great martyrs of England standing up to Henry VIII and a great St. John Fisher, the only bishop in all of England who did his duty. The rest caved in by compromise, a false fear, a false human respect. So this is how we have to pray for our bishops. Pray for them. Pray for them. And it is a blessing when a Pope does his duty. It's a huge blessing. It's a blessing when a bishop does his duty. It's a blessing on souls when priests do their duty. It's a blessing on society when fathers and men do their duties, fathers of families, which is to lead their family to God, to virtue, take all the children God sends, to love and cherish his wife, to vote wisely for their country. And leaders, men, especially fathers, they have a duty, as Archbishop Lefebvre said, not to allow their country to fall to communism. So they must in some degree be involved with politics, be involved with what concerns the good of their nation. They have to do some activity. And Canada really shined in the couple years ago with the whole convoy and truck movement. It was a wonderful, wonderful display of true patriotism and opposition to the crushing of their country by illegal laws and unjust laws. That was a great thing to see. It was an inspiration for all other countries. And that was the Canadian people, the Canadian blood, the Canadian men who stood up and good ladies. Of course, instead of receiving gold medals, they were crushed by their Prime Minister. Instead of being praised, they were humiliated by their Prime Minister. He'll answer for that.

So no bishop or priest can be shut up. And look at the great Ukrainian Catholic Bishop Andrey Sheptytsky, some difficult Ukrainian name. And then look at Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary. They were ordered by the Communists, “Shut your mouths, stop condemning Communism or you're gonna you're gonna pay for it.” And these bishops, they understood Christ's command: “You are not allowed to be silent with any political authority telling you to hide the light of the Catholic faith.” And these good bishops, they refused to be silent and they were kidnapped in the middle of the night. And in the case of Bishop Andrey Sheptytsky, he was trained off to the gulag and died in the gulag. He died in the concentration camps. In the case of Cardinal Mindszenty, he was kidnapped and imprisoned in the communist camp for 14 years. 14 years. Tortured. And he told the people, “If you hear me praise Communism outside of prison, you know that I have been drugged.” And even in prison he said he would be careful to eat only the edges of the food, not to eat what he knew would be poison. To make him go back on radio and praise the Communist government.

So far worse than Communism is Modernism, which makes Catholics lose their Faith. So if these bishops were not silent against Communism, how much more they have a duty to be not silent against Modernism, which is really destroying the Catholic Faith and making Catholics lose their Faith. And what is Modernism in flesh and bones? It's Vatican II and the New Mass and the new Code of Canon Law. That's what it is. It's everything there to demolish your Faith.

So Our Lord tells His Apostles: “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed. He'll be delivered to the Gentiles and shall be mocked and scourged and spit upon. And after they have scourged Him, they will put Him to death.” And the Apostles are hearing this, the first bishops of the Catholic Church and our first Pope, they're hearing this about Our Lord, but it's not registering. They're not getting it. And on the third day He shall rise again. And our Lord even says this, 'and they understood none of these things, and they understood not the things.'

It says it twice. They just didn't get it. They were thick, like we can be thick. And the Apostles were thick. They didn't get it. So when the hour of the Passion came, even though they were forewarned, they weren't ready. And they weakened, and they stumbled, and they betrayed Our Lord. One of them hanged himself after getting 30 pieces of silver. Another one betrayed Our Lord, our first Pope, over a threatening [of] a few girls around the fireplace. A few girls asked him questions, and he betrayed Our Lord with cusses and his old sailor language that St. Peter certainly had. He cussed and sweared, and then Our Lord looked at him as He was being led to the dungeon, and Our Lord looked at him with the eyes of a fatherly lover of souls. The eyes of Our Lord, the Sacred Heart, pierced Peter after he just betrayed Him, and Peter went out and wept bitterly.

And then the other bishops of the Catholic Church, where were they? They all scattered. They weren't even at Calvary. They weren't even at the Scourging, the Crowning of Thorns, the Way of the Cross, and on Mount Calvary except one, St. John. St. John stood with the Virgin Mary. He was devoted to the Virgin Mary in a special way because of his purity, his virginal body and soul, and so he was very close to the Virgin of Virgins, the Blessed Virgin Mary. And it's only because of her that he stood by the cross, but even then, standing at Calvary, he lost the Faith. He didn't believe anymore. When he saw Christ panting for air and dying on the cross, he stopped believing. What a frightening thing, but it's a warning to us that the Catholic Church can go through a terrible crisis like we're going through now, and the Pope can lose the Faith, the bishops can lose the Faith, they can be betrayers, traitors to Jesus Christ, scandals by their bad immoralities and bad doctrines, and yet the Faith continues.

And the most stunning of stunning things is St. Dismas. St. Dismas, listen to what some of the saints say about St. Dismas, the good thief on the cross. “This thief purchased salvation from the tree”, says St. John Chrysostom. “This thief stole the heavenly Empire. He used force upon His Majesty.” And then he says, “We find no one before the thief to have merited the promise of Paradise. Not Abraham, nor Isaac, nor Jacob, nor Moses, nor the prophets or apostles, but before all of them we find the thief promised Paradise.” St. John Chrysostom says, “The good thief sees Christ on the cross in torments and adores Him as if He were in glory. He sees Him on the cross and prays to Him as if He were sitting in Heaven. The good thief, St. Dismas, sees Him condemned and he calls upon Him as a king, saying, ‘Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into Thy kingdom.’Thou seest Him crucified and you proclaim Him a King. You see Him hanging on a tree and you think of the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh, admirable conversion of the thief.”

And then listen to Eusebius of Emesa, a holy bishop. “The criminal, how singular and how stupendous that devotion. The criminal believed at the very moment when the elect denied Him.” So all those who believed Our Lord lost the Faith and the good thief, who was not a great virtuous soul, converts. “It was more praiseworthy and more noble than the thief to believe in the Lord when He was on the cross and failing under the last punishments than if he had done so when He was doing mighty works. Not without reason then did he merit such a reward. He adds the cause. Divinity in bodily form had illuminated, I believe, the nascent Faith of the thief, who was now a believer in Christ, which Divinity had infused itself more widely at that moment when Redemption was to be consummated. And then he did not say, ‘If you are God, deliver me from the present suffering, but rather, because you are God, deliver me from the judgment to come.’ Thus the good thief shows to the world it's Judge and the King of ages. Although punishment began in the thief, it is perfected in a new manner in the martyr.”

Saint Athanasius says, “O thou excellent one, you were crucified as a thief and dying on the cross, he preaches the Gospels. He is called by Saint Chrysostom, a prophet, that is, a preacher and proclaimer of the greatness of Christ. O the might of Jesus, he says, the thief is now a prophet and preaches from the cross.” The same author calls him in that work, “a robber and a seizer of paradise. You saw,” he says, “how he did not forget his former craft, being a thief, even when he was on the cross, that by his confession he stole the Kingdom of Heaven.” Saint Cyril, Saint Peter Damian, calls him “the firstfruits of Christ's cross and of all believers. He is labeled Peter on the Cross: You were Peter on the Cross and Peter in the house of Caiaphas was the thief, because Peter, our first Pope, denied Christ, whom the thief on the cross professed before all the world.”

So Peter, our first Pope, denies Him, but the good thief converts and professes Him.

Saint John Chrysostom in his homily says, “The advocate of Christ, because he defended Him against the Jews like an advocate, defends Christ's name.” Saint Bridget of Sweden, she says, “Christ answered her prayers. Saint Bridget prayed for a penitent sinner who had no opportunity to make his confession. Our Lord answered her in these words, “That sinner laments because he has none to hear his confession. Tell him that the will is sufficient. For what benefited the thief on the cross? Was it not his goodwill? Or what opened Heaven to him but his wish to desire good and hate evil? What makes hell but an evil inclination and inordinate concupiscence?” So our Lord says to Saint Bridget.

So Saint Bridget, she says, “Many souls are saved by what the Catholic Church has taught, perfect contrition.” Those who don't have a chance to go to Confession, they tell Our Lord, “I'm sorry, I wish I could go to Confession if I had the chance to [go to] a traditional priest, but I can't. Have mercy on me, forgive me.” And like the good thief, Our Lord can open Heaven to these souls, and he does. So when Our Lord said to the good thief, “Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” One of the Fathers says, “When the Jews heard the good thief proclaim Christ as God and King, they had the revenge on the good thief.” They made sure the Roman soldiers beat him heavily by crushing his legs. So they had revenge on St. Dismas for professing the Catholic Faith when they were denying and mocking Christ.

So when St. Dismas went down into Limbo, right before Our Lord arrives, all of Limbo sees the good thief. And all of Limbo, that is Adam and Eve, Jacob, Isaiah, Daniel, all these prophets, all the saints of the Old Testament, they see the good thief arrive at the gates. And he tells them, “I saw the Redeemer on the Cross, and He opened heaven to me.” And then very soon Our Lord dies on the Cross, and he comes and gives Paradise to the saints in limbo. How? The Fathers of the Church say, when Our Lord entered into Limbo, he gave them the Beatific Vision. They could see the Holy Trinity from Limbo. And in Christ, they saw the glory of the Father and the Holy Ghost, because He is the Divine Son. So truly, Limbo was turned into Paradise. And the good thief announced it right before Christ. So the good thief is also, in a way, one of the prophets for Limbo as well. So if the good thief can steal Heaven, there's hope for all of us.

And when all the bishops of the Catholic Church and the Pope betrayed Christ, out came this good thief, professing Him right on the cross. What an amazing thing. And our Lord wants us to do the same. Proclaim Him by your charity, by the good works that people see in you, by your good example, by your honesty and work, by your non-participation in the dirty talk at the workplace and boasting of their adulteries and their fornications. Have no place with that. Make the Sign of the Cross when you say grace. Proclaim the glory of Christ and let your example be a light and profess Christ as God and King to this dark age, this dark and adulterous generation. As if anything is needed more than ever in this world, it is those proclaiming our Lord Jesus Christ.

So you can find good, good talks on The Recusant, on The Catacombs and the recent production, The Catholic Trumpet. The Catholic Trumpet has been putting out some very good stuff. I encourage you to listen to it, just summarizing the fight of Catholic Tradition and of Archbishop Lefebvre.

That's our privilege right now in this dark age is to profess the Catholic Faith and try our best to live by it in this age that denies Him and betrays Him.

May the Queen of Heaven step in and hasten the hour of her victory.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

And for those who do not have recourse to thee, especially all Communists, Freemasons, and all other enemies of Holy Mother Church, Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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