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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - October/November 2019
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:31 AM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - October/November 2019

To view the Newsletter in your browser and/or to download, click HERE

✠ ✠ ✠

A few more quotes on the doubtfulness of Conciliar Sacraments - a reflection of how the SSPX used to approach the issue of Conciliar priestly and episcopal ordinations [taken from here and here]:


Dominicans of Avrille – footnote to “The Art of Confessing”:

Today, we must be precise: “a traditional priest validly ordained”. We know that there is a doubt on the validity of the new rite of priestly ordination (look at the letter of Archbishop Lefebvre on our website). There is also a doubt about the validity of the ordinations performed by conciliar bishops, even when they use the traditional rite. In his sermon of the consecration of four bishops (June 30, 1988), Archbishop Lefebvre said: “If God calls me, from whom will these seminarians receive the priestly ordination: from conciliar bishops whose sacraments are ALL doubtful?

Dominicans of Avrille - Le Sel de la Terre 54

“Due to the generalized disorder, both at the liturgical and dogmatic levels, we can have serious reasons to doubt the validity of certain episcopal ordinations.”

Fr. Peter Scott wrote the following conclusion in a 2007 Angelus article, entitled, "Must priests who come to Tradition be re-ordained?":

It would, indeed, be tragic if all traditional priests did not have moral certitude as to their ordination, and if there existed two different grades of priests, a higher grade ordained in Tradition, and a lower grade. It is for this reason that the superiors have the right to insist on conditional re-ordination for any priest turning towards Tradition, and will only accept ordinations in the conciliar Church after having investigated both priestly and episcopal ordinations and established moral certitude.

Archbishop Lefebvre clearly recognized his obligation of providing priests concerning whose ordination there was no doubt. It was one of the reasons for the episcopal consecrations of 1988, as he declared in the sermon for the occasion:

You well know, my dear brethren, that there can be no priests without bishops. When God calls me—this will certainly not be long—from whom would these seminarians receive the sacrament of Orders? From conciliar bishops, who, due to their doubtful intentions, confer doubtful sacraments? This is not possible."

He continued, explaining that he could not leave the faithful orphans, nor abandon the seminarians who entrusted themselves to him, for “they came to our seminaries, despite all the difficulties that they have encountered, in order to receive a true ordination to the priesthood...” (Fr. Francois Laisney, Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican, p.120). He considered it his duty to guarantee the certitude of the sacrament of holy orders by the consecration of bishops in the traditional rite, who would then ordain only in the traditional rite.

We must observe the same balance as Archbishop Lefebvre. On the one hand, it is our duty to avoid the excess of sedevacantism, which unreasonably denies the very validity and existence of the post-conciliar Church and its priesthood. On the other hand, however, we must likewise reject the laxist and liberal approach that does not take seriously the real doubts that can arise concerning the validity of priestly ordinations in the post-conciliar Church, failing to consider the enormous importance and necessity of a certainly valid priesthood for the good of the Church, for the eternal salvation of souls, and for the tranquility of the consciences of the faithful. Given the gravity of these issues, it is not even a slight doubt that is acceptable. Hence the duty of examining in each particular case the vernacular form of priestly ordination, the intention of the ordaining bishop, the rite of consecration of the ordaining bishop, and the intention of the consecrators.

Just as the superiors take seriously their duty of guaranteeing the moral certitude of the holy orders of their priests, whether by means of conditional ordination or careful investigation (when possible), so also must priests who join the Society accept conditional ordination in case of even slight positive doubt, and so also must the faithful recognize that each case is different and accept the decision of those who alone are in a position to perform the necessary investigations.

For regardless of the technical question of the validity of a priest’s holy orders, we all recognize the Catholic sense that tells us that there can be no mixing of the illegitimate new rites with the traditional Catholic rites, a principle so simply elucidated by Archbishop Lefebvre on June 29, 1976:
Quote:We are not of this religion. We do not accept this new religion. We are of the religion of all time, of the Catholic religion. We are not of that universal religion, as they call it today. It is no longer the Catholic religion. We are not of that liberal, modernist religion that has its worship, its priests, its faith, its catechisms, its Bible."

Bp. Tissier de Mallerais, quoted by Dominicans of Avrille:

Bp Tissier de Mallerais, in his sermon from June 29, 2016 at Econe, spoke as follows concerning the rite of ordination for priests:
Quote:“Clearly, we cannot accept this faked new rite of ordination that leaves doubts concerning the validity of numerous ordinations done according to the new rite. Thus this new rite of ordination is not Catholic. And so we will of course faithfully continue to transmit the real and valid priesthood by the traditional pr traditional priestly rite of ordination.”

Abbot F.M. Chautard - Catechism of timely truths: The rallies (seen by Archbishop Lefebvre) - July 8, 2018 [Translated from the French]:
Quote:17) Are the sacraments of the rallied priests valid?

The sacraments of the rallied priests are valid to the extent that their ordinations are valid (for the sacraments which require the priesthood in the minister). However, one can have a doubt about the priesthood of clerics rallied who were ordained by bishops themselves doubtfully sacred [consecrated] because of ambiguous intentions and the new rite of episcopal consecrations (after 1968).

Fr. Gregory Hesse

"Based on what has been stated by Archbishop Lefebvre, namely that the Newmass is a "schismatic rite", we would like to quote Pope Leo XIII and Saint Thomas Aquinas to prove that even though a schismatic sacrament may be valid, it does not have the guarantee of the graces and fruits that normally would flow from them, and also that they are like an amputated member of body (Church):
  • "From this it follows also that they cannot promise themselves any of the graces and fruits of the perpetual sacrifice and of the sacraments which although they are sacrilegiously administered are none the less valid and serve in some measure to form an appearance of piety, which St Paul mentions I Corinthians chapter 13 and which St. Augustine speaks of at greater length." (Serm. LXXI, in Matth., 32) Pope Leo XIII Eximia Leatitia, July 19, 1893, to the bishops of Poitiers)
  • "The form of the branch may still be visible, even apart from the wine, but the invisible life of the root can be preserved only in union with the stock. That is why the corporal sacraments, which some keep and use outside the unity of Christ, can preserve the appearance of piety. But the invisible and spiritual virtue of true piety cannot abide there anymore than feeling can remain in an amputated member." (Sermon of St. Augustine on the Gospel of St. Matthew). So there's no grace that flows from their sacraments.
  • "And since the conservation of the Eucharist is a power which follows the power of Order, such persons as are separated from the Church by heresy, schism, or excommunication, can indeed consecrate the Eucharist, which on being consecrated by them contains Christ's true body and blood; but they act wrongly and sin by doing so; and in consequence they do not receive the fruit of the sacrifice, which is a spiritual sacrifice." St. Thomas Aquinas [IIIa q. 82 art. 7, c]
  • "The priest, in reciting the prayers of the Mass, speaks in the person of the church, in whose unity he remains; but in consecrating the sacrament he speaks in the person of Christ, whose place he holds by the power of his Orders. Consequently, a priest severed from the unity of the Church celebrates Mass, not having lost the power of Order, he consecrates Christ's true body and blood; but because he is severed from the unity of the Church, his prayers have no efficacy. St. Thomas Aquinas [IIIa q. 82 art. 7, ad 3um]

✠ ✠ ✠

Dear friends,

With permission from both Father Hewko and the good soul who sent this to me, I am grateful to be able to share the following response of Fr. Hewko's in answer to a question asked of him about Novus Ordo/New Rite Sacraments.

While only Father's answer was shared with me (not the particular question), I think Father Hewko's response makes it clear what that question was.

May this help clear the ever-encroaching mist of confusion from Vatican II, in which it is easy for even the veterans of tradition to become disoriented!:

Quote:In answer to your question if the sacraments are a doctrinal or prudential question, they are, in fact, the perfection of both.

It is of doctrine that Christ instituted them as well as the clear matter, form and intention to be followed. That they give supernatural grace and other graces is also doctrinal.

Prudence comes in on circumstances surrounding them, such as, is such & such a candidate worthy for ordination or prepared enough for matrimony or first Communion?

So, with the new sacraments, it is doctrinal and not merely practical, because to change the matter, form or intention, as they do, affects whether they are valid or nor; whether they give grace or not. On these effects of the Sacraments depend eternal salvation.

So yes, they are firstly DOCTRINAL!

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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - September 2019
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:26 AM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - September 2019

To view the Newsletter in your browser and/or to download, click HERE

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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - June 2019
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:25 AM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - June 2019

To view the Newsletter in your browser and/or to download, click HERE

Some of the reference materials Fr. Hewko alluded to in this Newsletter:

2012 SSPX Doctrinal Declaration

2012 Six Conditions of the General Chapter for 'regularization' with Rome

2012 General Chapter Statement (The General Chapter Statement is referenced here as well by The Recusant.)

Catalogue of Compromise, Change, and Contradiction in the SSPX

See also Cardinal Pie's exhortations to 'faint-hearted' and worried Catholics about the end-times

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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - May 2019
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:23 AM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - May 2019

To view the Newsletter in your browser and/or to download, click HERE

✠ ✠ ✠

The following was a pleasant surprise: a translation into Spanish of Fr. Hewko's letter by Fr. Hugo Ruiz.

Here is the PDF Father provided: Carta Padre Hewko de 3 mayo 2019.pdf (120.12 KB)

God bless you, Fathers Hewko and Ruiz!

Corazón Doloroso de María SSPX-MC

A los católicos que luchan por la tradición;

Es una alegría añadida a esta Sagrada Pascua llevar a los fieles de Australia, Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa y la verdadera doctrina de la Iglesia Católica, como siempre se enseñó, antes de que el Modernismo se infiltrara en sus santuarios y seminarios!

Sin embargo, parece que son necesarias algunas aclaraciones sencillas. Que quede claro, vengo como un "nieto" sacerdote del Arzobispo Marcel Lefebvre, con la clara postura doctrinal de su Sociedad Sacerdotal de San Pío X ANTES de todo el escándalo del GREC y de los compromisos de 2012 (encarnados en el: "La Declaración del Capítulo General" con "6 condiciones" para un acuerdo con la Roma modernista, y la "Declaración doctrinal del 12 de abril de 2012"). El continuo deslizamiento doctrinal, la aceptación de la Nueva Misa y de los Nuevos Sacramentos como "legítimamente promulgados", el reciente "reconocimiento" de Confesiones, Matrimonios y Órdenes Sagradas por parte de la Roma Modernista, refuerzan que la SSPX Conciliar es ahora sólo otra indulgenciaapéndice, coexistiendo como una de las muchas opciones en el pluralismo de la Iglesia Conciliar. Este es un rechazo implícito de la realeza de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Cualquier católico está obligado a rechazar esta "Operación Suicidio" de la nueva dirección de Menzingen y permanecer con la "Operación Supervivencia" de Abp Lefebvre, más pertinente ahora, que nunca antes! "...Obviamente, estamos en contra de la Iglesia Conciliar que es virtualmente cismática, aunque ellos lo nieguen. En la práctica, es una Iglesia virtualmente excomulgada porque es una Iglesia Modernista". (Abp. Lefebvre, "Un año después de las consagraciones", julio-agosto, 1989).

Que quede claro, no estoy abogando por ninguna de las variedades de sedevacatismo, sino simplemente permanecer en lo que Mons. Lefebvre dijo. El Papa Francisco reinante, como los Papas Conciliares anteriores, es un escándalo y simplemente está aplicando la lógica del Vaticano II con su interminable evolución de dogma y destrucción continua! Resistimos su Modernismo y tenemos el deber de desobedecer sus órdenes de aceptar los Errores y Reformas Conciliares, tal como lo hizo Abp Lefebvre; tal como San Pablo tuvo que resistir a San Pedro, el primer Papa, en su cara.

Yo vengo sin agenda política, ni pregonando "mi propio apostolado", sino simplemente como sacerdote católico, como Mons. Lefebvre quería que obraran sus sacerdotes, respondiendo al llamado de los fieles, viniendo como embajadores de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de Su Santa Iglesia Católica, sabiendo que Ella provee jurisdicción para los sacramentos debido a la crisis de emergencia en la Iglesia.

Estar en la posición de sacerdote "independiente" no es mi elección, es muy desagradable y anhelo someterme a un obispo. Pero, por favor, ayúdame a encontrar a alguien que no se haya deslizado de la sólida posición de Mons. Lefebvre, es decir, que no se haya comprometido con la Roma modernista, o con la Nueva Misa, o que no esté promoviendo "milagros" de la Nueva Misa, sino que simplemente mantenga la clara línea doctrinal de Mons. Lefebve a todos los niveles: sobre el sedevacantismo, el Vaticano II, la Misa de Novus Ordo, las Misas del Indulto / Motu Proprio, etc., etc., etc. ¡Si encuentras uno, con gusto me arrojaré a sus pies!

En la misma línea, hay que decir que el creciente movimiento de comités laicos y sitios web dirigidos por laicos, sin la guía y supervisión de un sacerdote o de un obispo, es lo más detestable para la mente de la Iglesia. Recientemente ha llevado a la promoción del error y las herejías, las diatribas de la burla, las vulgaridades y el comportamiento escandaloso, el periodismo poco profesional al calumniar a cualquiera, en cualquier momento, mientras que la publicación de cartas anónimas que provocan el sensacionalismo más bajo y las más crudas detracciones. Esta es precisamente la razón por la que San Pío X exigió la censura de las publicaciones y su supervisión bajo los, entonces, confiables Obispos Católicos! (cf. Pascendi). Es necesario que los laicos apostólicos publiquen la buena doctrina y promuevan la fe católica y ahora, más que nunca, la postura de Mons. Lefebvre es clara! Desgraciadamente, sin embargo, la escasez de sana doctrina en los prelados de esta pesadilla postconciliar hace que los laicos se sientan algo desorientados, pero que se guíen al menos por la claridad doctrinal y la caridad fraterna que brillaban en las anteriores publicaciones católicas, cuando estaban bajo la dirección de un buen clero de mentalidad tradicional. Por un lado, "es necesario que surjan escándalos y no que la verdad se quede callada", como decía san Gregorio, y por otro lado, ser un tabloide de la cuneta y sacar provecho de ello. (cf. Cathinfo!).

Mis razones para dejar el OLMC en Kentucky se hicieron públicas, claras y siguen siendo las mismas. Me niego a poner en peligro la validez de los sacramentos y a promover un obispo dudoso. Tengo exactamente la misma posición de Mons. Lefebvre sobre la objetividad dudosa del Nuevo Rito de las ordenaciones y de las consagraciones episcopales. (Ver: thecatacombs.org para sus propias explicaciones extensas sobre este tema). Mons. Lefebvre fue un teólogo mucho más grande que cualquier otro en este siglo, con experiencia en el campo misionario. Su posición en todos los niveles supera con creces cualquier peso de pluma de nuestro tiempo!

Debido a lo absurdo de nuestros tiempos apocalípticos y a la aceleración de todos los males, es necesario establecer posiciones y aclarar cualquier confusión. Así que, unámonos como miembros de la Iglesia Militante, oremos y luchemos por su antigua gloria, que sólo regresará cuando el Papa obedezca obedientemente a Nuestra Señora de Fátima y Roma regrese a la Tradición Católica!

"Por lo tanto, cuando planteamos la pregunta de cuándo habrá un acuerdo con Roma, mi respuesta es simple: Cuando Roma vuelva a coronar a nuestro Señor Jesucristo. No podemos estar de acuerdo con los que destronan a Nuestro Señor! El día que reconozcan a Nuestro Señor como Rey de todos los pueblos y naciones, no seremos nosotros los que nos uniremos a ellos, sino ellos los que regresarán a la Iglesia Católica en la que permanecemos". (Mons. Lefebvre, "Fideliter", No. 68, marzo de 1989).

Sinceramente en Cristo, Resucitado del sepulcro!

P. David Hewko

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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - April 2019
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:20 AM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - April 2019

To view the Newsletter in your browser and/or to download, click HERE

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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - March 2019
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:19 AM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - March 2019

To view the Newsletter in your browser and/or to download, click HERE

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  The Recusant Archives
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2020, 08:00 AM - Forum: The Recusant - No Replies

The Recusant Archives may be found below, gratefully reprinted from the St. Mary's, KS Resistance site here.

Issue 61 - Lent 2024
Are we “excommunicated” or in “schism” from modern Rome?
Catholic Social Action
Preparing your Home for Mass
Ten Years Ago - Part 3

Issue 60 – Easter 2023
Sermon at Martigny, Switzerland, 1984 (Abp. Lefebvre)
Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC Newsletter (Fr. Hewko)
‘How the Novus Ordo Mass was Made’ (the catacombs.org)
SSPX Moves Closer to Accepting the New Mass:
How to Spiritually assist at Mass

Issue 59 – Advent 2022
“New Mass Already Condemned by the Church” et alia (Abp. Lefebvre)
Mass Attendance – Applying the old SSPX’s Doctrinal Clarity
“Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC” Newsletter (Fr. Hewko)
“Red Light Fake Resistance & SSPX!” – (Fr. Rafael Arizaga OSB)
“Is the Resistance Justified?” (A Response to a Correspondent)

Issue 58 – September 2022
“Those who are pro-Syllabus, those who are anti-Syllabus” (Abp. Lefebvre, Econe 1990)
Sowing Even More Confusion – Bishop Williamson promotes Garabandal & The New Mass & The Conciliar Church
“Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC” (Fr. Hewko)
“Ten Years Ago…” Part 2

Issue 57 – Lent 2022
Real & Apparent Disobedience (Abp. Lefebvre, Poitiers, 1977)
“Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC” (Fr. Hewko)
English Martyrs (Bl. James Fenn, Bl. John Finch, St. Edmund Genings
Where Do They Stand?
More on Covid “Vaccines” :
– The “Sede-Vax-Can-tists”,
– SSPX: Conciliar Morality
“Ten Years Ago”

Issue 56 – Autumn 2021
True and False Obedience (Abp. Lefebvre)
“Then And Now” (Abp. Lefevbre vs. modern SSPX)
English Martyrs (September & October)
Is ‘Quo Primum’ Still in Force?
“What are we to think of the Society of St. Peter?” (old SSPX)

Issue 55 - Eastertide 2021
Archbishop Lefebvre: 1981 (“Holy Resistance”) Declaration
SSPX Continues to Green Light Covid Vaccines
Fr. Paul Robinson Is Still At It! (Genesis vs. Charles Lyell)
Evolutionist Logical Fallacies
Lyell & Uniformitarianism’s request.

Issue 54 - Epiphany 2021
Archbishop Lefebvre: 1978 ‘Spotlight’ Interview
DICI Interview with the SSPX Superior General (Analysis)
Don’t Get the Vaccine!

Issue 53 - Autumn 2020
Fr. Pfeiffer’s scandalous “consecration” by a Feeneyite, Sedevacantist ‘garage bishop’
Statements by Fr. Hewko, Fr. Ruiz & Fr. Rafael OSB
“Who was Abp. Ngo-Dinh Thuc?” (reprint)
Interview with Fr. Arturo Vargas

Issue 52 – Summer 2020
Abp. Lefevbre on Liberalism & Freemasonry (Spain, October 1986)
‘Mary, Cause of Our Joy’ Newsletter, May 2020 (Fr. Hewko)
“Open Letter to Donald Trump” & two other letters (Abp. Vigano)
“Spain, The Vital Years” (Book Review)

Issue 51 – Easter 2020
A Close Look at the Covid 19 ” Crisis” (Editorial & Articles)
Bishop Williamson is Still Promoting Maria Valtorta (Analysis)
“Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC” Issues 8 & 9 (Fr. Hewko)
Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX: ‘Government Restrictions Good, Conspiracy Theories Bad’

Issue 50 – January 2020
Christmas Sermon, 1977 (Archbishop Lefebvre)
“How Independent!” (Fake Resistance Watch)
“Sorrowful Heart of Mary” Newsletter #6 (Fr. Hewko)
“The ‘Any Valid Mass’ Canard” (A Response to a Critic)
“The New Mass” (‘Catholic’ reprint, March 2000)
“My Catholic Faith” (Book Review)

Issue 49 - November 2019
Note on Liberal Influence 1975 (Abp. Lefebvre)
“Operation Sabotage”(Fake Resistance re-examined)
“Quid pro Quo” (Or: “Everyone has his price”)
Can Catholics Deny the Genesis Flood? (No. But the SSPX Does.)
2009 Letter to SSPX Superiors (Fr. Jean OFM)
The Recusant Poetry Contest

Issue 48 - Summer 2018
1989 Priestly Anniversary Sermon (Abp. Lefebvre)
“Remembering the English Martyrs” (August-Sept.)
A closer Look at Archbishop Lefebvre’s 1974 Declaration
Fake Resistance: Silly News
SSPX-Watch: “The anti-anti-Semitic SSPX”
“Spot the Veil!” (Competition)

Issue 47 – May 2018
Client States and Surrenders (Editorial)
Ordinations Sermon 1978 (Abp. Lefebvre)
“Remembering the English Martyrs” (June)
‘Obedience and the Pope’ (Father Gregory Hesse)
What would the Old SSPX Say about today’s technology?

Issue 46 – March/April 2018
The Heresy of Evolution:
Ten Questions for Evolutionists” (Apologetics)
The Flood: Myth or Reality?
Dinosaurs and Mankind (Evidence Digest)
Geological Nonsense!
Charles Lyell’s Errors Disproved (Guy Bertault)
Darwin, Marx and Freud
The Traditional Catholic Doctrine on Creation (Kolbe Centre)
English Martyrs (April-May)
SSPX-Watch: promoting bogus modern “Science”!

Issue 45 – January/February 2018
Mass of All Time vs. Mass of Our Time” (Abp. Lefebvre)
Remembering the English Martyrs (Jan. – March)
Open Letter to Fr. Ortiz (re. Russian Orthodoxy)
A Closer Look at Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church (Digest)
The Heresy of Evolution” (Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer)

Issue 44 – November/December 2017
The Infiltration of Modernism in the Church (Abp. Lefebvre)
Remembering the English Martyrs (December/January)
Belloc: Europe and the Faithful (Book Review)
Measuring how much Piety has Atrophied in the n-SSPX” (Catholic Candle)
Bishop Fellay Still Accepts Vatican II (Analysis)
Trad-Ecumenism = Apostasy (Gladium)
Letter to Friends and Benefactors (Fr. Pfeiffer)
Bp. Williamson & Russian Orthodoxy (Fake Resistance Watch)

Issue 43 – September/October 2017
“A New Concept of the Church” – 1984 conference (Abp. Lefebvre)
“We Will Crush You!” (Fr. Rafael vs. Fake Resistance)
Summer 2017 Newsletter (Fr. Rafael, OSB)
Outside the Church there is No Salvation (Catechism): – “Two Recent Explanations of the Church’s Necessity for Salvation” (Mgr. Fenton) – “The Catholic Church and Salvation – Some Sources of Misunderstanding” (Mgr. Fenton)
Dom Gueranger’s Advice for Our Time” (Catholic Candle)

Issue 42 – July/August 2017
Conference on the New Mass, 1978 (Abp. Lefebvre)
Is Bishop Williamson Defensible? (A Response to Mr. Samuel Loeman)
Archbishop Lefebvre and the New Mass (Analysis)
Where Does Bishop Faure Stand? (Time & Analysis)
SSPX-Rome Marriage Proposals (Letter & Response)

Issue 41 – May/June 2017
Ordinations Sermon, 1976 (Archbishop Lefebvre)
The Spear” – Louis de Wohl (Book Review)
Necessary Precisions…” (Fr. Hugo Ruiz Vallejo)
The N-SSPX’s Pending Deal with Rome is a Disaster for Souls” (Catholic Candle)
Is the Recusant guilty of ‘Internecine Warfare’? (Correspondence)
“Bishop Williamson Teaches Indifferentism” (Analysis)
Exclusive Interview with Bishop Zendejas (Humour)

Issue 40 – April 2017
Archbishop Lefebvre’s private advice about attending the New Mass (Letter of Archbishop Lefebvre)
The New Mass is not Catholic and doesn’t give Grace
St. Joseph’s Monestery Newsletter (March 2017)
Has Bishop Fellay Been Wronged? (Debate)
“Bishop Williamson Is Still At It” (Analysis)
Who Is Fr. Gerardo Zendejas and What Does He Stand For?
What is Bp. Williamson’s Current Teaching?
“Who Wants to be the next Fake Resistance Bishop?” (Humour)

Issue 39 – March 2017
Archbishop Lefebvre 8th Dec. 1976 Sermon
Fake Resistance Real Hypocrisy” Case Study: The Persecution of St. Joseph’s Monastery
Grace in the New Mass? “Open Letter to Editor of the Recusant” & Reply (Fr. MacDonald)
Hostile Takeovers for Dummies (Fake News Watch)
Bishop Fellay & Rome

Issue 38 – Christmas 2016 – February 2017
Archbishop Lefebvre Sermon at Lille, 1976
Fr. Cardozo Interview (‘Pale Ideas’)
Fake Resistance Watch: Fr. Ortiz & Australia
Bishop Williamson’s False Miracles (Catholic Candle)
Bishop Fellay and Rome (Digest & Commentary)
Remembering Campos

Issue 37 – October/November 2016
Archbishop Lefebvre: Assisi 1986 (Cartoons & Letters)
Bishop Fellay: “Our Relations with Rome” latest (Analysis)
Bp. Williamson’s latest Valtorta promotion (Catholic Candle)
‘Our Lady of the Southern Cross’ July 2016 Newsletter (Australian Resistance)
Bishop Williamson keeps digging” (Analysis)
Hugh Akins’ Latest: (Book Review & Humor)

Issue 36 – September 2016
The Recusant: “not God but the devil’s work”..?
A Public Attack by Mr. Hugh Akins
A Public Reply to Mr. Hugh Akins
Which Resistance Priests uphold Tradition Catholic Principles? (‘Catholic Candle’)
A Reply to Sean Johnson (Fr. McDonald)
“A ‘Refutation’ Refuted” (our reply to Mr. Johnson)
Concerning the Heresy & Schism of the New Mass (Fr. Kramer & Fr. Hesse)

Issue 35 – July/August 2016
Fr. Bouchacourt & Islam (SSPX-Watch Special)
Archbishop Lefebvre die fighting. Will his sons?
Sunday without Mass (Catholic Candle)
Fake Resistance, Real Hypocrisy” Part I – the website ‘Non Possumus’
Bishop Williamson and Maria Valtorta (Analysis)
Bishop Fellay’s June 2016 Declaration (Analysis)

Issue 34- May/June 2016
Archbishop Lefebvre – Letter to Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer (December 1990)
Open Letter to John Paul II (Lefebvre & de Castro Mayer)
62 Reasons to not attend the New Mass ( [/url]www.sspxasia.com)
Get out while you still have some Faith!” (Catholic Candle)
Declaration of Resistance Priests – London, April 2016
Bp. Fellay & Rome – a digest of recent events
SPECIAL: “Novus Ordo ‘Miracles’ – A Case Study” – PAGE 26

Issue 33 – March/April 2016
Archbishop Lefebvre – “We cannot encourage people to assist at the New Mass” (Conference extract)
Bishop Williamson believes in the conciliar church! (EC #447 analysis)
A message from Gabrielle
Which Statement is acceptable to you? (The neo-Resistance in their own words)
He Who Gathers Not With Me” (Fr. Cardozo – sermon)

Issue 32 – January/February_2016
Archbishop Lefebvre – “Ubi Maria Ibi Ecclesia!
Danger of So-called “miracles” in the Conciliar Church (“Catholic Candle”)
Edmund Campion” by Evelyn Waugh (Book Review)
Newsletter of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary (Fr Pfeiffer)

Issue 31 – November/December 2015
What does the Church teach concerning:

  • Clerical Immorality?
  • Revealing Another’s Sins?
Fake Resistance Watch:
  • Cathinfo: Making Money out of Scandal (Editorial)
  • Concerning Fr. Stephen Abraham
  • Bishop Williamson: More Novus Ordo Madness
  • Fr. Zendejas’s “Blue Paper” (analysis)
  • Who is Fr. Zendejas? (Fr. Zendejas in his own words
SSPX Watch: Branding comes to Britain

Issue 30 – October 2015
Priestly Jubilee Sermon (Archbishop Lefebvre)
Open Letter to Cardinal Gantin’ (1988 SSPX Superiors)
Open Letter to all SSPX Faithful (September 2015)
Avrillé Dominicans July Declaration (analysis)
British District Newsletter: (SSPX Watch)
Defending the Indefensible” (Fr. Altamira)

Issue 29 – September 2015
Authority, Religious Liberty and the New Mass (Analysis)
Question: May I assist at the New Mass? Answer: No! (ecclesiamilitans.com)
Assisting at the New Mass (Avrillé Dominicans)
Why we should not attend Mass at the SSPX (Fr. Ortiz)
2015 Chapter Declaration (Knights of Our Lady)
SSPX and “Divine Mercy” (SSPX Watch)

Issue 28 – July/August 2015
Archbishop Lefebvre (Albias conference, 1990)
Good And Bad Shepherds (Fr. Pfeiffer)
Fr. Bouchacourt Approves Priests’ Mortal Sins” (La Sapiniere)
The Conciliar Jubilee of Conciliar Mercy (Fr. Bruno OSB)
“Resisting Caricatures” (Humour)

Issue 27 – June 2015
The Visibility of the Church” (Abp. Lefebvre)
Letter to Our Fellow Priests (French Resistance)
The SSPX’s New Doctrine” (Analysis)
SSPX Watch – British & Irish District Newsletters

Issue 26 – May 2015
Letter to Four Bishops-Elect (Archbishop Lefebvre)
No Compromise with Modernist Rome!” (Bishop Tissier de Mallerais)
Statement of Position” (Fr. Brendan King)
Introduction to Fr. MacDonald (Australian Conferences)
What to do on Sundays when there is no priest for Mass (resistance-australia.boards.net)
SSPX agreement with the conciliar church in Argentina (Analysis)

Issue 25 – April 2015
Interview with Fr. Faure (September 2013)
Why a Consecration in 2015? (Dom Tomas Aquinas OSB)
‘Non Possumus’ Interview with Fr. Faure (March 2015)
Menzingen’s Reaction to the Consecration of Fr. Faure (Analysis)
‘Non Possumus’ Interview with Bishop Williamson (March 2015)
SSPX-Rome Latest

Issue 24 – March 2015
Interview with Abp. Lefebvre (Fideliter, November 1988)
Response to an article about us on the SSPX USA website (Avrillé Dominicans)
Eternal Rome vs. Eternal Life (
Letter to the Faithful (Fr. Chazal)
Lord of the World” (Book Review)
A Closer Look at ‘Der Gerade Weg’ (Analysis)
Fr. Pfluger DGW interview (Ananlysis)
Neo-SSPX apologetic videos (SSPX Watch)

Issue 23 – January/February 2015
November 1974 Declaration (Archbishop Lefebvre)
Book Reviews: “Spiritual Journey”, “Fatherhood & Family
Letter to Friends & Benefactors (Fr. Pfeiffer)
Twelve Questions for Sedevacantists
Bishop Fellay’s Letter to Friends & Benefactors (Analysis)

Issue 22 – November/December 2014
Fideliter: “One Year After the Consecrations” (Abp. Lefebvre)
Nothing has Changed!” (Fr. Hewko)
Austrasia Report V (Fr. Chazal)
“Blessed” Paul VI – A Weak Response (Fr. Bruno, OSB)
Diary of an SSPX Faithful

Issue 21 – October 2014
We Must Not Waver! We May Not Compromise!” (Abp. Lefebvre)
Open Letter to SSPX Priests (an Australian layman)
Unfurl the Catholic Banner! (Fr. David Hewko)
Letter to the Faithful (Two Dominican Sisters)
Letter to the Faithful (Dom Rafael Arizaga, OSB)
Fr. le Roux Fiction Contest (Winning Entries)

Issue 20 – September 2014
Archbishop Lefebvre’s final interview (Fideliter, Jan-Feb 1991)
‘The Angelus Press and Michael Davies’ (analysis)
SSPX Watch Special: “Our Relations with…” Ecclesia Dei & Una Voce
‘Fr. Yves le Roux: A Writer of Fanciful Fiction!’

Issue 19 – August 2014
Little Catechism on Sedevacantism (Avrillé Dominicans)
Long Live Emperor Nullaparte! (Fr. Chazal)
The Fall and Drift of Le Barroux (Pere Bruno, OSB)
SSPX Watch!

Issue 18 – July 2014
Australasia Report IV (Fr. Chazal)
Letter to Fr. de Caqueray (Fr. Roland de Merode)
Catholic Saints vs. Conciliar “Saints” (Vatican website)
Agreement Here (Bishop Williamson)
Charity and Clarity (C J Austin Seal)
The Four Marks and the SSPX (Fr. Pfeiffer)

[url=http://www.stmaryskssspxmc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/The_Recusant_Issue_17_Jun_2014.pdf]Issue 17 – June 2014
Bp. Fellay’s Jurisdiction & SSPX Abuses (La Sapiniere)
Friends & Benefactors Letter (Fr. Pfeiffer)
Letter to an Unknown Soldier of the ‘Internal Resistance’ (Fr. Chazal)
Interview with Fr. Fuchs (rexcz.blogspot.co.uk)
More SSPX Branding

Issue 16 – May 2014
On Recent Canonisations (Editorial)
Keep it Simple!” (Fr. Girouard)
Bishop Fellay– No Change! (Analysis)
Ten Errors of Vatican II (Fr. Gregory Hesse)
Austral-Asian Declaration of Resistance
‘Why the Resistance?’

Issue 15 – March/April 2013
“When Two Bishops Agree” (Fr. Girouard)
Fr. Pinaud Conference
Reply to my Second Canonical Monition (Fr. Altamira)
Fr. Emily and the Franciscans
News from St. Joseph’s Monastery, Colombia

Issue 14 – February 2014
Declaration of Fr. Fuchs (SSPX Austria)
Fr. Altamira (SSPX Columbia):
Sermon of Dec. 22nd 2013 (against the Rosary Crusade)
Letter: Fr. A’s final reply to Fr. Bouchacourt
Letter in support of Fr. A (Colombian faithful)
Fr. Pinaud’s final letter of reply to Bishop Fellay
“The Flying Squirrel” (SSPX priests defending modernism!)

Issue 13 – January 2014
One Does Not Play With the Faith!” (Fr. Hewko)
YES or NO ? (La Sapiniere)
Open Letter to a Confused Bishop” (Fr. Pfeiffer)
Worldwide Resistance News / SSPX Watch
News from St. Joseph’s Carmel (Germany)

Issue 12 – December 2013 – Supplementary
An Open Letter to Fr. Daniel Themann

Issue 11 – November/December 2013
Bishop Fellay renews his Traditionalist Credentials (analysis of recent talk)
News from the Resistance Around the World :
N. America
S. America
Bergoglio/SSPX Watch
Apostolate of Prayer for Priests

Issue 10 – September/October 2013
Letter from Fr. Pfeiffer (Resistance Seminary)
How to Help the Cause’ Revisited
Fr. Trauner’s Letter on leaving the SSPX
‘Fr. Violette’s words condemn +Fellay’ (Fr. Girouard)
‘Catechism of the Resistance’ Common objections answered
The Slide Continues (More evidence)

Issue 9 – August 2013
1988 Consecrations Sermon (Archbishop Lefebvre)
25th Anniversary Declaration (Resistance Priests)
25th Anniversary Delaration (+Fellay &Co., Econe)
What’s wrong with +Fellay’s 25th anniversary declaration? (analysis)
Authority & the Glory of God (Fr. Girouard)
Change of Doctrine? Where..? (Fr. David Hewko)

Issue 8 – July 2013
Letter of Entreaty
Fr. Morgan’s Response
Extracts from London ‘SSPX Crisis’ Conference (Frs. Pfeiffer, Hewko & Kramer)
SSPX hires PR firm for corporate “re-branding” (Fr. Girouard)
Money and Marketing (SSPX propaganda war continues!)
Asia Report (Fr. Chazal)
‘Is the Doctrinal Declaration still relevant?’ (Analysis)

Issue 7 – May/June 2013
Open Letter the priests of the SSPX (Bp. Williamson)
St Joseph’s Carmel and the SSPX
Fr. Girouard’s Declaration
Fr. Ruiz Vallejo’s Open Letter
Dom Arizaga’s Declaration
“Quo Vadis DICI…?” – Part 2
Sheer Trickery” (Preamble Analysis)

Issue 6 – April 2013
A Catechism of the Crisis in the SSPX (from LaSapiniere.info)
Bishop Fellay’s Doctrinal Preamble (proposed agreement text from April 2012)
A Commentary on Bishop Fellay’s Preamble (by an SSPX priest)
Evidence of SSPX’s “Profound Unity
Concerning Pope Francis

Issue 5 – March 2013
Letter to Fellow Priests (by a French SSPX Priest)
Ut Fideles Inveniamur” (S. American Resistance Declaration)
Menzingen’s Response to B. XVI’s Abdication (Analysis)
More about the “GREC” (Don Curzio Nitoglia)
The SSPX and the Diocesan Bishops (Analysis)

Issue 4 – February 2013
2012 In Perspective (The Editor)
Letter to Fr. Rostand (Fr. Ringrose)
Profession of Resistance (Familia BVM, Brazil)
The Leader Attempts to Explain Himself” (Analysis)
Quo Vadis DICI…? (Evidence & Analysis)

Issue 3 – January 2013
Knowing How To Stay Sane” (Analysis)
An Inconvenient Bishop” (Edwin Faust)
The GREC (Book review)
Bp. Fellay’s New ‘Hermeneutics’ (Fr. Ortiz)
U.S. District Propaganda (Analysis)

Issue 2 – November/December 2012
Bp Williamson’s open letter to Bp. Fellay
Honour and Glory to Bishop Williamson” (Dom Thomas Aquinas OSB)
Two Bishops: A Clash of Wills” (Analysis)
“The Deal” in their own words
Fr. Hewko’s Open Letter to the clergy and faithful of the SSPX
Concerning “Our Elder Brothers”

Issue 1 – October 2012
How to help the cause
Quo Vadis, Mgr De Galeretta
Bishop Fellay in his own words
Fr Chazal’s War Aims

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  Contact and Donation Information for Fr. Hewko
Posted by: Stone - 11-17-2020, 01:10 AM - Forum: Contact Information for Fr. Hewko - No Replies

How to Contact Fr. David Hewko

Mailing Address [Personal Correspondence only.]

Rev. Fr. David Hewko

The Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary

66 Goves Lane

Wentworth,  NH 03282

Phone number and Email [as kindly noted in Fr Hewko’s statement of February 2019]:

Quote:Sermons, catechisms, Mass schedules, and conferences will be found on the YouTube Channel: SSPX Marian Corps and thecatacombs.org. Any “scattered sheep” seeking the crumbs off the Master’s Table and desiring the Holy Mass, may contact me at: (315) 391-7575 or fr.d.hewko@gmail.com.


How to Send Fr. David Hewko Donations via his Sorrowful Heart of Mary Apostolate

Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Inc. [SHM] is the name of the non-profit organization set up for Fr. Hewko. Under U.S. law your donations are tax deductible! An annual receipt will be furnished to all benefactors to this organization. And of course, all funds collected solely support Fr. Hewko's Sorrowful Heart of Mary apostolate.

Please note, if you wish to donate by check and receive a receipt for the tax deduction, be sure to make the check payable to: Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Inc. Father has been set up to receive donations electronically via PayPal [see below for additional details]. This type of donation will also receive a tax deduction benefit statement annually.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity of heart in this regard!

To make a [tax-deductible] donation by Check, make Checks payable to: Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Inc.

Mailing address:

Rev. Fr. David Hewko
The Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary
66 Goves Lane
Wentworth,  NH  03282

To Make a [tax-deductible] Donation via PayPal, click HERE.

To send a [non-tax deductible] Mass Request and Stipend

Kindly make checks payable directly to: Fr. David Hewko 

Rev. Fr. David Hewko

The Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary

66 Goves Lane

Wentworth,  NH  03282

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