The Catacombs

Full Version: In Paradisum, from the Traditional Catholic Requiem Mass
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In Paradisum
from the Traditional Catholic Requiem Mass

This is the traditional, simple and wonderful Gregorian chant as found in the rites of the funeral Mass for the Roman Church.
The Latin lyrics and English translation follow: 

In paradisum deducant te Angeli; in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres, et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem.  Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere æternam habeas requiem

May angels lead you into paradise; upon your arrival, may the martyrs receive you and lead you to the holy city of Jerusalem.  May the ranks of angels receive you, and with Lazarus, the poor man, may you have eternal rest.