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Concerns of Lipid Nanoparticle Carrying mRNA Vaccine into the Brain: What to Make of It? - Printable Version

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Concerns of Lipid Nanoparticle Carrying mRNA Vaccine into the Brain: What to Make of It? - Stone - 04-19-2021

A pro-vaccine article that expresses concerns regarding the unwanted outcome of the mRNA vaccines reaching the brain. 
Please refer to the original article for full list of hyperlinks [not all were included below].

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Concerns of Lipid Nanoparticle Carrying mRNA Vaccine into the Brain: What to Make of It?
Detailing the arguments for and against this concern with input from experts.

Microbial Instincts via | Mar 19 , 2021

We are all-in into vaccinating as many people as possible against Covid-19, with mRNA vaccines at the forefront. So, we might as well go all-in into understanding the little intricacies of how mRNA vaccine encapsulated by lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) might interact with delicate cell types — such as neurons in the brain — that a few experts have raised.

Before going further, the conclusion herein is that the actual risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection or Covid-19 largely outweighs the hypothetical risks of the LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccine. But there are still a few concerns left unanswered, which deserve more transparency.

Current vaccines rely on spike protein

Nearly all the vaccine candidates for Covid-19 — such as the mRNA, DNA, viral vector, recombinant protein, viral-like particles, and peptide-based vaccines — rely on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to induce immunity.
  • The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines consist of an mRNA genetic material encased within LNPs that can fuse with muscle and immune cells upon injection. The released mRNA then instructs the cells to make spike proteins, which are expressed on the cell surface to trigger various aspects of the immune system.
  • The AstraZeneca-Oxford and Johnson & Johnson adenoviral vector vaccines use a harmless modified adenovirus to deliver DNA into the cell to make SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins to induce immunity.
  • The Novavax peptide-based or protein subunit vaccine uses purified spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to induce immunity.
  • The Sinovac and Sinopharm inactivated vaccines use dead SARS-CoV-2 virions with the spike proteins intact to induce immunity.
While these vaccines all rely on the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins to train the immune system in one way or another, only the mRNA vaccines use the innovative LNP technology to deliver the mRNA into cells.

For simplicity, the spike protein mentioned from hereon belongs to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) hypothetical risks

The mRNA vaccine is injected intramuscularly through the arm. This method is preferred because large muscle cells have high vascularity, so the injected biomaterial can easily reach the systemic bloodstream and lymphatic system.

LNPs fuse with and enter mammalian cells easily. As mentioned, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines use LNPs to encapsulate the mRNA genetic material for more efficient cell delivery.

Thus, the combined intramuscular injection and LNP technology would enable the mRNA vaccine to reach a broad range of cell types. The mRNA might even reach delicate cells or places that we don’t want them to, such as neurons in the brain or spinal cord.

In fact, LNPs are often used to overcome the problem of the BBB blocking medical drugs from entering the brain. Given that the BBB and blood-spinal cord barrier are lipid-soluble, the LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccine might be able to enter the brain and spinal cord.

As a result, brain cells that express the spike protein might be marked as foreign by the immune system. For example, cytotoxic T-cells, which kill virus-infected and cancerous cells, might see the spike protein-expressing brain cells as a threat. Unlike muscle cells and many other cell types, neurons in the brain rarely regenerate.

Jacob Wes Ulm, MD, Ph.D., a geneticist, explained this concern in detail in a letter to the British Medical Journal, as well as in a public comment to an article about mRNA vaccines on January 2021:
Quote:…it seems that they [mRNA vaccines] can enter a much broader tissue range compared to even attenuated virus vaccines…And since the mRNA vaccines would induce SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein expression, that seems to mean that people who get the mRNA vaccines are going to have a much greater range of cells and tissues vulnerable to cytotoxic [T-cell] attack…with side effects that may not manifest for years (with cumulative damage and chronic inflammation).

“This is where the picture gets aggravatingly murky,” Dr. Ulm added, mentioning that there seems to be no comprehensive data on the cellular localization — i.e., which types of cells the biomaterial enters— of the LNPs used by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

Although there have been past studies on the cellular localization of LNPs (more on this below), different LNP formulations would enter different cell types, Dr. Ulm stated, so “we don’t know where in the body they’re going,” adding that:
Quote:The nightmare scenario would be if e.g. the mRNA vaccines’ lipid nanoparticles are, indeed, crossing the BBB and getting endocytosed into critical glial cells, like oligodendrocytes, or even worse, into neurons themselves in the brain and spinal cord, putting a bullseye on these critical cells for cytotoxic [T-cells].

In fact, one 2017 study vaccinated mice against influenza viruses with LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccine. While the mRNA vaccine immunizes the mice, the study found traces of the mRNA in the brain at 0.4 ng/ml. However, the amount of mRNA found in the muscle injection site, proximal lymph nodes, distal lymph nodes, and spleen were much larger at 5680, 2120, 117, and 87 ng/ml, respectively.

That said, this is also consistent with what the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) assessment report of the Moderna mRNA vaccine has reported:
Quote:Low levels of mRNA could be detected in all examined tissues except the kidney [in rats]. This included heart, lung, testis, and also brain tissues, indicating that the mRNA/LNP platform crossed the blood/brain barrier, although to very low levels (2–4% of the plasma level).

Therefore, these reports suggest that the LNPs can carry bits of the mRNA vaccine into the brain. But we still don’t know what would happen after the mRNA vaccine enters the brain (more on this below).

Notably, for the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine, the assessment report by the U.K. government is a bit vague, stating that:
Quote:Information regarding the potential distribution of the test articles to sites other than the injection site following IM [intramuscular] administration has been provided and is under review as part of the ongoing rolling assessment.

Last month, I received an email from Goh Kiang Hua, MD, a consultant general surgeon and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), asking if I’ve come across any scientific data on what happens to the cell that makes and expresses the spike proteins upon receiving the mRNA vaccines.

I couldn’t find such any, except for the abovementioned EMA’s report that I found posted in an mRNA discussion google group that William Steward, Ph.D., founded.

Dr. Ulm couldn’t either, publically commenting that:
Quote:I used to work in gene therapy and recall how we’d obsess on tissue tropism for our vectors before considering clinical trials, so I’m bewildered that this information seems almost absent for an almost entirely new vaccine modality…Without knowing more about the specific LNP formulations and their cellular and tissue trafficking patterns, we just can’t say much of anything with certainty.

Note that tissue tropism or trafficking patterns mean which tissue or cell types the biological material might enter, similar to cellular localization.

The surgeon then mentioned cases of immune thrombocytopenia — a life-threatening blood clot or platelet disorder — occurring shortly after mRNA vaccination. While no causative link has been confirmed, he considered that maybe the LNPs had carried the mRNA vaccine into the megakaryocytes (platelet-producing cells) in the bone marrow. The megakaryocytes then express the spike protein, only to be marked for destruction by cytotoxic T-cells. Platelets then become deficient, causing thrombocytopenia. Of course, he emphasized that these are just speculations.

This may be an ‘off-target effect’ of mRNA vaccines. For example, a literature review published in Pharmaceutics in January 2020 stated:
Quote:Cell-specific delivery of mRNA would be beneficial for the development of mRNA-based therapeutics. This can enhance the delivery of mRNA molecules to the targeted cells and hence reduce the required mRNA dose, as well as reducing potential off-target effects.

Overall, I see that many experts have raised hypothetical concerns of where and which cell types the LNPs might carry the mRNA vaccine into. Depending on where the mRNA ended up, the subsequent mRNA-induced spike protein expression might possibly trigger biological reactions we don’t want.

For more context about this issue, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has also covered it last week, featuring Dr. Ulm’s concerns on the cellular localization of LNPs.

[Image: 1*eGpg2NmftOjw-KLgNcVoJA.png]
Screenshot of an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on 10th March 2021.

Why it might not be a problem

A few past studies have investigated the cellular localization of LNPs carrying an mRNA that encodes luciferase, a protein detectable via imaging scan. With this method, researchers can visually see where or which cell types the LNPs had carried the mRNA into. In a word, the luciferase visualization is a proxy for mRNA cellular localization.
  • A 2015 study administered LNP-encapsulated mRNA into mice via various routes. The intramuscular route is one of the most effective ones, resulting in mRNA localization mostly in the liver and, to a lesser extent, the muscles, spleen, and lungs. The mRNA-induced luciferase protein expression peaked at about 5-hour and declined thereafter.
  • A 2017 study injected LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccine into mice and found that the mRNA disseminated mostly into the muscles, lymph nodes, spleen, and liver. But this study also found traces of mRNA in the heart, bone marrow, kidney, lung, stomach, rectum, intestines, testes, and brain. The mRNA-induced protein expression peaked at about 6-hour.
  • A 2019 study injected LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccine into macaque monkeys intramuscularly. The mRNA ended up entering the liver the most, followed by the spleen and muscles. The luciferase protein expression only lasted about 8 hours and then declined.
  • A 2021 study administered LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccine into mice via various routes, including intramuscularly. Scanning the mice's body revealed some degree of luciferase expression. While specific body parts were not mentioned, the brain didn’t appear to be one of the areas the mRNA entered. The mRNA-induced protein expression was highest within the first 24 hours and mostly gone by day 6.
Nevertheless, whether the LNP formulation of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines is the same as these studies remains unknown.

But we can see a trend in these studies — that intramuscular LNPs injection tends to deliver the mRNA into the muscles, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. This cellular localization pattern is also consistent with the EMA’s assessment report of the Moderna mRNA vaccine, although they also found tiny mRNA traces in other cell types, such as the heart and brain.

Thus, we can be assured that the brain is most likely not the main tissue or organ that the Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s LNPs enter.

In a detailed post in the mRNA discussion google group, Dr. Goh reasoned that the mRNA vaccine is unlikely to reach the brain from the arm injection site owing to the many obstacles along the way.

The mRNA vaccine would have to first escape from the densely packed muscle cells at the injection site into the lymphatic system and bloodstream. And living cells present throughout such route could take up the mRNA vaccine anytime. “Along the way, especially in the capillary beds of the lungs where the blood flow is slow, the LNPs face multiple hurdles as the whole route is lined by living cells,” he explained.

“If the LNPs survive the journey so far, the next stage is equally if not more treacherous.” The mRNA vaccine then has to resist tremendous force as the heart pumps blood throughout the body. “If the LNPs disintegrate from the turbulence, the mRNAs will be rapidly destroyed by ribonucleases,” he said. But, “those that remain intact will be sent to the WHOLE body.” Still, he further cautioned that “the structural integrity of these LNPs after being expelled from the [heart’s] left ventricle is doubtful.”

That said, here is where the brain or other organs might encounter the LNPs.

However, the brain is shielded by the BBB. So, even if the LNPs are about to enter the brain, the BBB cells could take up the mRNA vaccine, and the spike protein production might just be limited to the BBB.

Assuming the mRNA vaccine crossed the BBB successfully and entered the brain, we still don’t know what might happen after that.

Maybe the mRNA gets degraded once it enters the brain. Maybe the neurons will take up the mRNA and express spike protein on its surface, triggering cytotoxic T-cell attacks. But this is further assuming, Dr. Goh pointed out, that the T-cells would also cross the BBB. In fact, T-cell trafficking into the brain is highly regulated to prevent unwanted inflammation, so it’s not easy for T-cells to cross the BBB. The next question would be if such neuronal injury is severe enough to trigger diseases. Maybe the neuronal injury is just a little stressor that may not be detrimental health-wise.

Still, one could argue that immune cells in the brain, like microglia, might attack neurons that take up the mRNA vaccine. We know mRNA vaccine activates T-cells, but whether brain immune cells are also activated has not been studied.

It’s also worthy to note that mRNA doesn’t stay in the cell for long; it’s gone after being translated into proteins. Indeed, studies studying mRNA vaccine — in the bulleted points above — show that the mRNA-induced protein expression peaks within a few hours and then declined sharply, lasting only for a few days. As T-cells belong to the adaptive immune system, they take about 7–15 days to activate.

Dr. Goh further reminded us that participants in phase I clinical trial are still being followed up closely for nearly a year now. “This is probably the most closely watched vaccine roll-up ever in the history of vaccinology,” he stated. “To date, thankfully, there has been no signal of any long-term issues of concern.”

What to make of all this?

Overall, authorities and pharmaceutical companies may want to provide more transparency on the hypothetical concern of LNPs carrying the mRNA vaccine into areas we don’t want them to.

However, if such concerns are legitimate, it’s hard to imagine that health authorities and pharma have overlooked them. The more likely scenario may be that such concerns were considered but deemed of low concern for reasons discussed above.

Ultimately, human organ systems are complex. Theories or hypotheses alone do not always translate to the real biological phenomenon. We have seen far too many times that in vitro (test tube or cell culture) and in vivo (animal) study results failed to be replicated in humans. And these in vitro and in vivo studies are usually based on theories or hypotheses that scientists wanted to test out.

Lastly, we must also weigh the LNP mRNA vaccine's hypothetical risks against the coronavirus’s actual threats. Not only is Covid-19 life-threatening among the vulnerable populations — such as older adults, people of color, and people with underlying medical conditions — but long-Covid or post-Covid syndrome is another serious threat to the young and fit.

Steve Pascolo, Ph.D., co-founder of CureVac, is one of the earliest researchers to advocate for mRNA vaccines' potential in 2004. He also has an impressive publishing record on mRNA vaccines and was kind enough to respond to my email inquiring about this topic. Dr. Pascolo admits that some cells that take up the mRNA and express spike proteins on their surface might get destroyed by cytotoxic T-cells. But he added:
Quote:…that is what happens to a much higher grade and in all organs when we get infected by SARS-CoV-2…or vaccinated with live viral vaccines…With the mRNA vaccine (30 micrograms in the muscle) the eventual destruction of cells by CD8 [cytotoxic T-cells] would always be very minor compared to what happens in infection when the viruses infect virtually all cells in all organs and the immune system is fully activated to get rid of it…”

Thus, the mere 30 micrograms of mRNA vaccine injected intramuscularly pale in comparison to the actual virus infection in the capacity to trigger cytotoxic T-cell attacks in the brain or elsewhere. And yes, SARS-CoV-2 is capable of invading the brain and many other organs.

Indeed, experts in the mRNA discussion google group who first raised the hypothetical risks of LNP-encapsulated mRNA vaccines are still pro-vaccine, agreeing that SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 is the larger threat.

To conclude, this article doesn’t intend to undermine the mRNA vaccine but to better understand its subtle intricacies that might be important. Hopefully, there will be more research on this matter. If at all such concern is an issue, which is unlikely, we could still find ways to circumvent it. If not, then we can safely dismiss one worry we have. Either way, it’s worth knowing.

Thanks to the mRNA discussion google group — William Stewart, Ph.D., Goh Kiang Hua, MD., Christopher Shaw, Ph.D., and J. Wes Ulm, MD, Ph.D. — and Steve Pascolo, Ph.D., for their valuable input into this article.

For risk analyses of mRNA vs. Covid-19, you may be interested in this one: Hypothetical Lasting Health Problems of mRNA Vaccine vs. Coronavirus Which risk would you take?

[Emphasis mine.]

RE: Concerns of Lipid Nanoparticle Carrying mRNA Vaccine into the Brain: What to Make ... - Stone - 04-22-2021

Computer translated from a German article here (slightly edited).

[Image: Wenn-verimpfte-RNA.png]

Inoculated RNA can of course be converted into DNA! This fact should be known to everyone - and has been for some time. This is by no means a secret ... although different sides claim to be exactly the opposite!

In order to be able to orientate yourself better in this topic:

What kind of vaccines are we currently finding on the market?

1. RNA vaccines (e.g. BioNTech's new vaccine)

2. DNA vaccines / (vector vaccines) (e.g. AstraZeneca's new vaccine)

3. other vaccines, e.g. B. Live or dead vaccines (e.g. against measles or diphtheria)

The first two are genetically modified substances. Again clarified: A transfer takes place through genetically modified nucleic acids.

The RNA is a transcript of a code (section), the mRNA acts as a messenger. This genetically modified RNA, which they intend to give us with the new vaccines, is used to pass on this information, to provide a blueprint. 

RNA vaccines shorten the effectiveness of DNA vaccines, using methods of nanotechnology. ( Nanoparticles are extremely dangerous for the bioorganism and cause irreparable damage) . RNA is introduced directly into our cytoplasm. You basically skip a step that should have been implemented with DNA vaccines.

Vaccines that interfere with blueprints and DNA are genetic experiments that mess with our genome.

Nobody is in a position to be able to estimate one hundred percent what this manipulation will cause in our body in the long term, as studies and research have already uncovered numerous unpredictable consequential damages.


All structures and functions of living beings are essentially determined and controlled by proteins (proteins) and protein compounds - their targeted and strictly controlled production is therefore indispensable for every form of life.

The exact blueprint for this protein synthesis is encoded in the "genetic information" of every living being (although it must be said that no DNA could be found as a blueprint for 90% of the proteins) , in humans in the so-called DNA, which is the essential component of the so called chromosomes in the nucleus of human cells.

In order to transport these protein blueprints into the protein-producing cell components (the so-called ribosomes) , their information is transferred to much smaller transport molecules, the so-called messenger RNA (so-called transcription). These mRNA molecules then serve in the ribosomes as direct instructions for the synthesis of highly complex (body) proteins (so-called translation), which after their assembly, depending on their function, either remain in the cell, are built into its shell or are also removed for further transport can be channeled out of the cell.

So the sequence of protein production in the body is as follows:

Hereditary information (DNA)> messenger substance (mRNA)> protein.

(Whereby no DNA blueprint could be found for 90% of the proteins ...)

This sequence is - again, in a simplistic way, the “central dogma of protein biosynthesis” ( Crick F. 1970. Nature 227, 561-563 (1970) ) - a one-way street, which is important for the discussion about the safety of DNA and mRNA vaccines is of great importance.

So it seemed impossible, and so it is still argued in security discussions about mRNA vaccines today, that genetic information from an RNA (e.g. the vaccine) is written back into the DNA (e.g. the hereditary information) of the vaccinated person could.

But we will learn in a moment that there are exceptions to this order, as it also works the other way round. This reduces the claim that RNA cannot change DNA to absurdity.

Ever since HIV [misinterpretation, the virus has never been scientifically proven] , however, it has been known that this is not correct: Numerous [misinterpreted] viruses, especially so-called retroviruses such as HIV, contain enzymes that can very well synthesize DNA from RNA : so called reverse transcriptases (RTs).

And what's more: The poor tolerability of the first HIV drugs, which were intended to specifically inhibit these enzymes, which were then only suspected to be found in viruses, was due, among other things, to the fact that human cells also contain RTs ( cf. spectrum ). This means that the incorporation of (e.g. vaccinated) RNA into the DNA of the person being vaccinated cannot be ruled out in human cells and can certainly lead to changes in our genetic information.

Another fact: the conversion of RNA to DNA (retrotransposon)

Caution ❗️The following viruses have not been scientifically proven to date and have not been isolated either. These are misinterpretations of completely normal physical processes.

Reverse transcriptase was first discovered in retroviruses (e.g. HIV, HTLV, SIV). These viruses with an RNA genome use RT to rewrite their genome into DNA. The RT thus fulfills a crucial function in the multiplication of the virus. In addition, certain DNA viruses, such as the hepadnaviruses (e.g. the pathogen causing hepatitis B (HBV, the protein P), or the caulimoviruses that occur in plants) also contain an RT. The class I transposons, also called retro elements, are also derived from former, mutated retroviruses. These need an RT for their replication. This is either coded by you (autonomous LINEs and LTR retrotransposons) or must be made available (e.g. with SINEs). (Wiki excerpt as of March 11, 2021)

[Image: Capture.png]

If the situation with the vector vaccine is clear for everyone, unfortunately that does not seem to have reached everyone with regard to the mRNA vaccines. The science magazine Spektrum rightly writes that the following vaccines can cause a change in DNA, but is apparently not aware of the problems of RNA vaccines.

The AstraZeneca vaccine, like the candidates from Johnson & Johnson / Janssen and the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, are vector vaccines based on adenoviruses, from which scientists have removed the genes necessary for their reproduction. AstraZeneca uses a pathogen that occurs naturally in chimpanzees (called Y25), and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses human adenovirus 26.

Adenovirus vaccines get into the nucleus

"That makes me a little nervous," says Christian Münz, professor of viral immunobiology at the University of Zurich.

DNA that is present in the cell nucleus outside of the chromosomes can be incorporated into the genome - a random process known as heterologous recombination. "Unfortunately, this integration doesn't happen as rarely as one would hope for," says Christian Münz.

"In mice, one in a million injected viruses is integrated into the host DNA - and with the AstraZeneca vaccine, 25 to 50 billion viruses are injected, depending on the dosage."

This results in a higher risk of long-term damage compared to the RNA vaccine. Cancer, as it appeared in early gene therapies, could result. "However, they used retro and lentiviruses that integrate much more frequently," says Münz. "With adenoviruses, the risk is much lower." Source: Spektrum - Is adenovirus DNA built into the genome?

I'm quoting from a post by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (from a narrative point of view)
Quote:“Untested and highly controversial experimental RNA technology that Gates has supported for over a decade . Instead of injecting an antigen and an adjuvant as with conventional vaccines, Moderna injects a small piece of the genetic code of the coronavirus into human cells. It changes DNA throughout the human body and reprograms our cells to produce antibodies to fight the virus. MRNA vaccines are a form of genetic engineering called "germline gene editing". The genetic changes of the Moderna are then passed on to future generations. "

Here are some of the disadvantages of RNA vaccines:

This latter natural instability of the mRNA is also one of the problems in the preparation and administration of mRNA vaccines. On the one hand to prevent or at least delay the degradation of the mRNA, and on the other hand to bring the administered (e.g. injected) mRNA to where it works (i.e. into the cells, where the ribosomes then carry out the desired protein synthesis ), a wide variety of highly complex additives are used. For very few of these additives, meaningful safety studies are currently available (Roier S. 2019. Trillium Immunologie 3/2019. Accessed on May 3rd, 2020), some of the most frequently used aids can be assigned to nanotechnology (e.g. lipon nanoparticles, LNPs), for which there is only very limited and contradicting experience in human use.

(See MEGA risk from NANO particles - destruction of tissue and genetic information)

Even more obviously than with conventional vaccines, the transferability of studies on laboratory animals to humans does not seem to be guaranteed with mRNA vaccines. In two of the most recent mRNA vaccine studies (rabies and influenza), despite an excellent immune response (in reality the poisoning of the body) in the test animals (mice, but also larger mammals such as monkeys or pigs) in human subjects, a low or no antibody formation was found .

Pardi N. 2020. Current Opinion in Immunology. 65: 14–20 (PDF page 18/19)

Even the few studies available with human subjects indicate that there is considerable potential for severe vaccine side effects: In the largest such study to date on a rabies vaccine by the German company CureVac, 78% of only 101 subjects showed systemic side effects (fever, chills, ...) and one of the vaccinated people even suffered from facial nerve paralysis.

Alberer M. 2017. The Lancet. 390 (10101): 1511-20

Pardi N. 2018. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 17 (4): 261-79

Other studies with mRNA vaccines on human volunteers also showed severe local or systemic (inflammatory) reactions, including autoimmunological inflammatory processes (Pardi 2018).

Pardi N. 2018. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 17 (4): 261-79

In addition, the mRNA, which inevitably occurs outside of the cells during mRNA vaccinations, causes various pathological reactions, including a change in cell wall permeability (with the possible consequence of water retention / edema) and a promotion of pathological blood clotting with the risk of thrombosis.

Pardi N. 2018. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 17 (4): 261-79


1. Because RNA is converted to DNA by several mechanisms and will damage chromosomes.

2. Because it affects the body's own enzymes, which are misinterpreted as components of the virus.

Strictly speaking, the BioNTech RNA vaccine is more dangerous than nanoparticles themselves, because the vaccine RNA is packaged in lipo nanoparticles and we find a double-reactive mixture here that primarily ends up in the brain and will cause narcolepsy much more frequently than is the case with swine flu. Vaccine was the case.

The vaccine from Mainz (mRNA) contains fats in their non-dissolvable and constantly very reactive nano-particle form, including the solvent PEG (polyethylene glycol) known as an allergen. In addition, in an unknown number of people, the vaccine will lead to chromosome strand breaks and the resulting energy weakness, infertility and disability of the offspring, namely when the chromosome strand breaks also occur in the "germ line" of men and women.

This is the shortest possible description of the vaccine damage for which Ugur Sahin is personally responsible and which will certainly lead to an observable number of deaths which are then attributed to the virus as a result.

From the point of view of the superstition in an evil biology (conventional medicine), coupled with the collective return obligation, one might actually be inclined to assume that the doctors believe in the effectiveness of the vaccination.

Our task should not be to demonize those responsible, but to show them their mistakes so that they can recognize their faulty approach themselves.