The Catacombs

Full Version: Fr. Ruiz: Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary according to St. Louis de Montfort
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December 11, 2021 update

It appears that this video link from Fr. Ruiz posted on YouTube is broken or censored(?). The same video is available on Rumble and BitChute from the good people at SSPX-MC:



Father Ruiz included the following message with this video:


Estimados fieles,

para aquellos que piensan hacer su consagración a la Virgen María en unión con nosotros éste domingo 12 Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, aquí les envío el texto de la consagración en pdf para que lo impriman en papel y con éste hagan su consagración. Sin olvidar firmar con fecha y lugar. Ésta consagración se puede renovar todos los años a la misma fecha, precedida del mes de preparación con sus meditaciones y cada año volver a firmar el texto con fecha, etc.

Que Jesús y su Santisima Madre les bendigan,
Padre Hugo Ruiz V.

English Translation

Dear faithful,

For those who plan to make their consecration to the Virgin Mary in union with us this Sunday 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, here I send you the text of the consecration in pdf to print it on paper and with it make your consecration. Without forgetting to sign with date and place. This consecration can be renewed every year to the same date, preceded by the month of preparation with its meditations and each year re-sign the text with date, etc.

May Jesus and his Blessed Mother bless you,
Father Hugo Ruiz V.

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