03-25-2021, 11:20 AM
You, Too, Can Help the Sick and Dying!
Early in World War-II, a young soldier, seriously wounded in combat, Tossed restlessly on a white hospital cot. Terrible pain shot through His shattered body. He sensed all was not well. “Nurse,” he called Out. “help me to pray.” What would we pray with him? How Would we help him prepare for death?
What prayers would you say if you were passing an accident, and the Injured person begged. “Help me to pray!” Would you remember your Prayers? Would you be calm and cool? Do you know what prayers would help a Protestant or unbeliever into Heaven?
More than 80 years ago, a professor at St. Mary Seminary, Norwood, Ohio, pondered this question. Monsignor Raphael Markham knew the Theology of getting unbelievers. Protestants and Catholics into Heaven. He know that an Act of Perfect Contrition and Love could suffice for Baptism of Desire in many cases. He knew the basic truths that all men must believe to be saved. Msgr. Markham composed a small prayer card containing these necessary prayers and recommended its use to all his seminary students. A copy of the card was sent to the Archbishop of Cincinnti, John McNicholas and led to the foundation of the “Apostolate to Aid the Dying” in 1931.
Archbishop McNicholas directed a letter explaining the idea fully to every Catholic hospital in the USA. Thousands of souls have said the prayer on their deathbeds. Many have entered the Church.
Soldiers could assist at the bedside of soldiers, family members at the bedside of a loved one; nurses, doctors, pastors, deacons, and guardians might help a loved one to pray in the hour of their death enabling them to steal Heaven in the same way the Good Thief remained a thief to the end:
“Lord, remember me, when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom.”
This simple prayer, My Daily Prayer, has helped fallen away Catholics, prospective converts members of mixed marriages and non-Catholics alike to draw closer to God.
I believe in one God. I believe that God rewards the good and punishes the wicked.
I believe that, in God, there are three Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
I believe that God the Son became Man, without ceasing to be God. I believe that He is my Lord and Savio, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the human race, Who died on the Cross for the Salvation of all men, Who died also for me.
I believe, on God’s authority, everything that He has taught and revealed.
O my God, give me strong faith. O my God, help me to believe with lively faith.
O my God, relying on Thy almighty power and infinite mercy and promises, I sincerely hope to be saved. Help me to do all that is necessary for my salvation.
I have committed many sins in my life, but now I turn away from them, and hate them. I am sorry, truly sorry for all of them, because I have offended Thee, my God, Who art all-good, all-perfect, all-holy, and all-merciful, my kind and loving Father.
I love Thee, O my God, with all my heart. Forgive me, I implore Thee, for having offended Thee.
I promise, O God, that with Thy help, I will never offend Thee again.
My God, Have Mercy on Me.
![[Image: EIP_xwPX0AIF3Fi.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EIP_xwPX0AIF3Fi.jpg)