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COVID Passports

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  1. ‘Really chilling’: Five countries to test European vaccination card (0 Replies)
  2. Biden admin dropping COVID jab mandate for foreign travelers, federal employees next week (0 Replies)
  3. Germany announces color-coded vaccine passport system similar to Communist China’s (0 Replies)
  4. National SMART Vaccine Passport Quietly Rolls Out in US (0 Replies)
  5. Austria launches vaccine passports (1 Reply)
  6. EU wants to extend Covid passports until June 30th (0 Replies)
  7. Quebec Scraps Planned Tax On Unvaccinated Residents Amid Growing Backlash (0 Replies)
  8. Quietly and over some objections, a national digital vaccine card has emerged (1 Reply)
  9. Unvaccinated to be Accompanied by Staff to Make Sure They Don’t Buy Anything Other Than Esssentials (0 Replies)
  10. European "vaccination certificates" lacking the "booster" injection invalid after 9 months (0 Replies)
  11. Judge Blocks Biden's Nationwide Vax Mandate For Federal Contractors (0 Replies)
  12. NYC to Require Full Vaccination to Access Restaurants, Gyms, Etc.; 5-Year-Olds Need Min. One Shot (0 Replies)
  13. Spanish Investigation Finds Vaccine Passports Have No Impact On Infection Rates (0 Replies)
  14. 62% Of Swiss Citizens Vote To Keep Covid Vaccine Passports (0 Replies)
  15. German Companies Creating Segregated Canteens For Vaccinated And Unvaccinated (0 Replies)
  16. Unvaccinated People to be Banned From Berlin Christmas Markets (0 Replies)
  17. Business groups ask White House to delay Biden Covid vaccine mandate until after the holidays (0 Replies)
  18. Victoria’s Dan Andrews: Those without vaccine passports will be excluded from economic and social ac (0 Replies)
  19. German state allows ALL businesses to ban unvaxxed customers, even for groceries & other essentials (0 Replies)
  20. Massive Protests Erupt Worldwide Against Vaccine Passports & Lockdown Tyranny (0 Replies)
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