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Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Pages: 1 2 3 4

Important Threads

  1. Archbishop Lefebvre - Declaration 1974 (0 Replies)


  1. Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishp de Castro Mayer: 1983 Letter to Pope John Paul II (1 Reply)
  2. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: A Letter to Future Bishops (0 Replies)
  3. Archbishop Lefebvre: 1990 Letter to Bishop de Castro Mayer (1 Reply)
  4. Archbishop Lefebvre: The Psychology of a Liberal Pope (1 Reply)
  5. In Memoriam - Anniversary of the Passing of Archbishop Lefebvre (4 Replies)
  6. Archbishop Lefebvre: On Fasting and Abstinence [1982] (0 Replies)
  7. Archbishop Lefebvre - 1988 Statement: Can Obedience Oblige Us to Disobey (1 Reply)
  8. Archbishop Lefebvre: Excerpt from 'A Bishop Speaks' on the Validity of the New Mass (0 Replies)
  9. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: Video of his Mass on the Feast of Christ the King 1990 (3 Replies)
  10. Article by Archbishop Lefebvre in II Gionale di Bergamo in 1978 (1 Reply)
  11. Archbishop Lefebvre: 'The Practice of the Virtue of Religion (1 Reply)
  12. Archbishop Lefebvre: 1986 Interview - 'Paul VI and JPII are both Liberal Modernists' (1 Reply)
  13. A Chronology: Archbishop Lefebvre on the New Mass (1 Reply)
  14. Archbishop Lefebvre 1971 - The Fruits of the New Mass (1 Reply)
  15. Bp. de Mallerais: The Origins of the Society of St. Pius X (0 Replies)
  16. Excerpt from Archbishop Lefebvre's The Mass of All Time (0 Replies)
  17. Archbishop Lefebvre: The Maccabees Connection (0 Replies)
  18. Archbishop Lefebvre: New Rite of Mass Condemned by the Tradition of the Church (1 Reply)
  19. Archbishop Lefebvre Never Celebrated the New Mass (0 Replies)
  20. Archbishop Lefebvre: Excerpt from The Mystery of Jesus - "Placed before the Crib..." (0 Replies)
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