Opinion: Infiltration of World Governments by WEF
Guest stuns Joe Rogan with details on how World Economic Forum infiltrates world governments
Maajid Nawaz told Rogan the World Economic Forum has openly put its members in leadership roles to steer world governments toward ‘more and more authoritarianism.’

[Image: Maajid-Nawaz-2-810x500.jpg]
Maajid Nawaz on the Joe Rogan Experience

Mon Feb 21, 2022
(LifeSiteNews [emphasis mine]) — British activist and radio presenter Maajid Nawaz appeared to stun mega-star podcaster Joe Rogan in a Saturday interview when he explained how Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is infiltrating world governments to achieve a global “checkpoint society.”

In a three-hour interview released Saturday, Nawaz, the founding chairman of Quilliam, a think tank designed to confront Islamist extremism, told Rogan that the WEF has installed its members in national leadership roles around the world to further the organization’s sprawling authoritarian agenda.

Explaining that government leaders worldwide have begun lifting COVID-19 mandates and restrictions while leaving in place an apparatus of digital tracking and identification that forms the embryonic stages of a digital social credit score, Nawaz said the WEF under Schwab has worked on “embedding people in government who are subscribed to” the Great Reset agenda.

“That’s what they say themselves,” Nawaz said, pointing out that the so-called Great Reset, whose advocates have famously asserted that by 2030 people will “own nothing and be happy,” is explained in detail on the WEF’s website.

In a 2020 book entitled “Covid-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab openly argued that the COVID-19 response should be used to “revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

Nawaz went on to point out that in 2017 Schwab said the WEF’s “young global leaders” would “penetrate” the cabinets of world leaders.

Members of the WEF’s Forum of Young Global Leaders have included Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, French President Emmanuel Macron, former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, among many others.

Nawaz pointed out that Blair tried to implement an ID system during the Iraq war, and is now openly moving to implement digital IDs in the post-COVID era.

The WEF has clearly articulated its interest in pursuing a global digital ID system.

“So this is going to be this never-ending process to slowly move the goal posts,” Rogan surmised.

“Towards more and more authoritarianism,” Nawaz added. “Checkpoint society. It’s all there. They’ve told us this.”

“People have to realize this, right?” Rogan responded. “This is important.”
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Another related article that puts things into perspective? 
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Canadian MP’s Audio Feed CUT When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Brags About Having “Infiltrated” Parliament
Elected representative demanded to know which members of the Canadian cabinet are loyal to globalist Schwab

Summit News | 21 February, 2022

A Canadian MP was cut off and accused of spreading “disinformation” during a debate when he began to ask why the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has been publicly bragging about infiltrating the Canadian parliament.

The debate, concerning the use of emergency powers by the Trudeau regime, occurred on Saturday and saw many MP’s using Zoom video chats.

When it came the turn of conservative Oshawa MP Colin Carrie to speak, he started to question about “outside influence” in the parliament, specifically via the WEF and globalist Klaus Schwab.

Carrie asked legislators why Schwab has used a public platform for “bragging” about “infiltrating governments around the world,” including “half of Canada’s cabinet.”

Carrie then asked “in the interest of transparency,” which members of Canadian parliament are under the control of Schwab, prompting the speaker of the house to cut the audio feed and start saying “order, order, order.”

The speaker then said there was a “very very very bad audio” connection (no there wasn’t) and simply ignored Carrie’s comments.

The next MP to speak did address Carrie’s comments, charging him of engaging in “open disinformation.”

It is not disinformation to point out what Schwab has said. Here he is openly saying in 2017 that the WEF has ‘penetrated’ cabinets of government’s around the world, specifically pointing to Trudeau in Canada:

“What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders,” Schwab said.

And here is Schwab bragging about how “loyal” Trudeau and his Canadian cabinet is to the WEF:

In a recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, journalist Maajid Nawaz brought fresh attention to Schwab’s comments:

Meanwhile, following a brutal crackdown on the Canadian protesters this past weekend, Jason Kenney, the Premier of the Canadian province of Alberta, announced that will sue the federal government of Canada and Trudeau himself for their use of the Emergencies Act.

Kenney said the actions of the government are “unjustified in the circumstances,” further noting that “the Emergencies Act was designed to come into effect at the failure of the state… However, there is no insurrection or coup.”

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