The Catacombs

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Recommended Websites

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SSPX-MC Website and associated SSPX-MC YouTube Channel and SSPX-MC BitChute Channel

St. Marys Kansas Resistance - Resisting The New Direction Of The SSPX

The Recusant
A traditional Catholic men's group in the UK, titled LFSPN - Legio Filiorum Sancti Philippi Neri, has a YouTube channel with sermons by various Resistance visiting priests as well as conferences by Mr. Greg Taylor, Editor of The Recusant.

From LFSPN's 'About' page on their YouTube channel:

Quote:Founded less than two year ago, the LFSPN’s vision is clear: do.

The LFSPN was intended as a Men's Group that could surpass the turbulent (and sometimes empty) cage of internet group chats and break through the collective apostolate of the real world where things happen.

The LFSPN is a collective of Catholic Men who remain faithful to God, Tradition and Holy mother Church through active means in their pursuit of Salvation

Here are two conferences on The Virtues. Please consider subscribing!

Dear friends,

As many of you are aware, Frs. Hewko & Ruiz have several times now had their sermons censored on YouTube. The censoring does not affect recent sermons only. Often times, YouTube scans older sermons from a few years ago and if a sermon is found that speaks against official narratives, the sermon is deleted by YouTube and the entire SSPX-MC channel is suspended, each time with a threat to have the channel permanently deleted if similar material is found that violates YouTube's 'guidelines' within a certain time frame.

With much wisdom and prudence, the good folks at SSPX-MC have created an alternate backup website and associated YouTube channel:

These backup options will allow a seamless transition in accessing these good priests' sermons and conferences if YouTube ends up deleting the SSPX-MC channel.  

Please subscribe to this new YouTube channel! A channel can livestream once the number of subscribers reaches 1000. Having a thousand subscribers to the back up channel will provide a smooth transition, particularly in livestreaming if needed. 

Our days are difficult and surely will become only more so but it is our humble honor to be living in them. Ad majorem Dei gloriam!

Thank you and God bless you all!

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A reminder regarding these good sites!
The Recusant has been re-platformed! 

[Image: Screenshot-2024-03-19-050600.png]

The Recusant website remains at the same web address - - but it is newly re-platformed!

It is still a bit 'under construction' though much of it's excellent content is already available.

As always, the Mass schedules for the UK can be found there as well.
The Catacombs would like to recommend a new traditional Catholic Resistance website, The Catholic Trumpet!

From their About page: 

Quote:Who We Are

Welcome to, your unwavering source for defending Catholic tradition against the modernist compromises within the SSPX, the Fake "Resistance" and beyond. Our mission is to expose the gradual erosion of the true Faith since Vatican II, documenting every betrayal and deviation from the legacy of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. We provide meticulously sourced content from trusted traditional Catholic websites, offering clear warnings for any sources that do not fully align with a true Catholic uncompromising stance.

-The ☩ Trumpet

And from the website's Welcome message:

Quote:Welcome to

September 2, 2024

Welcome to, the uncompromising voice in the defense of Catholic tradition and truth. This platform is dedicated to exposing the modernist compromises and deviations within the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and other similar entities, calling all faithful Catholics to rally against the errors that have infiltrated the Church since Vatican II.

At, we blow the trumpet on the gradual erosion of the true Faith through false accords, compromises, and the adoption of modernist practices that undermine the legacy of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Here, we document and analyze every instance of betrayal, compromise, and contradiction that has taken place within the SSPX, standing firm in the spirit of Archbishop Lefebvre's unwavering dedication to the pre-Vatican II Church.

This website is not just a repository of information; it is a clarion call to all traditional Catholics to remain vigilant and steadfast. We provide a wealth of resources, including meticulously sourced documents, critical analyses, and insights into the ongoing battle for the soul of the Church. From the errors propagated by the New Mass to the subtle compromises made in dialogue with modernist Rome, is your go-to source for the truth.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to dedicated outlets like and, whose hard research and comprehensive sourcing have laid the groundwork for our mission. While we have no official association with these outlets, we are fans of their work and aim to amplify their efforts by providing succinct snippets from their long publications, helping to illuminate the path for those seeking clarity amidst the confusion.

Join us in our mission to restore the true Catholic Faith and resist the tide of modernism. Together, by the grace of Our Lady, we will reclaim the Church and see the reign of Christ the King restored.

-The ☩ Trumpet