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Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Pages: 1 2 3 4

Important Threads

  1. Archbishop Lefebvre - Declaration 1974 (0 Replies)


  1. Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre (16 Replies)
  2. Last Interview w/ Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - 1991 (0 Replies)
  3. Defending +Archbishop Lefebvre: Against TIA’s Errors (0 Replies)
  4. 1982 General Chapter: Principles & Directives in the Present Situation of the Church (1 Reply)
  5. Archbishop Lefebvre: 1966 Reply to Cardinal Ottaviani on Dangers to the Faith (1 Reply)
  6. Archbishop Lefebvre: 'The Mystery of Jesus ' excerpt "We Must Have No Rest..." (1 Reply)
  7. Bishop Strickland: ‘It is clear that Archbishop Lefebvre walked an apostle’s path’ (0 Replies)
  8. The Declaration of 1974: 50 Years Ago, Today (0 Replies)
  9. After Fifty Years, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s “1974 Declaration” Is More Vital Than Ever (0 Replies)
  10. Archbishop Lefebvre and Conciliar Sacraments – Did he doubt them? (0 Replies)
  11. Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishp de Castro Mayer: 1983 Letter to Pope John Paul II (1 Reply)
  12. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: A Letter to Future Bishops (0 Replies)
  13. Archbishop Lefebvre: 1990 Letter to Bishop de Castro Mayer (1 Reply)
  14. Archbishop Lefebvre: The Psychology of a Liberal Pope (1 Reply)
  15. In Memoriam - Anniversary of the Passing of Archbishop Lefebvre (4 Replies)
  16. Archbishop Lefebvre: On Fasting and Abstinence [1982] (0 Replies)
  17. Archbishop Lefebvre - 1988 Statement: Can Obedience Oblige Us to Disobey (1 Reply)
  18. Archbishop Lefebvre: Excerpt from 'A Bishop Speaks' on the Validity of the New Mass (0 Replies)
  19. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: Video of his Mass on the Feast of Christ the King 1990 (3 Replies)
  20. Article by Archbishop Lefebvre in II Gionale di Bergamo in 1978 (1 Reply)
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