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Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Young Global Leaders Their Brains ‘Will Be Replaced With AI’ When They Die in Unearthed Clip

RTM | June 20, 2024

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Klaus Schwab unveiled a disturbing message to the organization’s “young global leaders,” leaked footage shows.

Schwab told the group during a private session back in 2022 at the WEF Young Global Leader conference that their brains “will be replicated with AI,” sparking concern on social media.

“You have the chance to look forward to a career of 50 years, in my opinion. Maybe more,” Schwab said during the start of the video shared by Wide Awake Media.

He then went on to suggest life-extension technologies that might include “injections.”

“And your brain will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms…so we don’t know, but at least 50 years.”

The purpose of these technologies, as explained by Schwab himself, would be to extend a person’s career long after their physical bodies have given up.

The two-years-old clip sparked the resurface of others shocking instances where Schwab, who was never elected to his position, lays out a dystopian vision for the future.

Earlier this year Schwab announced himself to be the earth’s “trustee of the future.”

“They’re going after coffee farmers. When he says production is ‘fragmented,’ he’s saying it has yet to be captured by corporations & centralized,” he wrote.

“He’s putting a guilt-trip on coffee drinkers for supporting poor coffee farmers because they don’t know any better in their ‘monoculture’ endeavors.”

“It’s all a power grab to seize land and the means of production to carbon tax you and I [sic] to oblivion,” Hinchliffe continued.

Concerns sparked again in January when WEF leaders were asked how they would prepare for Trump’s possible re-election.

Germany’s Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner responded to one question, stating, “Doing our homework is the best preparation for a possible second term of Donald Trump, and this includes our capabilities to defend ourselves.”

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde answered, “I think the best defense, if that’s the way you want to look at it, is attack. And to attack properly.”