The Catacombs

Full Version: Petition to Jesus Crucified - Devotion to the Passion
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Petition to Jesus Crucified

(Taken from St. Alphonsus’ Prayer-Book – pages 452)

    Ah, my crucified Jesus, Look on me with the same love with which Thou didst look on me when dying on the cross for me; look on me, and have pity on me; give me general pardon for all the displeasure I have given Thee; give me holy perseverance; give me Thy holy love; give me a perfect conformity to Thy will; give me paradise, that I may love Thee there forever.  I deserve nothing; but Thy wounds encourage me to hope for every good from Thee.  Ah, Jesus of my soul, by that love which made Thee die for me, give me Thy love.  Take away from me all affection to creatures, give resignation in tribulation, and make Thyself the object of all my affections, that from this day forward I may love none other but Thee.  Amen.