The Catacombs

Full Version: Pope Francis would allegedly rather resign than undergo surgery again
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Francis: “Rather Than Have Surgery I Resign”

During a May 23 meeting with the Italian bishops, Francis allegedly said, that he doesn't want to undergo surgery for his gonarthrosis and arthrosis of the hip.

He explained that the last time - when he underwent surgery to solve his colon problem - the anaesthesia caused him unpleasant consequences. According to Sandro Magister he added, “Rather than have surgery I resign.”

The pain in his knee and hip he hopes to solve with massive infiltrations [which will not suffice] and by using the wheelchair as much as possible.

For IlSismografo it is more plausible that the unpleasant effects (Francis: “trouble in the head”) were caused by powerful painkillers used during the first 48 hours after surgery.