Socialism & Communism
Sub Forums:
- SOS from Australia: Our Human Rights are Gone (0 Replies)
- And not unexpectedly... OSHA to consider expanding mandate to businesses w/ less than 100 employees (0 Replies)
- OSHA vaccine mandate to hit large employers Jan. 4, with hefty fines for noncompliance (0 Replies)
- Australia Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, etc. For Non-Compliance With Fines (0 Replies)
- Kitty Werthmann Witness to History,-"Don't let freedom slip away." (0 Replies)
- This US Patent states a social credit scoring system based on vaccination status (0 Replies)
- Ten Planks of Communism (1 Reply)
- AG Garland "Weaponizes" DoJ Against Dissenting Parents After School Board Association Pleas (0 Replies)
- Do you value freedom? (0 Replies)
- CA High School Teacher Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students: 'Turn Them into Revolutionaries’ (0 Replies)
- Msgr: Dillon 1884: War of the AntiChrist with the Church and Christian Civiilization (1 Reply)
- A reminder...about your best interest (0 Replies)
- Lockdowns as a 'treatment' for Vaccine Conspiracy Theories? (0 Replies)
- Why “Good” People Enable Totalitarians (0 Replies)
- The Road to Totalitarianism (0 Replies)
- Democrat Groups Plan to ‘Fact Check’ Private SMS Messages (0 Replies)
- FBI Asks Americans To Spy On Own Families And Friends To Prevent ‘Extremism’ (0 Replies)
- Video Uncovered of China Professor Claiming US Elites Teamed Up with China (0 Replies)
- IT BEGINS: Banks Now Dictating What Customers Are Permitted to Purchase with Their Own Money (0 Replies)
- Link between Communism and Mask Mandates? (0 Replies)